Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 491: Liger vs. Mammoth

After adjusting his breath for a while, Tang San\'s state also recovered a lot, and the yin and yang two qi played a great role in calming fire and poison. His problem mainly originated from the attack of the flame of the sun. This problem was solved. Although he looked a little embarrassed on the outside, it was actually not a big problem. Therefore, he naturally wants to watch the big cat game.

In the high position of the VIP seat, in the corner, a handsome man is sitting there, who has been watching the game. When it saw the big cat coming on stage, its eyes condensed to the past. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured, "Sura, Liger Sword Sage."

This is indeed the father of the beautiful son, the Great Demon King Peacock.

After meeting Tang San and Big Cat that day, and learned that they were from Kerry City, it immediately asked people to investigate their origins and circumstances. Naturally, I knew that these two had played against each other at the Kerry City Colosseum. The Liger Sword Saint was so famous that he had heard of it before, but it was defeated by that human being. . That human even provoked a commotion in the human race because of the continued victory of team battles. Now he has come to the ancestral court to participate in the classic game, and it seems that he has a very close relationship with his daughter, how can he not let it pay attention?

In the first round, it was actually paying attention to Tang San and Big Cat. When Tang San faced the golden mammoth clan, it was also very unoptimistic. The emperor of the Golden Mammoths had a nickname back then, called the Commander-in-Chief of Impeccable, invincible defense, and never gave his opponent any chance on the battlefield. How can a human being break defenses? It had no idea that Tang San had any possibility of winning. However, Tang San won like that. The win was a bit inexplicable. Although it is a god-level powerhouse, it is not possible to use its spiritual sense to probe the players in this Ancestral Court Classic. This is a big taboo. It even asked Mei Gongzi when he went back, but Mei Gongzi didn’t know how Tang San won. the match of.

The big cat also shocked him, killing his opponent in an absolutely powerful way. That explosive force brought a strong visual impact. There is almost no need to ask his subordinates. The Great Demon King Peacock also understands that this Liger Swordmaster should have undergone some transformation and thus become stronger. It is naturally aware of the blood pulse of the Liger tribe, but from the big cat, it does not seem to feel the conflict. what does this mean? Bloodline mutation evolved? Evolved into a first-class bloodline? That\'s an amazing thing! Moreover, did it evolve on its own or did the entire liger clan find a solution to the blood pulse burst? If it\'s the latter, then this race is terrific. Neither the Lion Demon Race nor the Tiger Demon Race has the racial inheritance of the first-degree bloodline. The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor also had his bloodline mutated to achieve the first-degree bloodline and become an emperor.

If the liger race evolves into a first-level bloodline race, then there will be great changes in the pattern of the lion monster race and the tiger monster race. This also made the Peacock Demon King pay more attention to the big cat than Tang San. After all, Tang San\'s victory was somewhat inexplicable.

After that, it watched the double match between her daughter and Tang San.

In that double match, the battle ended quickly. There is no doubt about her daughter\'s combat effectiveness, and she can\'t even fault her mastery of space. After the inheritance of her ancestors, she seems to have completely integrated with the space, and is making rapid progress. She has mastered the space to the point where she can control her. But what\'s the matter with that Shura? Still didn\'t understand how he won, the attack of the Corpse Devourer disappeared. Compared with the spider tree spirit, the corpse devourer who is good at poison is actually more difficult to deal with, but he just won.

To this day, in the previous game, Shura had once again defeated the descendants of the emperor, or the Sunflower Elite with super attack power. This time the battle lasted a long time, he actually withstood the powerful attack power of the Sun Flower Jing Clan, and finally defeated the opponent. It also noticed the hammer, but winning is more than just a hammer. This Shura is kind of interesting! If the first win was a fluke, are three consecutive victories a fluke? Especially in the two individual matches, they were both faced with the top powerhouses of the first-level bloodline.

At this time, the big cat played again, and the gaze of the Peacock Demon King naturally focused on it.

On the stage, Big Cat\'s opponent has also appeared. What surprised the Great Demon King Peacock was that the opponent of Big Cat was extremely strong, holding two hammers, and he was also a golden mammoth. Judging from his figure, he is almost the same as the previous Mao Wenwu, and he is obviously a strong man of a level.

The golden mammoth clan is a top strong clan, of course, there is not only one contestant. Tang San was in the third group, and Liger Sword Saint Cat was in the sixth group. His luck didn\'t seem to be much better than Tang San, and he actually met such an opponent in the second round.

When Tang San and Mei Gongzi saw Big Cat\'s opponent, their expressions also became serious. The golden mammoth is not so easy to deal with!

Although Tang San played against Mao Wenwu for a short time that day, the opponent\'s powerful defense still left him with a deep yin and yang. He relied on the combination of multiple bloodlines to barely break through the opponent\'s defense and bring both yin and yang into force. Transmitting in, disturbing the other party\'s heart. Otherwise, the difficulty of the battle will never be inferior to today\'s situation.

The big cat doesn\'t have so much blood abilities on its own, so how can it deal with the opponent in front of it?

Tang San hoped that Big Cat could prove himself to the Lion Demon Race and Tiger Demon Race through this Ancestral Court Classic. If you lose the second knockout, it is obviously not enough.

"Game start!"

On the stage of the game, with the referee\'s announcement, the needle-point battle against Maimang officially began.

A pair of giant hammers in the hands of the Golden Mammoth player hit his chest first, making a muffled and then strode towards the big cat.

The big cat is holding the epee, without the slightest intention to dodge, but it is also striding towards the opponent. Under the stimulation of the liger golden gang, its body began to swell, and in an instant the height had swelled to four meters away, the extremely strong muscles bulged, and the incandescent liger golden gang burst out.

However, compared with its opponents, its figure is insignificant. The golden mammoth player also exploded muscles all over his body, almost twice as tall as the big cat, and several times bigger in size. A pair of giant hammers lifted up and rushed straight to the big cat. Fiery golden flames rose above it. The dazzling aura of the two sides immediately attracted the attention of most spectators.

"Roar—" When the big cat was still thirty meters away from the opponent, the big cat stepped out and collapsed a piece of the ground by trampled on it. The body burst out, and the roar sounded through the sky, the huge lion. The light and shadow of the tiger beast\'s head flashed behind it, bursting out a terrifying and powerful roar.

The golden mammoth player continued to rush forward, and when he heard that roar, its body was obviously stagnated for a moment, and its movements stiffened for a moment.

For ordinary spectators, they will not notice the change at this moment. But in the VIP seats, there were many great nobles who watched the game, their faces changed. Especially the powerhouses of the Lion Demon Race and the Tiger Demon Race.

They all know how strong the golden mammoth clan is. This is an absolutely powerful first-degree bloodline, like the royal clan of the monster clan, the strongest.

However, with the roar of the big cat, the golden mammoth player unconsciously changed his body shape. What does this mean?

Only four words can be thought of in their minds, that is: Blood Vessel Suppression.

Yes, in the roar of the liger beast, the blood of the golden mammoth tribe was actually suppressed.