Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 4458 Demonic Dragon Soldier

Chapter 4458 - Demonic Dragon Soldier

"It's here, it's here!"

Luo Ha and Xu Qin were the most excited among the crowd. After all, they had always known that Jiang Shen Wu could create miracles.

However, right now, both sides were in different Dragon Martial Academy. It could be said that they were competing against each other.

As they saw Jiang Shen Wu's ultimate counterattack erupt forth, all of them were filled with excitement.

Looking at the eight Superior Demon Spirit s rushing towards Jiang Shen Wu, Jiang Shen Wu ignored them and unleashed a berserk Devil Qi tornado blade formation, launching a counterattack at the injured Upper Demon General.

At this moment, Upper Demon General never thought that such a situation would occur.

Although it had been lying in ambush outside the Demon Sealing Fog, it did not know what had happened inside, nor did it know that the first Medial Demon General had been killed by Jiang Shen Wu using such a counterattack.

At this moment, the Whirlwind Saber Formation had descended!

The rampage of the devilish qi caused the Upper Demon General to be extremely shocked. This power was even stronger than the devilish techniques that it had used!

The black ball treasure that appeared outside of its body was already submerged in the endless demonic energy before it could even play any role.

"So powerful."

The scene on the stage caused almost everyone to be dumbstruck.

At this moment, Jiang Shen Wu's powerful strength was deeply engraved in the hearts of Qin Xiaoyue and the rest of the five!

When the tornado blade formation descended, even the Upper Demon General was unable to withstand its corrosion. Its incomparably berserk destructive power, which contained an unimaginable destructive power, broke through the Upper Demon General's hurried defense.

Then, it landed on its demonic body. An endless destructive force exploded forth, as though it wanted to destroy everything!

Upper Demon General let out a terrifying roar, the devil body started to crack and shatter, the tornado blade formation formed by the devil qi split his devil body into pieces.

The power that came from its own body was gathered together to counterattack; it was completely unstoppable!

The crucial point was that he was still not mentally prepared.

Therefore, the Upper Demon General was unable to unleash her true strength, and her devil body was suddenly smashed to smithereens by Jiang Shen Wu's ultimate counterattack.

With their demonic bodies shattered, how could they possibly survive?

The aura of the Upper Demon General was getting weaker and weaker.

Just before it died, it sent a command to the eight Superior Demon Spirit s surrounding it to escape, to return back, and report the news of the Dragon Fighter Jiang Shen Wu to the Void Demon Clan.

The appearance of the Dragon Fighter was a huge threat to the entire race of Void Monsters.

If the clan did not know of the existence of such a Dragon Fighter, they would most likely suffer a great loss in the future, or even more than one great loss. Who knew how many of their fellow demons would die at the hands of Jiang Shen Wu.

He had to send the news back!

The eight Superior Demon Spirit s, who were originally patrols, moved quickly and nimbly. At this moment, they were even retreating in eight directions!

They did not hesitate at all.

If they stayed, it was extremely likely for them to die, since this place was closer to the Dragon Fighter's camp.

If they continued to fight, they would definitely die.

Furthermore, they might not necessarily need support. Adding them all together, none of them could compare to Upper Demon General, so if even Upper Demon General was killed by Jiang Shen Wu, what was the use of all eight of them?

Therefore, they chose to escape from this place and tried their best to send the news back!

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Jiang Shen Wu to catch up to him at this time.

The corrosive power of the opponent's devil energy had far exceeded the extent where Jiang Shen Wu could endure. If not for the Upper Demon General being injured by Qin Xiaoyue and the rest, Jiang Shen Wu would have already died.

Even so, Jiang Shen Wu's current situation wasn't too good.

Fortunately, his Devouring Power was very strong. With enough Demonic Cores on him, as long as he didn't die, he would be able to recover at the fastest speed.

Seeing the eight Superior Demon Spirit s escape, he knew that it was impossible for him to chase after them. He could only swallow another two Spirit Demon Cores and use all of the energy within them to help heal his injuries.

