Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 449 Martial Alliance

Chapter 449 - Martial Alliance

"Go to Ancient Devil Region to cultivate?" Honestly speaking, Long Chen only wanted to get to the Holy Martial Empire as soon as possible and find a way to enter there. At the same time, he wanted to increase his own strength. In reality, the increase in power had a lot to do with the surrounding environment.

After you arrive at Holy Martial Empire, you still need to find a place to increase your strength and increase your knowledge, and joining a few big powers, with the help of the sect's elders, the effects will be more obvious, and ordinary big sects will have many super techniques, just like the Ancient Devil Region. The so-called Heaven Tier Battle Skill, I think you can find a place to cultivate your strength and knowledge, and joining some big powers, with the help of the sect's seniors, the effects will be more obvious. Zhao Qingyun said somewhat sorrowfully.

"Master, I want to rely on my own experience to improve my own strength. As for the sect, I have not really thought about it." Long Chen shook his head.

No one can rise quickly enough by yourself, you might not even have the right to do so in the Imperial City. With your current strength, you might be able to dominate the Canyang Kingdom, but in the Holy Martial Empire, you are just a lowly person. Moreover, it is easier to obtain more powerful combat skills, and there are also many opportunities to gain experience. In fact, due to the strong compet.i.tion, your strength will increase even more quickly, just like how it was in the Demonic Palace. Didn't your strength increase by leaps and bounds in one day? " Zhao Qingyun tried to persuade her patiently.

"Is there any place like the Inverse Wonderland s? I want to find some places with more demonic beasts. " Long Chen directly stated his goal, but he actually agreed with what he said. However, to him, the most important thing was still the demonic beast. After all, that was the most important guarantee for him to quickly raise his strength.

"Ancient Devil Region, a territory that is over the size of several dozens of Canyang Kingdom s, is one of the most important members of Holy Martial Empire, how can there not be any Demon Beasts occupying this area?" Zhao Qingyun stroked her beard and laughed.

"Good. Master, I will keep this token for now." When I get to Holy Martial Empire, I will go there to take a look. Try your best to enter the Ancient Devil Region, but Master, what is the Martial Alliance you mentioned just now? " Long Chen asked.

"The Holy Martial Empire is known as the Divine Martial Realm, and the strongest power amongst them is bound to be related to Wu. In the Holy Martial Empire, all the large powers formed an alliance that controls the entire nation, called Martial Alliance, and then selected an alliance master of the Martial Alliance, leading all the powers in the Holy Martial Empire. Although the Ancient Devil Region is strong, they are still restricted by the Martial Alliance. However, the Ancient Devil Region can be considered a force that can lift something heavy as though it is light. " Zhao Qingyun explained.

"So it's like that." Causing all the forces in the Holy Martial Empire to form an alliance and then going out together was the situation in the Holy Martial Empire. It seemed like it was not bad, but he did not know how much danger was involved.

After Zhao Qingyun finished introducing the Martial Alliance, it was about time. Long Chen took a deep breath and pulled the wolf cub into his embrace. He said to Zhao Qingyun and Murong Yu: "I'll be leaving now, goodbye."

"Wait!" Murong Yu shouted anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the unnatural expression on her face, Long Chen hurriedly asked.

"I, Long Chen, can I tell you, this empress, I did it for you?" In the end, Murong Yu mustered his courage and asked. After saying that, her face turned a little red.

Long Chen's mind shook.

She was also a genius, she could also have her own future, and could also go out and adventure. At that time, because of a single sentence from Long Chen, she agreed to confine herself to this small place, the Canyang Kingdom, and help him manage the situation. After she became the emperor of the Canyang Kingdom, she had to take care of a lot of things.

From this, it could be seen how deep her feelings for Long Chen were.

"I'm sorry." Long Chen sighed, and could only say apologetically.

"It's alright," Murong Yu forced out a smile and gathered up her courage: "I just wanted to say, when you find that you really can't go on, don't forget that there are still people waiting for you in the Canyang Kingdom."

Looking at Murong Yu's sincere and emotional expression, Long Chen's heart trembled. After a long while, he finally recovered from her shock, bit her lips and said: "I don't dare to dictate your decision. It's just that I have already decided on my own path, I will definitely walk to the end. "Sorry."

"It's alright, you go." Murong Yu smiled, and the expression on her face gradually returned to normal.

Long Chen hesitated for a moment, but still nodded his head. He decisively turned around, and walked towards the Universe Teleportation Formations, step by step.

