Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3950 Abstaining

Chapter 3950 - Abstaining

Next up was the Losers Group compet.i.tion.

As Jiang Shen Wu sat on the spectator stand, he didn't pay much attention to these people's matches. After all, these were all people that had lost in the first round of the semifinals.

Even Qiu Linyun, whom he had just defeated, was already the strongest in the Losers Group.

In the first round of the lots, there were no strong clashes. The battle between Jiang Shen Wu and Qiu Linyun could already be considered to be the fiercest one, but of course, what made people unhappy was that Qiu Linyun directly admitted defeat, which caused the battle to not last long.

Jiang Liuxue encountered a inheritor of Third Stage of the Divine Martial Realm in the second round of the semifinals, so her luck was pretty good. After a round of battle, she successfully defeated her opponent and charged into the second round.

However, Jiang Liuxue was also very clear that it would be very difficult for her to pa.s.s through the second round. There was a very high chance of meeting an opponent that she could not handle, and just like in the first round, she would directly be defeated by Ji Yuan without any chance to retaliate.

Although her talent was not weak, she had mainly cultivated for less than a year, and her martial arts cultivation was much lower than others. Although her talent was not weak, she had mainly cultivated for less than a year, and her martial arts cultivation was much weaker than others.

A compet.i.tion of this scale would determine the distribution of the clan's benefits. It was extremely difficult to hold it every year, and there was no need for it.

To the Dragon King, the Clan Martial Meet was only a method of distributing the benefits among the various large clans. It was a test of average strength, and it was completely normal for it to be a little bit unfair.

Qiu Linyun also successfully defeated his opponent, and advanced to the second round of the compet.i.tion.

At this point, there were a total of 70 people left partic.i.p.ating in the second round. In the first round, 30 people were eliminated, and in the second round, there would be another 30 eliminated.

"Whether Jiang clan can obtain enough cultivation resources in the next three years will depend on you."

At this time, Jiang Yue-Ning arrived at Jiang Shenwu's side, speaking to him in a deep voice.

"Mn, I will strive to obtain the best results for Jiang clan."

Jiang Shen Wu solemnly nodded.

After all, he was Jiang Zizai's son and was a member of the Jiang clan. Even if Jiang Rong became the Patriarch and even chased him out of the Jiang clan, he could not turn a blind eye to it.

As long as he managed to get a good result in the Clan Martial Meet, he would have enough authority to pull Jiang Rong off his horse.

Fortunately, this initial target was getting closer and closer.

Jiang Shen Wu had consumed all kinds of innate energy now, so his resistance towards the various Dragon Fighter s was very strong. Even the strongest Meng Chou had the power of the Giant Rock and The Power of Spiritual Fire respectively.

Of course, the most important thing to note was that their cultivations were too high, and the destructive power of their talents far surpa.s.sed that of the Ordinary Dragon Fighters s.

Thus, one had to be extremely careful when battling in the finals.

The next day, Jiang Shen Wu and Xi Yuying went to the Martial Arts Practice Field to host the Clan Martial Meet.

"Good luck."

On Xi Yuying's ice-cold face, a hint of gratification could be seen. "We've already reached this point, we're not far from our goal."


Jiang Shen Wu nodded. He didn't know who his opponent would be, but no matter who it would be, he had the confidence to face them.

Of course, this was on the premise that he would fight with his opponent in the second round of the semifinals …

When everyone had gathered at the clan Martial Arts Practice Grounds, the second round of the semifinals had begun.

Very quickly, the result of the draw was out, Jiang Shen Wu's opponent was actually the strongest warrior from Zang clan, Zang Feng!

This caused Jiang Shen Wu to furrow his eyebrows.

Zang Feng was a Fourth Stage of the Divine Martial Realm expert who possessed the The Power of Spiritual Fire, and was definitely one of the top three in the entire clan compet.i.tion. If they were to fight with him now, if they received any injuries, it might affect the third round of the semifinals tomorrow.

After all, this was only the semifinals. Jiang Shen Wu thought for a moment and decided to give up on this match.

In any case, it would be extremely easy for him to stand out in the Losers Group, so there was no need for him to fight Zang Feng head on.

Moreover, even if he defeated Zang Feng now, Zang Feng would still stand out amongst the losers group. He might even have to fight a match with Zang Feng in the end.

Although Jiang Shen Wu was confident in defeating his opponent, he didn't want to fight such a difficult opponent.

"I forfeit."

Jiang Shen Wu bluntly said.

If he admitted defeat, it wouldn't affect his final result. His final goal was to be first place, and he would need to consume less strength before that.

When he made this decision, all the Dragon Fighter in martial arena were surprised, but after being surprised, they expressed their understanding towards Jiang Shen Wu's choice.

"This kid knows his own strength. Knowing that he's not Zang Feng's opponent, he chose to surrender."

That's right, if I were to fight with this Zang Feng, I might be seriously injured, and that way, I might not even be able to defeat him in the Losers Group.

"In order to guarantee that he can enter the next round of the semifinals, this Jiang Shen Wu's idea is not bad. I thought he was arrogant enough to want to fight with Zang Feng."

Everyone was laughing and discussing.

The strongest youth of the Zang clan, Zang Feng, was now looking at Jiang Shen Wu with disdain. Although she understood the decision Jiang Shen Wu had made, she still underestimated him.

He originally thought of Jiang Shen Wu as an opponent, but now it seemed that this little protagonist was a coward.

Facing him, who did not even dare to fight, he actually gave up. This was truly too disappointing.

As the audience discussed this matter, Jiang Shen Wu simply didn't care.

"This is a strategy, right?"

Xi Yuying, on the other hand, was very familiar with Jiang Shen Wu. She knew that Jiang Shen Wu was not someone who would give up easily, but in a meaningless battle, there was no need to waste energy.

Other than Xi Yuying and Xi Tao, most of the people in the other spectator stand felt that Jiang Shen Wu was truly admitting defeat. For a moment, they were slightly disappointed with Jiang Shen Wu.

However, no matter how disappointed they were, it wouldn't affect Jiang Shen Wu.

To Jiang Shen Wu, all he hoped for was a final victory. As for what the process would be like, he only needed to ensure the safest and safest. It wasn't that he had to win all of them along the way.

After an entire morning, the second round of the Clan Martial Meet's semifinals had finally ended.

Zang Feng won without fighting, and then entered the third round of the semifinals.

Qiu Linyun was the same, other than that, Ji Yuan, Meng Chou and the other clan Powerful Dragon Fighter s were not defeated.

What Jiang clan did not expect was Jiang Liuxue. She encountered a blood of the dragon who was a stage higher than her in the Martial Dao. It was Meng Luotian who had come from the Mongol tribe and suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of her opponent.

"Jiang clan is too weak. Jiang Shen Wu is the same!"

Meng Luotian was incomparably contemptuous towards Jiang Liuxue!