Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 4466 Dispersion

Chapter 4466 - Dispersion

The Daliang Dragon Emperor was also alone, and brought a few generals of the Dalianglong with him.

The Flame Dragon Emperor was by himself as well, with six Flame Dragon Envoys.

If they walked together, it was definitely because the Daliang Dragon Emperor took care of the Flame Dragon Emperor. After all, the Flame Dragon Emperor only had the Dragon Emperor's second level inherited blood, which was two levels lower than the Daliang Dragon Emperor.

Of course, both sides had the peak of the ninth stage of tribulation of reincarnation.

Other than the level of the dragon emperor's inherited blood, there was basically no difference between the two of them.

"Flame Dragon Emperor?"

When Daliang Dragon Emperor saw the Flame Dragon Emperor, he was somewhat surprised, but since it was a friend recommended by Jiang Shen Wu, he was willing to make friends with him.

The Flame Dragon Emperor arrived quickly, and after chatting for a while with Jiang Shen Wu, they got to know the Daliang Dragon Emperor.

The Dalianglong was probably located in the middle between the Flame Dragon Empire and the Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial Academy, which was quite a distance away. If not for the Void Crack Battlefield, the two Dragon Emperors would never have met, let alone become friends.

But now, they had met in Void Crack Battlefield, and they had become good friends through Jiang Shen Wu's introductions. Maybe in the future, they could become good friends.

"Your Flame Dragon Empire has nurtured a genius like Jiang Shen Wu, he's truly extraordinary!"

When Daliang Dragon Emperor heard that Jiang Shen Wu was from Flame Dragon Empire, he was immediately shocked and impressed.

"Your Dalianglong is still the most powerful one. Our Flame Dragon Empire is only a small border dragon country. If it wasn't for the appearance of Jiang Shen Wu, I'm afraid we wouldn't even be able to enter your eyes."

The Flame Dragon Emperor laughed heartily: "Furthermore, to be honest, this Jiang Shen Wu was not under my tutelage at all. On the contrary, he has given our Flame Dragon Empire face."

"Today we will act together. We hope that we will be able to reap more rewards at the moment of the monster's attack."

Daliang Dragon Emperor laughed and patted the Flame Dragon Emperor's shoulder.

After that, the two of them, the Dragon Kings, and Jiang Shen Wu bid each other farewell.

As for the son of the Daliang Dragon Emperor, Liang Cheng, he was only an ordinary genius. At the very least, he could be considered ordinary in the Dragon Martial Academy.

If he came to Void Crack Battlefield, he would not even know how he died.

The current Liang Cheng, was definitely not even comparable to Chu Qingyun. After all, Chu Qingyun had trained at Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial School for a long time, and had even been specially groomed by Zuo Xiaofeng for a period of time.

Even if it was the current Chu Qingyun, he would only be cannon fodder in the Void Crack Battlefield. However, he guessed that it would be impossible for the current Liang Cheng to even be here, let alone face the demon's attack.

The departure of the Daliang Dragon Emperor and the Flame Dragon Emperor made Jiang Shen Wu feel slightly at ease.

Although the Flame Dragon Emperor had brought the Flame Dragon Amba.s.sador here for a long time and had experienced several demon attacks, he shouldn't be in any danger.

However, when the demons attacked, there were still some that depended on luck. If their luck was bad and they ran into a large group of demons, it would be safer for the Flame Dragon Emperor and Daliang Dragon Emperor together.

"Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial Academy, Qin Fengyu, Liu Hua, Bao Peng and Qin Shouzhi have all not come."

Jiang Shen Wu looked around, but didn't see any of his old friends. It seemed that they hadn't been able to keep up with his recent strength.

Generally speaking, only students who had reached Tian Xuanqu's level would come to the Void Crack Battlefield to improve themselves, the majority of the other students would stay at the Dragon Martial Academy. Jiang Shen Wu was an exception to this rule, otherwise, no one would come to the Void Crack Battlefield.

This was a grand occasion.

What appeared in front of Jiang Shen Wu were hundreds of Dragon King, each of them bringing a few Dragon King powerhouses from their respective Dragon King Kingdom.

Even if it were those Dragon King experts, their strength was not inferior to many students of the zodiac region. After all, they were all Dragon King experts with the ninth level of tribulation of reincarnation.

For example, the six Flame Dragon Envoys.

Their strength would at least reach the level of Xiao Yuhua and Little White. However, because it was only inherited essence blood from the Dragon King, they would be suppressed by the Dragon Emperor in battle.

And the advantage of their cultivation base was enough to make up for this suppression.

To put it bluntly, on the battlefield of resisting the spatial crack demon, the students of the Dragon Martial Academy were basically just subordinates. The most fundamental fighting strength were still the Dragon Kings and Dragon Kings of the Dragon King Kingdom.

As for the top students, they were the instructors of Dragon Martial Academy and the top students of the Tianshu District.

Even at the most crucial moments, the heads of the four great Dragon Martial Academy would appear, such as Yu Ya Ji, Zuo Xiaofeng and the others.

Countless people were waiting for the monster's attack to start.

The demons came out from the spatial crack. Every month, the spatial crack would open up, and during this period of time, a large number of monsters would appear from the spatial crack and attack the surrounding Unparalleled Barrier.

At this time of the month, the heads of the four academies would attack together and kill most of the void demons.

In reality, the others were just picking up the loot. After all, the Void Crack area was simply too vast, and there were simply too many Void Demons. Even the four great super dragon chairmen couldn't kill them all.

At this moment, the numerous Dragon Fighter were gathered together. Then, Jiang Shen Wu saw the figures of four supreme dragons that were several tens of thousands of meters tall appearing from the air in front of them. They arrived in front of everyone.

"As usual, everyone will be divided into four large locations and distributed to all parts of the Unparalleled Barrier."

"We don't have enough people, we can't cover the entire Unparalleled Barrier. There are still dangers."

"If we encounter danger, I'm afraid we won't even have the chance to call for help."

Quite a number of people began discussing in private.

Jiang Shen Wu also heard the discussions, but he didn't care. When he was facing the onslaught of monsters, he had already planned to face them head on.

Soon enough, the four superdragons in front of him didn't say anything. After seeing everyone gather, they all flew in four different directions.

"Anyways, don't follow Zuo Xiaofeng."

Jiang Shen Wu thought to himself as he aimed in Yu Ya Ji's direction and followed her.

Since Zuo Xiaofeng had enmity with him, it was equivalent to him seeking death.

As for the Southern Emperor and the North Wasteland Dragon Martial School's two princ.i.p.als, Jiang Shenwu didn't know anything about them. Since he didn't know them personally, there was no need for him to follow them.

'Maybe I can save him at a critical moment? '

There were a total of more than two thousand Dragon Fighter s, and they were distributed to all parts of the Unparalleled Barrier according to this order.

The monsters that appeared from the spatial crack attacked in all directions.

They only needed to guard at the edge of the Unparalleled Barrier, and wait for them to charge, and then hunt them down. This was the most suitable way, because if they discovered that there were too many enemies, they could retreat to the Unparalleled Barrier and rely on the Unparalleled Barrier to isolate them.

In that case, no matter how strong the void monsters were, no matter how many they were, they wouldn't be able to hurt them.

But what was important was that they had to submit the information on time, otherwise, if the Unparalleled Barrier was breached, the situation would become serious.