At the last moment, when Long Chen turned around, he saw Murong Yu leaning on Zhao Qingyun's shoulder, and her tears fell like rain.

Long Chen clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

He knew that he couldn't bear such deep love right now, so he could only be heartless and merciless.

When the light disappeared, Long Chen also disappeared from the valley.

A new journey, starting now.

When going from the outside world to the small universe, one would experience a period of confusion. However, he could quickly adapt to it. In the Qiankun Great World, the use of Universe Teleportation Formations's shuttling was even more terrifying.

Long Chen felt as if he was in a dream. He was suspended in an endless black tunnel, and there seemed to be a lot of black stuff flowing behind him at a very fast speed.

When he had entered the Universe Teleportation Formations, in order to save the Tongtian Pill, Long Chen had already brought the little wolf into the Great Void Realm. Thus, at this moment, he was shuttling back and forth in the tunnel by himself.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with his body.

During the journey to the Snow Peak Mountain Range, Zhao Qingyun had taught him the method to activate the Universe Teleportation Formations using the Tongtian Pill. With this method, Long Chen could use thirty Tongtian Pill by himself, thus he only had seventy Tongtian Pill left, which was enough for him to reach the Heavenly Completion Stage Level 1.

He simply did not know how much time had pa.s.sed, or if it was just for an instant, or perhaps it was for eternity. It was only at a certain moment that Long Chen finally realized that in front of this endless black tunnel, a speck of white light had appeared.

This white light continued to grow bigger. From that white light, Long Chen could smell a kind of Vast Expanse, which should be the Holy Martial Empire. Holy Martial Empire was one of the Ten Great Saints s among all the Realm of Myriad Kingdoms s. It commanded thousands of small nations like the Canyang Kingdom s, so the terror of its strength could be imagined.

The feeling of the Vast Expanse filled Long Chen's heart with reverence.

"From now on, I am about to embark on a new journey. I hope that we will still be able to meet again with regards to the Canyang Kingdom." Long Chen sighed in his heart. Actually, there were many that he couldn't bear to part with. His family, his foster father, even that woman Liu Lan and that foolish Murong Yu, he was a little unwilling to part with. He always felt that it would be hard to leave them like this.

"A man must have his own determination in his heart. "Right now, I am following the path that I have chosen, so let's move forward. Brilliance is created by my own blood and sweat!"

Thinking about it, Long Chen couldn't help but feel a little heroic.

"Holy Martial Empire, we're here!"

About this, we are referring to him, as well as the little wolf. Of course, we have added the always funny fat cat, the legendary heaven defying Reincarnation G.o.dly Beast.

The white dot before his eyes instantly expanded before Long Chen's eyes and instantly engulfed Long Chen within it. Long Chen felt that instant of refreshment, and the shackles on his body seemed to have been completely removed at that instant. And at this moment, Long Chen suddenly felt that he had stepped on solid ground.

It was a feeling of being alive.

Long Chen heaved a sigh of relief. He had finally completed the teleportation of the Universe Teleportation Formations and exited the d.a.m.ned black tunnel. The feeling of the outside world was simply refreshing.

But before Long Chen even had the chance to experience that comfortable feeling, he was suddenly overwhelmed by the strong atmosphere around him. Right after exiting the Universe Teleportation Formations, he felt that it was unusually crowded around him, with countless powerful auras all around him. He looked up, and saw that the small Universe Teleportation Formations was actually filled with people, and beside Long Chen, there were a few people crowded, and each person's strength was not low either!

His current ninth level of the Milky Way Realm seemed extremely normal …

Long Chen inhaled a breath of cold air, and swallowed down the words he was about to curse at. As for the others, they looked around speechlessly at the crowd around them, unable to react for a moment.

"d.a.m.n it, you are all pigs, hurry up and get out of there. There are even people who want to get out of the Universe Teleportation Formations!" At this moment, a sharp sound rang out, and a fiery red whip actually lashed into the crowd, directly causing two people to scream miserably.

"Hurry up!"

After leaving the Universe Teleportation Formations, only then did Long Chen clearly see the person holding the fiery red whip. He was a middle-aged man with a face full of stubble, wearing a golden satin robe, extremely mighty.

Just by looking at the word "martial", Long Chen felt a strong aura rushing over, causing him to be secretly shocked.

"Just a single word on her clothes is enough to make me feel terrified. This Holy Martial Empire is truly terrifying. I think these people should be the people from the Martial Alliance. But, the people of the Martial Alliance are waiting beside the Universe Teleportation Formations? "

Long Chen realized that he knew nothing about this world.