Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 3936 Deaths And Deaths

Chapter 3936 - The Fall of Life and Death

Jiang Shen Wu continued to observe the situation of the match.

Today was the last day of the Clan Martial Meet's preliminaries, and just now, he had fought the Zang Xijian for the first time, so there were still many matches to be fought.

After four days of observation, Jiang Shen Wu had a general understanding of the strength of the majority of the Genius dragon martial artist s partic.i.p.ating in the Clan Martial Meet.

For example, the strongest genius of the Monte family s, Meng Chou, was now a blood of the dragon of the Fourth Stage of the Divine Martial Realm.

Even if Jiang Shen Wu had reached First Stage of the Divine Martial Realm, it would be extremely difficult for him to defeat Meng Chou right now, and it might even be close to impossible. If he were to fight with Meng Chou now, Jiang Shen Wu's chances of losing the battle would be very high.

Fortunately, in these five days, Jiang Shen Wu had been devouring his opponent's talent power, and thus he had a certain level of resistance towards some of them.

The power of Meng Chou's Inherent Skill was the power of a giant boulder, and the strongest Genius dragon martial artist in the Zang clan, the power of his Inherent Skill was also the power of the The Power of Spiritual Fire, which had an extremely terrifying destructive power.

"As long as we can absorb the power of the giant rock during the semifinals, we'll be able to contend against these two fellows."

"There are also some other blood of the dragon s who cannot be ignored."

Jiang Shen Wu glanced over the scene and began to think of a plan.

Having already reached this point, he didn't want to give up halfway through his five days of complete victory.

His father, Jiang Zizai, was able to obtain the first place in the Clan Martial Meet, and was able to sweep through all the Dragon Fighter, so he must do the same. Otherwise, how could he possibly look for the missing Jiang Zizai?

It was impossible for him to go to a place where even Jiang Zizai had gone missing with his current strength, not to mention successfully finding him.

Therefore, he had to be stronger than Jiang Zizai!

"Then, let's start with the Clan Martial Meet." "With the first place ranking of the Clan Martial Meet as the goal, there will always be a way."

He had already memorized all the possible opponents he would encounter in his heart. Then, on the last day of the battle, before it was completely over, he left the martial arena and headed for another place in the city — — life-and-death arena!

The life-and-death arena was a place where the Dragon Fighter fought with demonic beasts.

This was a cruel place, but at the same time, it allowed the Dragon Fighter to receive the greatest amount of tempering. This was because the spirit beasts that were imprisoned in the life-and-death arena had all experienced many life and death battles, and they all had their own ways of dealing with the Dragon Fighter.

Killing these demon beasts was extremely difficult, and there were even who often died in life-and-death arena, becoming food for the demon beasts.

As a result, only Dragon Fighter who were extremely short of money would come to life-and-death arena to fight against these Goblin Beasts for the sake of entertainment.

Right now, Jiang Shen Wu's goal was to find a place to fight in life-and-death arena.

"The second round of the compet.i.tion is about to begin. The battle of life-and-death arena must begin."

Jiang Shen Wu was very clear on the weakness of his current situation. Compared to, Zang Feng and the other Genius dragon martial artist, he only lacked time, but with the power of devouring, time could be made up for by other methods.

That was to devour the strength of demon beasts, thereby increasing one's resistance to a certain kind of power!

Right now, Jiang Shen Wu did not have time to go outside the Dragon Prison City, so he could only try to kill the beasts inside the life-and-death arena. Obviously, there was one more advantage for the life-and-death arena, and that was that he could choose any beast as his opponent.

In order to deal with Meng Chou, he had to choose the beasts that possessed the power of the Giant Rock to fight, engulfing the power of the Giant Rock in his body and increasing his resistance to the power of the Giant Rock.

If he were to fight with Zang Feng, he would choose the demon beast that possessed the power of fire and battle with it, swallowing the power of fire and increasing its resistance to fire.

There were also a series of other innate abilities. Most of the time, Jiang Shen Wu could find the corresponding demon beasts in the life-and-death arena and swallow them whole, turning them into his own resistance towards his powers.

Without a doubt, only by doing so could Jiang Shen Wu have the strength to defeat these geniuses.

After all, the other party awakened two years earlier than him and had an extra two years of cultivation time. The gap that he brought was almost impossible to make up for and if it wasn't for the fact that he had the power of devouring, he would have given up on the goal of becoming the champion of the Clan Martial Meet.

But now, he could still go all out!

Although it was only a temporary and targeted increase in strength, after obtaining the first place in the Clan Martial Meet, he would be able to have more cultivation resources and increase his cultivation speed to reach the goal of finding his father, Jiang Zizai.

Alone and alone, Jiang Shen Wu came to the life-and-death arena.

Jiang Yueli and Xi Yuying, who were more concerned about him, quietly followed behind and b.u.mped into each other outside the life-and-death arena.

"Miss Xi, you followed him? Don't know what he came to life-and-death arena for, it can't be that he is looking for an opportunity to break through, right? "

Jiang YueNing's face was filled with worry.

Xi Yuying's expression was a little cold, but she was still a little relaxed towards Jiang Yuehan. "I don't know him, but no matter what he wants to do, I will support him. Let's go in together."

The two women followed Jiang Shen Wu, stepping into the life-and-death arena.

Without a doubt, the two girls directly paid and went to life-and-death arena. Here, there were many n.o.bles eating, drinking, and enjoying the b.l.o.o.d.y and ruthless battles in life-and-death arena, they were all unambitious people.

Amongst these people, there were also many civilians who were not even Dragon Fighter s and had not awakened. They were born in some Dragon Fighter Clans, and even if they did not think much, they would still live a carefree life, resulting in them being greedy and happy everyday.

The life-and-death arena was a place with a relatively high consumption rate.

Because here, they could see the b.l.o.o.d.y battles that they normally couldn't. For normal warriors who couldn't awaken, the battles between Dragon Fighter and demon beasts were extremely exciting. They were able to awaken the Bloodthirsty Seeds in the depths of their hearts, making them go crazy.

When they saw Xi Yuying and Jiang Yuelin, two delicate girls coming to the VIP seats, many well-dressed men turned to look at them. They even started whispering to each other, seemingly discussing who they were.

"These two girls are really pretty, especially that ice-cold one. I really want to take her home!"

"Shh!" Are you looking to die? b.a.s.t.a.r.d, that's the young miss of Xi Residence, if you want to die, don't pull me down! "

"So it's the young miss of the Xi Residence! But what was she doing here? He is the Dragon Fighter, and coming to the life-and-death arena, you don't seem to be able to find any fun, right? "

"Moreover, the Clan Martial Meet is currently going on. It is said that her lover is currently partic.i.p.ating in the Clan Martial Meet. How could she have the mood to come to the life-and-death arena?"

Many people were puzzled.

They recognized Xi Yuying's ident.i.ty, and naturally did not dare to act rashly.

But they were curious, why did Xi Yuying come to the life-and-death arena?

Soon they would know.

As they discussed amongst themselves, a new round of battle was about to begin within the life-and-death arena. A young man was led by the life-and-death arena's butler to the life-and-death arena, and it was shockingly Jiang Shen Wu!