He had never stopped using the Dark Dragon's Cover Worm before.

"Upper Demon General's magic pill!"

"The Demon Weapon used by the Upper Demon General!"

Liang Xiao was the fastest, as he ran to the side of Upper Demon General's body that was already in pieces, and took out the two most important things.

There was no need to talk about magic pill, it was their main proof for killing this Upper Demon General, so they could exchange for a lot of Demon Hunt Points.

As for the Demon Weapon, it had an even deeper meaning to the Dragon Fighter.

In general, within the Void Monster race, only Demon Generals are qualified to use Demon Weapons, and most of them are only qualified to receive Upper Demon General's Demon Weapons.

Once the Demon Soldiers were captured, it would be a great fortune.

It was said that when these demonic weapons were forged, they used materials that the Dragon Martial Continent did not have. Even Unparalleled Dragon s would find it difficult to obtain that material.

This precious material was called "magic crystal".

A magic crystal was made of a material that was extremely compatible with nature's spirit energy. It was able to greatly enhance the harmony between Dragon Fighter and nature's spirit energy. If a Dragon Soldier was created, not only would it increase one's battle power, it could also increase one's cultivation speed.

Any Dragon Soldier that has been added to a magic crystal is called a magic Dragon Soldier.

Demon Dragon Soldier. Currently, out of the four great Dragon Martial Academies, there weren't many students who had them, because it was too rare.

After handing it in, he had kept a portion of it. He wanted to use it to make the Dragon Soldier that he used for his own use, but for the creation of the demonic Dragon Soldier, it would take a long time and would require him to pay a fee.

So far, there was not a single Demonic Dragon Soldier that had been created.

The Upper Demon General magic weapon that Jiang Shen Wu had obtained was a black orb, about the size of a human fist, but it was made entirely out of magic crystals!

Compared to the magic weapons that some people had previously seized, this magic weapon contained more magic crystals.

"We can share the Upper Demon General's magic pill together."

Jiang Shen Wu kept the magic pill and magic weapon that Liang Xiao had pa.s.sed to him, and then looked at the Qin Xiaoyue who was not far away: "Originally, we could have split them into half, but unfortunately, the eight Superior Demon Spirit s ran away in the end. I'm afraid they have to report my news to them, which increases the degree of danger that I will have in the Void Crack Battlefield in the future."

"So, I personally need forty percent of this magic pill. Qin Xiaoyue, your people and mine, split the remaining thirty percent. If you think it's okay, you can split it according to this. "

This kind of distribution was quite reasonable.

However, a student behind Qin Xiaoyue seemed to be in a bad mood. Just as she stood out and wanted to speak, she was stopped by Qin Xiaoyue.

Qin Xiaoyue didn't have any power now, so she looked at Jiang Shen Wu with a complicated expression and said: "I agree to your distribution method."

In reality, even if Jiang Shen Wu wanted to swallow that magic pill, she wouldn't say anything. After all, she didn't have the right to choose right now.

Not just that, but if it weren't for Jiang Shen Wu, she would have already died. None of the people she brought with her would have been able to return alive.

Just by this point, she had already agreed with Jiang Shenwu's distribution.

As for that magic weapon, although she was jealous, but she knew that it was impossible for her to have a share in it.

Although she put in a lot of effort during the process of killing Upper Demon General, her cultivation resources were limited, so Jiang Shen Wu couldn't possibly give it to her for no reason. No matter what, Jiang Shen Wu was the one who had defeated Upper Demon General.

The most important thing was, everyone could see the pain and suffering that Jiang Shen Wu had gone through in this battle.

If Jiang Shen Wu said he wanted to divide the treasures like this, then who would refuse?

Qin Xiaoyue didn't want to break up with Jiang Shen Wu anyway. She had a hunch that if she befriended Jiang Shen Wu now, there would be no harm in it.