Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3962 Ji Yuan

Chapter 3962 - Ji Yuan

"I concede!"

When Meng Chong was continuously being attacked by Jiang Shen Wu, he knew that he could no longer change the outcome of this battle.

His Tornado Strike was no longer a threat to Jiang Shen Wu. Even without the Heavenly Sacred Halberd, he would not be able to receive any damage from Meng Chong.

After Meng Chong admitted defeat, this battle could be considered as Jiang Shen Wu's victory.

All the Dragon Fighter s on the spectator stand exclaimed in admiration.

This was the first battle of the top five. When everyone thought that Jiang Shen Wu would be defeated, he had actually forcefully broken everyone's guesses. Even with his dragon tail cut off, he was still able to turn a defeat into a victory; this sort of willpower was truly terrifying.

With the dragon tail cut off, the pain alone was unimaginable. Not only could Jiang Shen Wu endure this kind of pain, but he could also be reborn in a desperate situation; it was truly admirable.

Many people began to have a different opinion of Jiang Shen Wu.

Even if Jiang Shen Wu were to lose every match, just this one victory was enough to make everyone look at him in a new light.

No matter what, no one would think that Jiang Shen Wu was very strong. After all, Meng Chong's strength was average in the first place, so he would definitely be weaker than the rest in the finals.

"I actually lost!"

Meng Chong, who had been carried back, had regained his human form and was quite dismayed by this outcome. He originally wanted to first defeat Jiang Shen Wu and prove his strength, then fight against Meng Chou in the end.

Now, it seemed that he could not even defeat Jiang Shen Wu, much less Meng Chou.

"You're too weak."

After he returned, Meng Chou indifferently said to him. She was very disappointed that her cousin had actually lost to that Jiang Shen Wu.

This was something he had never expected.

One must know that the reason why Jiang Shen Wu was able to break through to the second stage of the Divine Martial Realm during battle was also because Meng Chong did not give Jiang Shen Wu a fatal blow, which allowed him to successfully break through.

Jiang Shen Wu had given up before, but this loss of Meng Chong's made it seem that the Mongol tribe was not as good as the Zang clan. In fact, the Mongol tribe's overall strength was much better than the Zang clan's.

Of course, the number of people in the Zang clan was small, but there were a lot of geniuses in the clan, so the pressure placed on the Mongol tribe during the Clan Gathering was too great.

This time, Meng Chou's goal was to defeat Zang Feng, obtain first place, and continue the authority of the Mongol tribe. As for Jiang Shen Wu, Meng Chou did not put him in his eyes at all.

"I didn't expect him to make a breakthrough on the spot."

Meng Chong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and with difficulty sat on the spectator stand, he coldly looked at Jiang Shen Wu who was at the other side, and was completely unconvinced.

But whether or not he was convinced or not, he had already lost to Jiang Shen Wu, and there was no way he could change this outcome.

To Meng Chong, what he needed to do now was to rest and quickly consume some healing pellets to help his wounds recover quickly, because he still had three battles left to fight. They were Meng Chou, Zang Feng and Ji Yuan.

Although he felt that the chances of defeating Meng Chou right now was slim, it was a rare opportunity, so it was impossible for him to admit defeat without going up and fighting.

"Just wait for me to take revenge for you."

Meng Chou laughed faintly, he was disdainful of the fighting spirit in Meng Chong's eyes. He never thought that he would lose to Meng Chong, even if the other party was his cousin, he would still treat him as his own opponent.

This was because the strength he was hiding was too strong!

Given the combat power that Meng Chong had just displayed, she would definitely be defeated within the span of a few breaths.

"You should also be careful of that Jiang Shen Wu. His talent is truly strange."

Meng Chong couldn't help but remind his.

"I'm not you. Do I have to go all out to deal with this kind of trash? "

Meng Chou scoffed, he did not place Jiang Shen Wu in his eyes at all.

The following match, was Zang Feng against Ji Yuan.

Everyone was paying close attention to this battle, because it was really difficult to determine the victor for both sides' strength. Everyone thought that Zang Feng was very strong, but he was the strongest person among all the Dragon Fighter s that had awakened within three years, so he definitely could not be underestimated.

The Ji Clan gave birth to a rare genius, Ji Yexuan. This girl must have her own unique insight into certain aspects of cultivation, and with's guidance, her improvement would definitely not be slow.

In any case, in the previous matches, neither Zang Feng nor Ji Yuan had used their true strength.

This made everyone even more curious about the strength of both of them.

After Jiang Shen Wu came out from the compet.i.tion, he was also looking forward to see the strength of Zang Feng and Ji Yuan. Previously, he did not know the actual strength of these two, so looking carefully at them now would be of great help to him.

Before the Clan Martial Meet had begun, everyone had predicted that Meng Chou and Zang Feng would be the two people with the strongest powers out of everyone present.

But until now, Meng Chou, Zang Feng, and Ji Yuan had not displayed their strongest strengths, so no one knew who was strong and who was weak.

Jiang YuNing sat beside Jiang Shenwu, curiously asking him, "Jiang Shenwu, who do you think will win?"

Jiang Shen Wu narrowed his eyes.

He had his draconic tail chopped off just now, but with the power of devouring and the precious healing pellets provided by the authorities after returning to the spectator stand, his injuries were mostly healed.

Furthermore, he had secretly consumed a Spirit Demon Core provided by the Xi Residence, which helped his injuries recover faster.

"I feel that Ji Yuan has a higher chance of winning."

Jiang Shen Wu made a guess.

He did not guess randomly, but he made a judgment based on the expressions in both of their eyes. Zang Feng's eyes were filled with confidence and superiority, giving others the feeling that he would definitely win.

But there was only one kind of expression in Ji Yuan's eyes: calm.

This kind of gaze contained an even deeper level of confidence. Not only was he confident enough in his own strength, he was also not blindly arrogant. It could be seen that even if he faced Zang Feng, Ji Yuan was not afraid in the slightest.

To be able to make it all the way to the finals and become one of the top five in the Clan Martial Meet, Ji Yuan's strength could be imagined.

Even if he was a little weaker than Zang Feng, his att.i.tude would have a higher probability of winning. After all, at a time like this, with both parties having similar strengths, their mentality would easily affect the outcome of the battle.

"Are you joking? It is widely acknowledged that the strongest people in this year's Clan Martial Meet will be Zang Feng and Meng Chou, and Ji Yuan is definitely not his match. "

Jiang Fengqing who was at the side could not help but mock and ridicule him.

All of the nearby people also looked over. None of them were optimistic about Jiang Shen Wu's guess, because in the entire martial arena, there were very few people who thought the same way as Jiang Shen Wu, that Ji Yuan would defeat Zang Feng.

"There's no point in guessing this now. Anyway, the results will be out very soon."

Jiang Liuxue coldly said.