Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3954 Top Ten!

Chapter 3954 - Top 10!

At this time, Ji Yuefeng also realized that something was wrong.

This was because she knew very well how long it would take for her to obtain her natural sealing ability. After the Dragon Mark Moonlight Heavenly Net was destroyed, the sealing power could only last for a short period of time within the enemy's body.

"Fallen Moon Slaughter Dragon Mark!"

Ji Yuefeng snorted, her entire body enveloped in moonlight, countless blade lights filled with killing intent once again descended from the sky, condensing and forming above the martial arena, they swept towards Jiang Shen Wu.

"Magical crystal!"

purple magic crystal continued to gather on Jiang Shen Wu's face, while he continued to unleash the Sky Splitting Dragon's Shadow, trying his best to dodge Jiang Shen Wu's attack.

Very quickly, the black dragon body that Jiang Shen Wu had transformed into was struck to the side of martial arena.

Even though he was constantly dodging the opponent's attacks, he was still unable to evade them all because the opponent's Dragon-Calling Martial Technique was too dense. The moment he got hit by one of them, his entire Divine Dragon Body would lose its balance and would be forced to retreat.

"Although this kind of attack does not have much killing power, it makes one angry. If one is unable to get near to the other party, one can only be toyed to death by them."

Jiang Shen Wu thought.

Although Ji Yuefeng was only at the Third Stage of the Divine Martial Realm level, she had many methods up her sleeves. Even if it was when facing off against Jiang Shen Wu, she had ways to stall for time, and if she wasn't careful, she might even be able to defeat Jiang Shen Wu.

In particular, in the torrential storm of attacks, there was also a giant net. Taking advantage of the time when Jiang Shenwu couldn't dodge, it once again enveloped him, preventing him from using the Devouring Power.

This caused Jiang Shen Wu to be extremely impatient.

"Heavenly Saint Halberd, kill!"

Jiang Shen Wu could not use his innate strength, so he could only use the Shadow Dragon Tooth Transformation. If he wanted to defeat his opponent, he could only rely on the Heavenly Saint Halberd.

The way he used the Heavenly Sacred Halberd was ever-changing in his hands. At this moment, he transformed into a gigantic golden halberd, instantly tearing through the sky, surging towards Ji Yuefeng's Divine Moonlight Dragon!

The golden holy light illuminated the entire arena.

Countless moonlight blade lights condensed once again and appeared, but the moment these blade lights made contact with the gigantic golden halberd, they were bounced back and exploded, unable to push back Jiang Shen Wu's Divine Dragon Body anymore.

The closer the distance between the two parties, the more unparalleled the might of the Heavenly Saint Halberd on Jiang Shenwu's body. It had even surpa.s.sed the destructive power he had when he was in the hands of the other Dragon Fighter s.

Even though his innate strength had been sealed, just with the Heavenly Saint Halberd, he was still able to fight against Ji Yuefeng head on!

In the next moment, with the halberd in hand, Jiang Shen Wu suddenly struck Ji Yuefeng's Moonlight Divine Dragon with the body of a Dark Dragon.

"Roaring Sky Dragon Claw!"

This Dragon-Calling Martial Technique used the body of a Divine Dragon Body, it did not require the use of innate strength, Jiang Shen Wu was unable to use the Shadow Dragon Tooth Transformation, and could only unleash this technique.

The Heavenly Sacred Halberd, accompanied by the divine dragon's claw, descended with a loud bang, smashing the Moonlight Divine Dragon Ji Yuefeng had transformed into onto the martial arena, then smashed down with a loud bang!

What followed was an extremely intense and intense battle. Jiang Shen Wu and the purple magic crystal continued to emerge from the Divine Dragon Body's surface, blocking the moonlight that Ji Yuefeng had created.

When Jiang Shen Wu got close to his opponent, he would not be pushed back at all. His dragon claw firmly held his opponent and the Heavenly Saint Halberd condensed into a golden halberd, glowing with a golden holy light that condensed killing intent!


The golden halberd descended with a loud crash, leaving several holes on the Divine Moonlight Dragon's body. The Divine Dragon's fresh blood flowed out from its wounds.

If Jiang Shen Wu could use the power of devouring, he could have killed Ji Yuefeng very quickly. Unfortunately, he couldn't use the power of devouring now.

"Gentle Moonlight Touch!"

The innate moonlight that shone from Ji Yuefeng's entire body shone, covering the entire Divine Moonlight Dragon's body. It actually continued to heal her injuries, causing the divine dragon's blood that was flowing out to completely solidify as well.

"This is a healing Dragon Skills!"

Jiang Shen Wu could not help but praise. Without a doubt, Ji Yuefeng's overall fighting capabilities were much higher than those fellows he had met before the Clan Martial Meet. At the very least, it was the one that made him feel the most pressured up until now.

Regardless of whether it was the sealing power of the moonlight or the gentle touch of the moonlight, both gave him a difficult feeling to deal with.

"In this situation, we must kill him in one strike!"

Jiang Shen Wu was not afraid of getting hurt after connecting with his Devouring Power, it was the same for the Ji Yuefeng in front of him.

If he wanted to kill the other party, he had to do it in one go, or at the very least heavily injure him.

"Heavenly Saint Halberd, come again!"

Numerous golden halberd condensed in the air, shining with boundless killing intent, and finally accompanied by a bit of pitch black devouring power. Although the devouring power could not be used up much, the opponent's seal of moonlight was weakening.

Taking advantage of the fact that his opponent was still using the healing Touch of Moonlight Dragon Skills, Jiang Shen Wu once again launched an attack.

It was very obvious that Jiang Shen Wu's attack was extremely powerful and Ji Yuefeng was unable to defend against it at all. The defensive barrier formed by the power of moonlight was instantly destroyed.

Many new wounds appeared on the Divine Moonlight Dragon's body, causing Ji Yuefeng's heart to sink. It was clear that even though Jiang Shen Wu didn't have the [Devour] Inherent Skill, he still had the strength to defeat her, and she had no way of breaking through Jiang Shen Wu's defense.

There was no point in continuing to fight like this.

Even if she used all her strength, she still wouldn't be able to injure Jiang Shen Wu. How could she expect to defeat Jiang Shen Wu?

"I admit defeat."

Ji Yuefeng endured the pain, released a dragon's roar, and in the end, admitted defeat.

Jiang Divine Wu's attack couldn't be considered too strong. She could still resist it, but her defensive capabilities were simply too terrifying. She had been biased towards his defenses to begin with, but now compared to him, she simply wasn't worth mentioning.

Obviously, the body tempering Dragon Skills that Jiang Shen Wu trained in was too powerful, under the cover of the purple magic crystal, his opponent was unable to make a move, and could not do anything about Jiang Shen Wu's iron-like defense.

"How did he manage to cultivate the Refinement Realm's Dragon Skills to such a degree?"

Now that he comprehended a dragon-ranked Body Refinement Dragon Skills, just how much suffering had Jiang Shen Wu suffered?

Furthermore, how many resources did he use to be able to continuously recover after being injured and raise his body refining Dragon Skills?

Ji Yuefeng didn't dare to imagine.

"Enter the top 10!"

After Jiang Shen Wu came down from martial arena, he had been looking forward to the fight. Confidence flashed in his eyes, and he became more vigilant.

To be able to suppress him with just a Third Stage of the Divine Martial Realm and force him into such a difficult battle, if Zang Feng, Meng Chou, Ji Yuan and the others had similar methods to control him, then it would be a bad omen for Jiang Shen Wu.

Of course, this was not enough to make Jiang Shen Wu retreat.

In the finals, he would bring out even more strength!