Douluo: I can steal other people's spirits

Chapter 183

On the other side of the stand, Lingmo noticed a person he was very interested in.

That\'s water ice.

Since the last time she was dragged away by snow dance, Lingmo never saw her again. Unexpectedly, she met her again in the stands today.

There was no leakage of sound and color. Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong just went back, and Lingmo ran away directly.

Whew\'s yiha disappeared from the master and others. Xiaowu was stunned for a while. She looked curiously and found that the Lingmo nearby didn\'t know when it disappeared.

"Hey, where\'s Xiaomo?"

Xiaowu asked curiously. Tang San also looked back and said, "I don\'t know. Maybe he went back?"

At this time, Lingmo had left that stand and went to another stand.

On the other stand, shuibing\'er and Xuewu are watching the soul fighting competition below. There is no strong team behind them, and they have no patience.

Just about to leave, suddenly a dark figure appeared in front of them.

"Two little sisters, long time no see..."

At first glance, it was Lingmo!

"Shit, you don\'t want Bilian again..."

Snow dance was angry when she saw Lingmo and shouted out.

"Girl, do we have any misunderstanding? Why do you always say I don\'t want Bilian..."

Lingmo said she was very depressed.

"I\'d love to. Anyway, you just don\'t want Bilian..."

Snow dance is unreasonable and the Lingmo is speechless.

Shuibing\'er Snickers behind her. Every time she sees the two people talking to each other, she wants to laugh.

"Sister Bing, let\'s go! Don\'t ignore this guy who doesn\'t want Bilian... "

Snow dance finished, directly holding Shui binger\'s hand to go.

"Oh, wait! Go back first. I have something to talk to him about... "

Shuibing\'er suddenly broke away from her hand and said funny.

"What\'s there to talk about with this guy? You don\'t want to have a private meeting while I\'m away? "

Snow dance questioned that there must be some secret relationship between them.

"Oh, what\'s the matter? You go back first! I have something to talk about with the chief actor... "

"Well, be careful yourself. Don\'t catch the way of the guy who doesn\'t want Bilian. He\'s very bad..."

Snow dance said depressed and made a vicious expression to Lingmo.

"Shit, you\'ve gone too far! I can\'t bear it anymore.

Why am I so bad? I am upright, good-looking, talented, casual and handsome, and jade trees face the wind... "

Before he finished, the snow dance interrupted directly.

"Come on, if you weren\'t handsome, I would have beaten you and dared to take advantage of my sister binger..."

Lingmo was shocked. The girl was so angry that she had to avoid her in the future.

Shuibing almost didn\'t laugh to death. The performance of snow dance is so cute.

Snow dance put down her cruel words and left first.

"Come on, what\'s up?"

Lingmo was relieved to see that Xuewu had finally left, but he couldn\'t help wondering what she was looking for when Shui binger said she had something to do with him just now?

"You didn\'t come to me. Now I support her. Come on, what do you want to do?"

Shuibing\'er said gently, always keeping a smile on his face, very good-looking.

It turned out that she had already found Lingmo. Because of Wu soul induction, she found Lingmo as soon as she entered the soul fighting field.

It\'s just that Lingmo talks nonsense with Tang San when she\'s in time, and doesn\'t notice her.

"Oh! I thought you really had something to find me, disappointed... "

Lingmo was disappointed.

"Eh... Can\'t I come to you without anything? The two little beauties around you just now are your little girlfriends? "

Shuibing\'er suddenly said.

As soon as this remark came out, Lingmo\'s heart was half cold.

finished! I didn\'t notice for a moment. It was exposed.

"Er... This... Well, yes!"

No way, Lingmo had to admit that they had been found and there was nothing to admit.

The last time Lingmo told her very clearly. I remember at that time, she seemed to say that successful men were not three wives and four concubines.

Therefore, Lingmo is looking forward to it. What does she think? If you really don\'t agree, Lingmo won\'t force it.

It\'s just a pity that Lingmo has met such a martial soul fusion for so many years. It\'s a pity if she misses it so much.

Suddenly, Shui binger took Lingmo\'s neck, looked at Lingmo with blue pupils, smiled and said, "those two are what you said last time, right? They look very harmonious... "

"No way, maybe my ability is so outstanding that they are very harmonious..."

Lingmo said meaningfully.

"Huh? Ability? What do you mean? "

Shui binger didn\'t repel and continued to hold this position.

Lingmo looked at it and was immediately happy! Her reaction shows that there is a play.

"Of course it\'s that aspect. What else..."

Lingmo approached her and whispered in her ear. She took a breath with the trend. Shuibing\'er suddenly trembled and almost fell into Lingmo\'s arms.

But he soon recovered, blinked and continued, "is it really that strong?"

Such a tempting voice, listening to a burst of numbness in Lingmo\'s heart.

"Don\'t you believe it? If you don\'t believe me, you can try... "

As soon as he said this, Shui binger suddenly got up and said, "the beauty of thinking! My sister can\'t be conquered so easily. I\'m not a little girl who doesn\'t live deeply.

It\'s impossible to rely on rhetoric alone! "

"Oh? What kind of means will do? "

"Hee hee... I have to observe for a period of time. For the time being, you are still on probation!"

As soon as shuibing\'er said this, Lingmo was immediately happy!

What this means is an indirect recognition. It just needs a probation period to have a deeper understanding.

Lingmo has experience in dealing with such girls

Suddenly he picked her up horizontally and kissed her gently. Shuibing\'er didn\'t resist.

"I don\'t know. Is this sincerity enough?"

Lingmo jokingly smiled and put her right hand gently on her jade leg. Shuibing\'er suddenly turned red.

"Eh... It\'s too much for you to show your love in broad daylight..."

At this time, a man passed on the ladder and said angrily when he saw such ambiguous two people.

The world is full of malice towards single dogs.

Buy a ticket to watch the soul fighting competition to pass the time. Unexpectedly, he bumped into this malicious scene, and the man collapsed.

No, we have to stop them. We can\'t let Lingmo succeed!

The man hasn\'t had time to continue exporting.

"Get out..."

Lingmo directly and ruthlessly dumped a sentence, and the man ran away in an instant.


Shuibing\'er also chuckles at this.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lingmo just hugged her and was a little depressed. How could she not resist doing so much by herself?

The whole Lingmo, a professional hooligan, is a little embarrassed to start.

"Me! I\'m laughing at someone for being shameless. As expected, it\'s the same as snow dance said. Don\'t be Bilian! "

Shuibing\'er stood up from Lingmo\'s arms while laughing.

"Hey, hey, face is not as important as a daughter-in-law. Do you think so?"

"I didn\'t promise you, but... I\'m still very satisfied with your temporary performance and look forward to your next performance..."

Then shuibing\'er kissed Lingmo\'s face gently.

Then he said: "seal a chapter first. Well, my sister is going back. I\'m looking forward to it. Your next performance..."

With that, shuibing\'er left the big fight soul field directly, leaving Lingmo alone in a daze.

"Shit, she kissed me. She kissed me on her own initiative..."

Lingmo shouted excitedly, grabbed a person nearby and asked, "did you see that she kissed me?"

"See, see, she kissed you..."