Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3946 Monarch Life-And-Death Arena

Chapter 3946 - Hegemon life-and-death arena

Ji Yexuan saw through Jiang Shen Wu's motive for coming to the life-and-death arena.

She said indifferently: "Didn't you notice that when Jiang Shen Wu was fighting with the Astral Flame Wolf, he could barely withstand its attack, but in the end, the Astral Flame Wolf was unable to hurt him?"

"Isn't it because the Astral Flame Wolf's vitality and essence was being devoured, causing it to become weaker and weaker?"

Ji Yuan asked curiously.

"Not just that."

Ji Yexuan saw through it, and explained: "Just the weakness of the Astral Flame Wolf itself will not cause its attack power to decline so quickly. There is another crucial point, and that is, at the same time that Jiang Shen Wu devoured the Astral Flame Wolf's power, he also increased his own resistance to the Astral Flame Wolf's power."

"This can explain why he chose to come to the life-and-death arena at this time to pick these demon beasts for a death match. "This is absolutely not for the sake of tempering himself. Otherwise, why didn't you wait until after the Clan Martial Meet ended so that you could come over?"

"Therefore, Jiang Shen Wu is 100% preparing for the Clan Martial Meet."

"I heard that the first one was a Great Rock Bear. It possessed the power of a huge boulder, similar to the Mongol tribe's Meng Chou. This Astral Flame Wolf is the power of the stars and the power of flames. The latter is similar to the strongest genius of Zang clan, Zang Feng. "

Ji Yexuan squinted her eyes: "If I am not wrong, the opponent he will pick next, will have power similar to or equal to some of the stronger warriors in the clan gathering!"

"Are you saying that he will continue to fight? "But he was almost killed by the Astral Flame Wolf, and the Divine Dragon Body was cut in half."

Ji Yuan said in a serious tone.

He looked at the life-and-death arena's cage that was being cleaned, and found it hard to believe.

After Ji Yexuan said these things, he also felt that Jiang Shen Wu's goal was definitely not to come to the life-and-death arena to train.

The innate power that Ji Yuan possessed was the power of stars, which was similar to the Astral Flame Wolf's power of stars. If his resistance to the power of stars was strengthened, doesn't that mean that Jiang Shen Wu could also have stronger defense when facing off against him?

If that was the case, then this person's innate ability was too terrifying!

Although this sort of matter was a bit suspicious of cheating, it had never happened before. Thus, it couldn't be said that Jiang Shen Wu had violated the rules, and the main reason was that no one could prove this point.

Even Ji Yexuan was only guessing, not 100% sure.

And many sharp-eyed people like Ji Yexuan could see through these guesses of theirs. For example, the Holy Dragon Summer Flame and the Holy Dragon Xi Tao, they could all guess that Jiang Shen Wu had an idea about the First in the Clan Martial Meet, which was why he chose the Great Rock Bear and the Great Rock Bear as his opponents.

"I do want to see if you dare to choose more demon beasts."

Holy Dragon Summer Flame laughed coldly.

To him, Jiang Shen Wu's actions were quite unexpected, but it also allowed him to guess Jiang Shen Wu's talent and strength.

Thus, if Jiang Shen Wu wanted to continue fighting, then the next challenger would be some specific powerhouse that he would have to face in the Clan Martial Meet.

After these five days of preliminaries, the innate strength of a few strong pract.i.tioners were basically all exposed. Even Meng Chou's Huge Rock power was already seen through, let alone those who had come along with him. )

This way, Jiang Shen Wu could completely swallow most of his strength and increase his resistance to it!

This way, Jiang Shen Wu would have a much easier time during the Clan Martial Meet.

Holy Dragon Xi Tao also thought of this. In his heart, he was somewhat looking forward to this. Who knows, this boy might actually be able to obtain the number one spot in the Clan Martial Meet?

Of course, Xi Tao was not sure. After all, Jiang Shen Wu was a whole three levels lower than Meng Chou and the others, and the difference between the two levels allowed them to have about seven to eight times greater talent.

With such a large gap, it was hard to use other things to make up for it.

Even if Jiang Shen Wu possessed a Dragon Rank Dragon Soldier, the Heavenly Saint Halberd could only make up for one level of cultivation at most. In many ways, it would have to be made up by his own innate strength.

Although the talent that Jiang Shen Wu displayed was very terrifying, but could it really make up for the huge gap between their realms?

Xi Tao couldn't be sure of this either.

This was because such a thing had never happened before in the past.

"It is said that when this child first awakened and became a Dragon Fighter, he was only a normal dragon. It seems that he relied on his own efforts and luck to walk step by step to become a blood of the dragon."

Xi Tao had a good impression of Jiang Shen Wu.

Not to mention anything else, with such a lucky chance, coupled with hard work, his future achievements would definitely not be any worse.

But now, if he wanted to take first place in the Clan Martial Meet, how could that be easy?

What the people in spectator stand thought had nothing to do with him. He only needed to make sure that the greatest secret of his innate strength was not exposed, and then, as many demon beasts as possible would come to challenge him, swallowing up enough strength to strengthen his resistance to all kinds of powers.

In this way, there would not be any problems in tomorrow's semifinals, and as for the finals, it would be good to see how it would fend off Meng Chou, Zang Feng and the other strongest people.

One by one, Sky Demon Beasts of the second and third stage went up to the life-and-death arena's Prison to fight with Jiang Shen Wu. However, Jiang Shen Wu was able to kill all of these demon beasts one by one and then devour all of their power.

At the start, there were still some people who bet that Jiang Shen Wu would die at the hands of these demon beasts, but after the third and fourth demon beasts were killed by Jiang Shen Wu, all of the spectators became numb.

If not for the fact that they were sure that the life-and-death arena and Jiang Shen Wu were not related, everyone would have thought that the life-and-death arena had invited this brat to cheat them!

The key was that in this kind of situation, the life-and-death arena itself had suffered a heavy loss. These demon beasts with strong strengths were all captured alive at a huge cost, they had all gone through hundreds of battles, and were the wealth of the life-and-death arena. But now, they were all killed by Jiang Shen Wu.

This made the investors of the life-and-death arena bleed in their hearts.

Including the first and second Great Rock Bear, Jiang Shen Wu killed seven powerful Sky Demons in a row, and almost monopolized life-and-death arena!

In this period of time, Jiang Yueli and Xi Yuying had bet every time on Jiang Shen Wu to win. The two girls originally had fifty thousand and a hundred thousand Dragon dollars, but now they had both won five million and ten million.

But after that, he wouldn't be able to earn much money in the next three times. Because the payout rate was lower, he only managed to win back 100,000 yuan out of a bet of 1 million.

But most of the time, they were nothing more than meat. In every battle, the two women would bet all their money on the choice that Jiang Shen Wu would make.

Although the two girls were overjoyed, they were not overjoyed by the increase in a.s.sets. Rather, they were overjoyed by the fact that Jiang Shen Wu was able to win multiple battles and survive from the life-and-death arena's cage.