Douluo Dalu Reborn

1 Chapter.1 Rebirth

May 17th, year 2058 a man in his early 20's Li Xi'an can be seen walking through the streets as group of kids rush past him trying to cross the street in time but what theydidn't realize was a truck at high speed was heading right towards them without signs of stopping in that moment li xian unconsciously throws

himself in the way trying to rescue the kids while he successfully did but the

moment he turns there the truck is heading right towards him next thing

he knows he is flying in the skies and sent rolling before he even

had time to realize it he was already dead. Now before him stands a

being so blinding one is not even able to stare directly he then

goes on and speaks "I am what you call a God" he speaks.

"Okay mortal I won't waste any time since theirs still things I must attend to you died but I will allow you to reincarnate into a world of your choosing as well as three wishes for saving those kids now mortal choose" god speaks

xian shocked at what he was listening to but looking at the irritated look on his face he knew he didn't have time to be schoked so he thought over it for a few minutes after a while he begins talking "I wish to be reincarnated into the doulu dalu world for my first wish I want dual spirits one a tool spirit while the other a beast spirit as for what kind I'll leave it to you to suprise me for my second wish I want a mental power like yuhaos spirit eyes and for my last wish I want the experience and knowledge of an alchemist as well as a different types of martial arts techniques such as Karate/Taekwondo/Boxing/Taijustu/and so on they could also be from other anime worlds doesn't really matter" xian speaks looking a little.

It nervous hoping he didn't ask for to much the god looks down on xian before speaking"Hmm for your third wish i shall grant it your second wish I shall also grant it I will give you the eye of truth or you could just call it a third eye just like yuhaos third eye in the manga yours will also have the potential

to evolve into something else as for your final wish I shall also grant it I shall give you the Water Dragon God of the abyss for your beast spirit which is a supreme beast by the way as for your tool spirit I shall grant you The Blood Devouring Sword but be warned the blood Devouring sword was created by death

himself which is a good thing and bad at the same time the good thing is that you won't need to add spirit rings to the blood devouring sword to increase its power as long as you continue to kill with the blood devouring sword it will continue to grow more powerfull but the bad thing is that the sword will try to corrupt you and warp your mind and the

stronger it becomes the stronger the corruption gets the only reason I'm granting you this sword is because when it was created by death it gained a will of it's own and although it obeyed deaths order it only did it out of respect for its creator but It never truly acknowledged him but when you entered the void it began acting up resonating with

you but although it reacted to you it didn't acknowledge you all it saw was potential in you so It will still try corrupt you" the god speaks xian hearing this begins to panick he didn't want to become a emotionless

bloodthirsty killing machine but god seeing his reaction speaks before xian could finish reacting " I know what you are thinking but it can't be done the wish has already been

granted now go and entertain me the most you can" xian could only sigh and accept his fate "Since nothing can be done could you at least make me good looking in my new life" "Done" the god speaks behind xian a portal opens up sucking his soul in that moment in

time Li Xi'an is engulfed in a blinding light as he enters the cycle of life.

After a few moments their is nothing but darkness li xian began to

believe that he was just being played but begins to realize

something and is disgusted at the sight

before him for all he can

see is nothing but a redish and Pinkish color and all he could feel

from his toes up is that his entire body is engulfed in slime. He

then realized that he'd had yet to be born but what truly surprised

him was that he was not the only one inside across from him he could

see another child. He knew he was going to born with a twin he

then goes and begins to wiggle his hand around trying to figure

out weather it was a girl or a boy to his surprise it was girl after

a while he could see a light and began making his way out first

Wiggling his little hands trying to push his twin sister back since he always wanted to be a big brother.

After a while me and my sister were successfuly born after I was

born I was handed to my mother I could see around me was room

inside many luxurious furniture as I stared at my mother who had

Light blue and silver icy hair reaching all the way to her back her

eyes engulfed in an icey blue pupil that had a faint coldness within

them. But the moment we were put in her hands a slight warmth can

be seen in the depths of her eyes. She went on and named me just as

my last life I was named Li Xian and my sister Li Yue that night we

were put into a sort of crib and then all i could think about were the wishes I

asked for I activated my eyes of truth curios to know what they did when I did they allowed me to see

everything around me to the smallest of things it also allowed me to see the energy in the air because of this I was able find out my sister yue was born with innate spirit power because with my eyes I was able to see her small baby body overflowing with spiritual power Curious to see if i was born with it as

well I looked at my body and I was thanking the God since I too was born with innate full spirit power as well meaning I didn't have to worry about that and i could focus on strengthening my physical body as well as training myself in different types of martial arts techniques.

