Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3940 Beheading

Chapter 3940 - Killing

On the martial arena, the Great Rock Bear was getting weaker and weaker, until it could no longer even attack properly.

In addition, the huge rock barrier that covered his body was getting weaker and weaker.

Jiang Shen Wu turned around, and the Heavenly Sage Halberd transformed into countless golden halberd s, and together with the Shadow Dragon Tooth Transformation, they descended towards the Great Rock Bear. This time, they had finally caused huge wounds on its body!

Obviously, after the Great Rock Bear was devoured, it no longer had the ability to defend against Jiang Shen Wu's attack. At that moment, its defense was broken, and its entire body was drenched in blood.

This scene was witnessed by many of the n.o.bles and officials of the spectator stand, and they were all shocked for a moment.

They originally thought that Jiang Shen Wu would be killed by the Great Rock Bear very soon, since he couldn't even break through the Great Rock Bear's defense, but they never thought that in the blink of an eye, Jiang Shen Wu would actually be able to heavily injure the Great Rock Bear.

The most important point was that the Great Rock Bear had suddenly become weak. Most of the n.o.ble officials and dignitaries could tell this point, but they could not figure out what exactly was going on.

"This is too strange, just now Brother Tu was very fierce, how come he suddenly became dispirited?"

"I don't know. According to rumours, Jiang Shen Wu's innate strength is the power of devouring. This kind of power can make demon beasts become weak?"

"Could it be that the life-and-death arena is doing this on purpose? Letting Jiang Shen Wu kill Brother Tu and create a disturbance?"

"The life-and-death arena is an old name for the Dragon Prison City, it has a deep relationship with all the great manors, it is impossible for it to be specially built for the Xi Residence."

"That's strange, then the problem lies in this boy's talent."

The crowd broke out into a flurry of discussion.

All the officials and dignitaries who had been pessimistic at first were now excited. These people had all bet on Jiang Shen Wu to win, and they thought that all the money they had bet would go down the drain, but they didn't expect Jiang Shen Wu to turn the tide.

With three times the odds, once they won the bet, they would be able to reap an extremely rich reward!

In particular, some wealthy families actually bet millions on Jiang Shen Wu to win. To be able to win back over tens of millions in a single go was truly a joyous occasion for them.

In comparison, even more people had bet on Jiang Shen Wu to lose to the Great Rock Bear. At this time, they all had sullen faces, and in the entire life-and-death arena, there was a total of tens of millions that went down the drain, losing out to the officials and officials who bet on Jiang Shen Wu to win.

Jiang Yue-Ning and Xi Yuying both revealed smiles at this moment.

The two girls did not bet on the hundreds of thousands of Dragon dollars, but they were relieved to see that Jiang Shen Wu had finally stepped into victory.

As long as Jiang Shen Wu was not in danger, then it would be extremely good. Furthermore, in this round, Xi Yuying had also seen some clues.

In the center of the arena, the black dragon body that was formed by Jiang Shen Wu intertwined with the Great Rock Bear and was completely enveloped by the black devouring power, causing it to be unable to move and completely fall onto the life-and-death arena.

Very quickly, Jiang Shen Wu had devoured more than half of the Great Rock Bear's Giant Rock Strength, increasing his resistance to the Giant Rock Strength to a terrifying degree.

However, at this point, it was still a waste for Jiang Shen Wu to fight against the Monte family alone, since Jiang Shen Wu was a blood of the dragon from the Fourth Stage of the Divine Martial Realm. If he wanted to defeat the opponent, he would need to devour even more powers from the huge boulder, in order to be able to block the opponent's attack and find an opportunity to do so.

Otherwise, with Jiang Shen Wu's current defensive capabilities, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand two moves from his opponent, and would probably die in martial arena.

"I must continue to devour the power of the Giant Rock!"

Jiang Shen Wu thought in his heart, but right now in life-and-death arena, there was no other Great Rock Bear, nor were there any other Spirit Beasts that possessed the power of the Giant Rock, he could not let them take one out, he could only take a step back and devour the other powers.

In that instant, the pitch-black devouring force dissipated, and everyone realized that the Great Rock Bear named "Brother Tu" had died on the life-and-death arena, and Jiang Shen Wu was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy, as he stepped on the Great Rock Bear's head.

"Jiang Shenwu wins!"

The life-and-death arena caretaker immediately announced. At the same time, her tone was filled with disbelief and shock.

Obviously, even he did not expect Jiang Shen Wu to actually be able to defeat the Great Rock Bear, he had already planned to offend the Xi Residence, and he did not want to save Jiang Shen Wu either. After all, the life-and-death arena had its own rules.

If there were to be an exception this time, then no one would come to life-and-death arena in the future.

In any case, the life-and-death arena had a huge background and was not someone a mere Xi Residence could shake. Furthermore, this Jiang Shen Wu was only Holy Dragon Xi Tao's future son-in-law, he could not be considered a true Xi Residence person.

Even if Jiang Shen Wu died here, Holy Dragon Xi Tao wouldn't go all out against him.

The most important thing was that the rules for challenging the life-and-death arena was to provoke all the officials and n.o.bles in the Dragon Prison City and the Dragon Fighter's family mansion. Even the Xi Residence would not do such a thing.

Then, the life-and-death arena began to count, taking back all the Dragon dollars that had been thrown around the life-and-death arena by the guests. After he finished counting, he prepared to give a portion of the Dragon dollars to Jiang Shen Wu, as well as pay a million Dragon dollars that he had agreed upon beforehand.

Then, on spectator stand, the bet that was just opened started to be settled.

Jiang Yue-Ning immediately obtained one hundred and fifty thousand Dragon dollars, making one hundred thousand in net profit. As for Xi Yuying, she also obtained three hundred thousand Dragon dollars, earning two hundred thousand.

After all, in normal times, Xi Residence wouldn't give her too much pocket money. He would directly buy some precious things from Sage Dragon Xi Tao, but she didn't need to buy them himself.

Of course, compared to making money, the two girls were more willing to see Jiang Shen Wu defeat the Great Rock Bear, and survive from life-and-death arena.

Their eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with joy, looking at Jiang Shen Wu who was present, as if he was an undefeatable war G.o.d of Dragon Fighter.

"The Devouring Power is too powerful, he wouldn't really be thinking of defeating the strongest member of the Clan Martial Meet, Meng Chou, right?"

Xi Yuying thought.

After she received the three hundred thousand Dragon dollars, she watched as Jiang Shen Wu followed the life-and-death arena's butler and returned to the life-and-death arena, leaving the martial arena.

"Will he continue to challenge me?"

Many n.o.ble officials had this question in their hearts. Generally speaking, once a Dragon Fighter succeeded in challenging the life-and-death arena, most of them would not choose to continue challenging the life-and-death arena. After all, the risk was too high.

If he succeeded in his first challenge, he would be able to earn a lot of money.

However, something unexpected happened.