Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3938 Gambling

Chapter 3938 - Gambling

"He only has First Stage of the Divine Martial Realm and yet he wants to take first place in the Clan Martial Meet. Jiang Shen Wu, you have truly shocked me."

Xi Yuying's eyes rippled with light.

Every time she thought that she had seen through Jiang Shenwu, she would discover that he would soon show an unimaginable side to her.

Right now, many of the officials and dignitaries in the life-and-death arena thought that Jiang Shen Wu was just looking for trouble and wanted to gain some experience. Hence, they chose Great Rock Bear at the second level of the Sky Demon Realm as their opponent and all of them thought that he would die.

But no one would have ever thought that Jiang Shen Wu's target would actually be Meng Chou, the strongest genius in the Clan Compet.i.tion!

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Jiang Shen Wu who was on the battlefield was fully focused as he watched the Great Rock Bear being released from a pa.s.sage and landed on top of the life-and-death arena in a violent rage.

Very quickly, both of them were in a cage.

It was a 200 foot tall giant brown bear demon beast. In front of a human, it was like a small mountain. It appeared in front of Jiang Shenwu, completely hiding the light of the setting sun.


The Great Rock Bear 'brother Tu roared angrily, sprinting towards Jiang Shen Wu's location, completely disregarding the tiny little human in front of him.


Seeing this, the people from spectator stand jumped in fright.

The Great Rock Bear was so fierce, could it be that it could kill the brat in an instant?

However, this worry was completely unnecessary.

Just as the Great Rock Bear was about to pounce towards Jiang Shen Wu, Jiang Shen Wu instantly transformed into a dragon, and a three hundred meter long Black Dragon body suddenly appeared in the field.

The battle style of Great Rock Bear was close combat.

Even with a height of sixty meters, he wouldn't be at any disadvantage when facing off against Dragon Fighter who was a hundred meters tall.

Suddenly, he jumped up into the air. His figure was as fast as the wind. In a split-second, he grabbed Jiang Shen Wu's tail with both hands, and a pair of brown bear paws was suddenly pulled out of the ground!

The terrifying power almost tore Jiang Shen Wu's dragon tail apart, but the purple magic crystal still covered his dragon tail, forcibly blocking the enemy's tearing strength.

"Shadow Dragon Tooth Transformation!"

Jiang Shen Wu turned around, the devouring force suddenly surging out, countless Shadow Dragon Tooth rained down like rain, smashing onto the Great Rock Bear's body, but this Dragon-Calling Martial Technique was actually unable to cause any damage to it.

His opponent's defense was actually this terrifying!

Jiang Shen Wu was a little surprised, but he did not panic. The golden Holy Light of the Heavenly Saint Halberd appeared above his black dragon body, suddenly bringing the Great Rock Bear with him as he flew up into the sky.

The Great Rock Bear's body was lifted up into the air and it immediately let out a furious roar. The power of the huge rock finally exploded outwards and formed numerous huge rocks on its body, smashing down towards Jiang Shen Wu.

Each of these rocks was like a small mountain. After a ma.s.sive force smashed into the ground, it was able to bring Jiang Shen Wu closer to the ground, making it impossible for him to fly up high.

Very quickly, Jiang Shen Wu's entire black dragon body was smashed to the ground. The two giant objects fell down with a loud bang, causing the entire life-and-death arena to tremble.

"Good!" "Alright!"

Seeing that, the thousand over guests in spectator stand became excited. Although they had not awakened to become Dragon Fighter, they could still get some clues about the battle between Dragon Fighter and the Goblin Beasts.

In the current situation, it was clear that both sides were evenly matched. They loved to watch battles like this the most.

If it was a one-sided battle, then it would be too boring and uninteresting to watch.

"I never thought that Xi Residence's son-in-law would have some skills. To be able to endure Brother Tu's attacks, this Divine Dragon Body is much stronger than the previous Dragon Fighter."

"That's right, there are a few purple magic crystal covering the surface of his Divine Dragon Body. It seems to be some sort of body refining Dragon Skills. There aren't many people who train in this kind of Dragon Skills."

"That's right, all of the Dragon Fighter s that Brother Tu fought before used the Defensive Dragon Martial Skill to block Brother Tu's attacks. In the end, their defenses could not withstand it, resulting in the Divine Dragon Body being torn into two, dying in an extremely miserable manner."

"It seems like this kid still has some chance of winning."

Many of the spectators were discussing with their heads; even though the battle was extremely intense, it was just a spectator's battle to them. No matter who won, it didn't really matter.

But now, someone was already setting up a bet on spectator stand.

"Come, come, come!" Those who bet on Brother Tu to win, three to one, and those who bet on Jiang Shen Wu to win, one to three! "

Many people took part in the gambling house. From the odds they had of winning, they probably thought that Jiang Shen Wu only had a one-third chance of winning.

That was normal.

Although the t.i.tle of Xi Residence's future son-in-law was very scary, brother Tu was a regular customer of the life-and-death arena, and calling him a "star" was not excessive. He had a lot of loyal "fans", and towards this Great Rock Bear, many spectators were very optimistic, believing that it was not willing to lose to a talented kid with First Stage of the Divine Martial Realm.

"Hmph, they are underestimating me. I have fifty thousand Dragon dollars, I bet all of them on Jiang Shen Wu to win."

She could not bear to see this group of people acting in such a manner, so she went up and threw out fifty thousand Dragon dollars. This was practically all the wealth she had on her, and it could be seen from how much trust she had in Jiang Shen Wu.

Most importantly, she didn't want to see Jiang Divine Wu lose, so she placed her bet on him winning. She hoped that he would be able to survive this battle.

Xi Yuying thought about it, and also bet a hundred thousand Dragon dollars on Jiang Shen Wu's win option. Since she was born in the Xi Residence, her a.s.sets would naturally be slightly higher than Jiang Yue Ning's, but it wouldn't be by much.

The two of them added up to a hundred and fifty thousand Dragon dollars. If Jiang Shen Wu died in the hands of the Great Rock Bear, then not a single bit would remain.

However, if Jiang Shen Wu could win, they would be able to obtain four hundred and fifty thousand Dragon dollars, which was a net profit of three hundred thousand Dragon dollars!

This payout could be said to be a huge profit.

If Xi Yuying didn't only have a hundred thousand Dragon dollars on him, she would have bet even more on Jiang Shen Wu's victory.

But no matter what, these hundred and fifty thousand Dragon dollars, compared to the gamble, would not affect them much. After all, those present were all rich people.

Very quickly, the bet expanded to the size of several tens of millions of Dragon dollars.

There were already n.o.bles throwing money at the life-and-death arena, and these Dragon dollars were all out of the martial arena. After the battle, they would be taken away by the life-and-death arena, and half of them would be given to the victorious Dragon Fighter.

Of course, if Dragon Fighter died in the hands of the demon beasts, these Dragon dollars would all belong to life-and-death arena.