Over a year has passed I am now one year old nothing much has happened since then oh wait yeah i almost forgot the damn fact that I became an orphan my mother died a while after giving birth and my father soon dissapeared after leaving me and my sister

with my grandfather but he actually raised us with love and care which wasn't so bad since I was only two at the time I began sneaking into our clans library trying to understand the era and time I was born in I soon realized

that around ten thousand years have gone bye since Tang San

ascended and became a god it wasn't hard to realise I was born into yuhaos timeline many things had changed

clans that rose to power over the period of time but xian did not care for these clans as to he was only

concerned with one which was Shrek Academy he soon found out

that it was still prospering but through time it had lost most of its former

glory alongside Tang Sect it was only a matter of time before they

to became history although learning about it's current state he

was quite sad but somewhere deep inside he was quite happy for

on that day learning about it's current state he vowed to himself

that he would be on the one to restore it's glory and it's reputation

as the most powerful and slay all those that dare tarnish it's

name he would be the one to forge the path to glory with his sword of course alongside yuhao couldnt steal all the glory.

Xian was now two years old at the moment nothing much happened in the last year besides the memories and experience of alchemist that he asked for were now imprinted into his mind as well as the many martial art techniques but he still couldnt begin his training since he was still a child all

he could do was act as a child eat,shit, and sleep as well as play with his little sister and to his suprise just like him she was genius walking and talking by two years old..

I was now four years old I had began my training over a few months ago every morning I would go and run throughout the mountains running for hours before reaching my limit I would then rest for a while then i would

continue on by training my physical body after training it for a few hours i would then go on and train for another few hours training myself in Karate/Taijustu/ and Taekwondo I could have trained in more techniques but

trying to learn three diffrent type of fighting techniques was already my limit and this was my daily routine and because of my excessive training I was probably one of the strongest kids within the clan.

The clan me and yue were born into was know throughout the douluo continent as "The Heavenly Dragon God Clan" located in the depths of the Extreme Northern Mountains we were the descendants of the Mythical Beast God's who fought in the heavenly war

against the gods eons ago. Our clan stood at the peak of this world as one of the strongest clans decades ago as it was described in our clans history books our

ancestors were born with the most powerful of Beast Spirits being

descended of the Beast god's most were born with the spirits of dragons or phenoixs or ancient beasts

with its own unique attribute but over

time more and more of our sacred bloodline began being

tarnished by weaker eventually our bloodline

was no more as it had fused with many others most of our

descendents were born with weaker bloodlines

unable to awaken true beast spirits like our ancestors eventually our bloodline finally diminished and not a single descendent could be born with the pure

bloodline of our ancestors resulting in the downfall of our clan and eventually after a few

hundred years our own clan began to

question whether the

ancient blood stilled flowed within us.

After over a year of doing nothing but training I was now five I did nothing but training I was able to master karate and taekwondo as for Taijustu I still needed some time I also began training a movement technique which was called Mysterious Dragon steps this technique would make my moves

unpredictable which would help me out in a battle. Besides this our grandfather finally allowed me and yue to see the outside growing up we were always within the clans walls except for me of course since I would sneak out every now and then to test out my progress by hunting weaker beasts. Right now me and yue were running around the snowy mountains while

some boys and girls from the clan watched as we played they of course wanted to join us but the moment they approached us lilttle yue would snap and put on her icy cold look as she gazed the kids trying to approach us daring any of

them to step forward it's if she was about to massacre these poor kids but I of course genuinely tried making friends with them but this would just incurre little yues wrath even more it's if I was her personal treasure who only she could touch or play with eventually I

gave up and so did the others eventually we were mostly hated and isolated because of this and also bescuse of our talent mine and yues talent was far beyond their own we

spent most of our time playing on the snowy fields yue and me also had gotten much closer with each other over the years and eventually she was unable to leave my side it's as if she was imprinted on me though I didn't mind, of course I didn't lack in my training.

One year passed since then we are now six years old and ready to awaken our spirits knowing I was going have a spirit such as the blood Devouring sword I couldnt help but feel nervous after all this was sword that would try to corrupt me anyway me and little yue were

now standing in the main hall before us there is man in a White suit ready to begin our

awakenings but the teacher had in a annoyed face on and asked

himself why he was stuck in such a place for all he knew this

would be like the other 50 clans which he had visited where not a single child was able to awaken somethin useful he looked at us like we were the same

just some brats with trashy spirits and no spirit power but to his

surprise he did not know within a few minutes he would be taking

back everything he had said about our trashy spirits...

Xians Status:

Name: Li Xian

Age: 6

Spirit Rank: 10

Spirit: Not awakened

Spirit Abilities: Not Awakened

Yue's Status:

Name: Li Yue

Age: 6

Spirit Rank: 10(innate spirit power )

Spirit: Not awakened

Spirit Abilities: Not Awakened