Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 4448 Fortuitous Encounter

Chapter 4448 - fortuitous encounters

It was an endless starry sky, and the aura of a s.p.a.ce monster was left behind everywhere.

Occasionally there would be howls of monsters coming from the distance.

Jiang Shen Wu and the other three had transformed into dragons and flew out of the disk. They discovered that around the disc, a few Unparalleled Dragon seemed to have built a barrier around it, sealing off the surrounding s.p.a.ce.

Due to the s.p.a.ce cracks being too large, the defensive strength of the barrier had been scattered and it wasn't too strong as a whole.

Any random void beast without a superior cultivation could blast a hole through this defensive barrier.

However, it was said that no higher level Void Demon had appeared yet, at most, it was only equivalent to a Supreme Dragon Rank Demon Commander. The moment the Demon Commander appeared, Yu Ya Ji, Zuo Xiaofeng and the other three chairmen would take action.

At the same time, Jiang Shen Wu also heard that the old patriarch of the Dragon Fighter's hidden family had come to watch over the round disc, to face the enemy together.

This time, it could be said that the entire Dragon Martial Continent had joined forces to fight the enemy together.

Once the Void Monster invaded the Dragon Martial Continent, it would be a disaster.

But now, they were all stopped by the Unparalleled Barrier s surrounding the spatial tear. It was impossible for them to charge out just by relying on the power of the Void Monster itself.

Thus, the spatial disc was safe, as was the surrounding s.p.a.ce.

Only after entering the Unparalleled Barrier would they encounter Void Monsters!

When they entered the Unparalleled Barrier, Jiang Shen Wu and the other three immediately became vigilant. The aura of the remaining void demons was too dense, it was as if countless void demons had died here.

Looking at the translucent and incomparably vast Unparalleled Barrier, Jiang Shen Wu thought in his heart: "I'm afraid that when the Void Monster rushed out, it had a huge battle with the Unparalleled Dragon and the super divine dragon."

"Ordinary Void Monsters are naturally no match for them. Even if thousands or tens of thousands of them were to charge in here, they would all be destroyed in a single move."

Jiang Shen Wu sighed.

The difference in power was simply too important.

With his current strength, he would only be a cannon fodder in this place. Of course, his potential for growth was great, and as long as he grew, he would be able to rule over all of Void Crack Battlefield.

The five of them went into the Unparalleled Barrier together.

A few other Dragon Fighter Team s were travelling together. There were Dragon King s, as well as students from the Four Great Academies' Dubhe Region and Tian Xuanqu.

In the darkness, everyone carefully moved forward, planning to find a Void Demon to practice their skills.

"According to our intelligence, most of the wandering monsters are members of the scout group."

"They are fast, nimble and have special means of communication. Once they find out then we will be able to face stronger monsters."

"The previous wave of monsters that rushed out of the crack haven't been completely exterminated. In addition to the exterminating of the leader of the group of monsters, there are a lot of monsters left over. They were deliberately made for us to train."

Xiao Yuhua talked about the information she had gathered while she was still in the spatial disk.

"Not just for us to train."

Liang Xiao laughed and said, "There are a lot of Void Monsters, even if it's a super dragon or a Unparalleled Dragon, they won't have that much energy to kill them all.

"That's right, the seniors most likely have other things to do."

Jiang Shen Wu turned his body to the side and looked at Unparalleled Barrier, thinking that it was just like this Unparalleled Barrier, other than Senior Unparalleled Dragon, it was basically impossible to create anything else.

This was a Unparalleled Barrier with a circ.u.mference of tens of thousands of miles!

The spatial tear was extremely wide, and if they could not wrap it in the middle, the Void Demons would be able to reach the protective barrier of the Dragon Martial Continent as soon as they rushed out. Then the Dragon Martial Continent would be in great danger.

The best outcome would be to confine the Void Demons to a small area near the void fissure.

The first monsters that rushed out were probably wandering in the surrounding starry sky. However, the small amount of monsters couldn't create any waves. The four academies had basically formed a small team to exterminate the monsters.

The most important thing was the Void Disc, it guarded the outside of Unparalleled Barrier, guarding the Void Crevice, ensuring that no more Void Monsters would rush out.

The five of them flew deeper into the Unparalleled Barrier.

"The Nightmare Beast seems to be able to play a big role in such an environment."

As Jiang Shen Wu looked around at the pitch-black environment around him, he suddenly thought of something.

Without a doubt, in this pitch-black void, if the Nightmare Beast wanted to hide, no one would be able to discover its existence!

And right now, the Ink Nightmare Beast seemed to be helping the five of them hide their auras. Although it couldn't completely hide their auras, it could at least allow them to transmit their auras several times less than before.

As a result, the probability of them being discovered by the patrolling monsters was reduced to one out of four.

On the contrary, in this situation, Jiang Shen Wu's perception was extremely sharp. It was very likely that he was the first one to discover those Void Monsters!

"Isn't this Jiang Shen Wu?"

Suddenly, before Jiang Shen Wu and the rest could encounter a Void Demon, a surprised voice was heard from the side.

Jiang Shen Wu's expression changed, he looked towards the direction of the voice and saw two familiar faces: Luo Ha, Xu Qin!

Luo Ha and Xu Qin, were originally Yuheng District Student s of Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial Academy.

However, right now, their strength seemed to have advanced by leaps and bounds. They had already obtained the inherited essence and blood of the Dragon King, and had even broken through to the The First Stage of the Calamity of Samsara.

Otherwise, they would not have appeared here, since most of the places were places that students who had reached Tian Xuanqu's level could come to.

Other than Luo Han and Xu Qin, there were three other students from Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial Academy. Walking with them, there was also a five man team training nearby.

This time, Luo Ha and Xu Qin greeted each other in surprise.

"You know Jiang Shen Wu?"

The other three students of Eastern Emperor Dragon Martial School seemed to be a little stronger than Luo Ha and Xu Qin.

As Lin Ming saw Jiang Shen Wu, his complexion slightly changed. It was obvious that they didn't have a good impression of the name Jiang Shen Wu.

"We've met before."

Luo Ha nodded his head, with a complicated look on his face.

"It's best if we don't come into contact with such treacherous people."

One of the black-clothed women lightly said as she looked at Jiang Shen Wu: "Moreover, in this Unparalleled Barrier, you actually turned into a dragon and flew away, you simply do not know how to write the word 'death'."

Hearing his words, Luo Ha and Xu Qin's expression became even more complicated. Obviously, they had a good impression of Jiang Shen Wu, but unfortunately, under the current circ.u.mstances, they could not go and reminisce with Jiang Shen Wu.

Not just that, but all they did was go through an experiential learning mission together with Jiang Shen Wu. In terms of friendship, it really couldn't be said that they were friends.