Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 476: Spider Dryad and Corpse Devourer

Tang San thought about it for a while before he thought of a very rare race. This race was a kind of monster family named Demon Infant. Almost no one knows what race the demon infants belong to. There are even legends that they are actually derived from the branch of humans, and some are said to be the abnormal changes of low-level goblins. This race is very rare, and there are even legends that it has become extinct, but today I saw such a race in this game.

The Demon Infant is a very terrifying existence, with a second-level top bloodline. Its body is very weak and even its vitality is very weak. This is also an important reason why this race is difficult to multiply and is on the verge of extinction. However, compared with the weakness of the body, their mental power is extremely strong, and they are born with a very terrifying spiritual talent. When they are just born, their mental power can reach the level of seventh, and the magical infant mental power after adulthood Must be able to reach the ninth order.

However, perhaps this race has been cursed like in the legend, and no Demon Infant has ever been able to break through to the **** level. Their bodies are too fragile, no matter how strong their mental power is, when facing Thunder Tribulation, their bodies cannot withstand the baptism of Thunder Tribulation.

In the world of the magic infant, there is also a legend, it is said that if the magic infant can become a god, then it is likely to become the master of the entire world. Unfortunately, this is just a legend, because there has never been a situation where the Devil Infant became a god, but for the Devil Infant Clan, they believe in this legend. Therefore, every time the Devil Infant becomes an adult, they will Will try every means to find the possibility of breakthrough, hoping to become a god-level powerhouse, and finally get rid of the curse of extinction with the race.

In this two-on-two match today, Tang San unexpectedly saw this extremely rare race, and its partner was a dark golden demon bear, one of the overlords of the bear clan. . This combination is undoubtedly a combination of strength and spirit, and it fits very well.

Because of this, the eyes of the other two pairs of players are also on this pair of players. Everyone does not know each other\'s draw number, so their next opponents are likely to be this pair. There is no doubt that this pair will be very difficult to deal with. The power of the magic infant’s mental power, calculated solely on the basis of mental power, is by no means inferior to the first-degree bloodline, and once the spiritual power is strong to a certain extent, how much effect it can play on the battlefield is for these elites. very clear.

Relatively speaking, although there are some players who recognize the beautiful son, they still subconsciously think that the magic infant pair will be stronger. The double match is a combination of two people, and the complementarity of the combination of races is very important. It is for this reason that there are far more cases where two players are from different races than the same race.

After seeing these two players, Tang San turned his eyes to the other two pairs of players, and then there was a smile on his face. With luck and luck, he believes that his opponents in this round should not be the combination of Dark Golden Devil Bear and Demon Infant, but another pair that is more suitable for him. After all, this is the opponent he expected.

"A group of No. 7 and a group of No. 8 enter the competition, and the No. 1 ring." At this moment, the voice of the staff has already heard, which means that Tang San and Young Master Mei are going to play.

As they walked towards the passage, another pair of players had already walked out. Not as Tang San had expected, it was the pair he had guessed before.

The two players\' eyes were facing each other, and Tang San could clearly feel the awe-inspiring look in his opponent\'s eyes. Almost all of their eyes were fixed on Mei Gongzi. Obviously, they should have watched Mei Gongzi\'s match yesterday. For the space controllers of the Peacock Demon Race, they are naturally very afraid. The Peacock Demon Race is a real first-degree bloodline, and its spatial control is ever-changing.

Along the passage, heading to both sides of the competition stage respectively, Mei Gongzi turned to look at Tang San, who nodded to her.

This round, they had good luck, as can be seen from the previous opponent\'s situation, this is a combination of a pair of secondary bloodlines, not too strong.

On the stage, Mei Gongzi and Tang San stood side by side, and on the other side, their opponents had also been on the stage.

It was a pair of ghost race players. Both players were ghost races, but they were of different races.

The player on the left is about four meters tall, with dark skin growing all over, a bit human-like, but has eight arms, each of which is slender and slender, and the tip looks very sharp. A pair of eyes exudes the color of the forest. Valley

The other contestant\'s appearance was a little weird. The whole body was brilliant golden, golden, which made Tang San think that it was a golden wood cultivated into essence. But after careful observation, it was found that it was not, because this person did not have a strong breath of life, on the contrary, there was even a faint death aura permeating his body.

Based on Tang San\'s knowledge and understanding of various spirits on the Fairy Continent over the years, he basically judged the races of these two opponents.

The one with eight arms is pitch black, it should be the spider tree spirit, and the whole body is golden and looks very dazzling, but the eyes are completely white, and the humanoid appearance is even more gloomy. It should be the famous corpse devourer. .

The corpse devourer is a kind of plant, similar to a vine, highly poisonous. It itself lives by devouring various corpses. The stronger the swallowed corpse, the faster they evolve. It has super digestive ability. In terms of corrosion, It is definitely the number one existence in the world of spirits.

Spider Treants are better at frontal combat, but Corpse Devourers are good at long-range attacks, range attacks, venomous attacks, etc., which are very difficult to deal with.

These two are both second-level bloodlines among the spirit clan. The strength is extraordinary. The combination of the two obviously comes from one distance and one close, and they cooperate with each other.

Tang San said to Young Master Mei: "Let’s fight each, let the spider tree spirit give you, UU reading corpse swallowing spirit to me, how about?"

"Good." The beautiful son nodded slightly.

"The game begins!" With the referee\'s announcement, the first cooperation between Tang San and Mei Gongzi in the ring officially began.

The spider tree spirit was the first to move. Its body crawled forward. Then, its eight arms were already inserted on the ground, and then its body disappeared, and it turned into a shadow and it blended into it. In the ground.

In the world of the ghost tribe, the spider tree spirit has the title of shadow killer. The top spider tree spirit is even invincible in the world full of shadows. After turning into a dark shadow, its speed is extremely fast, and the distance of two hundred meters actually gives people a feeling of instantaneousness. Almost just between two breaths, it was already close.

The beautiful son stepped forward, and suddenly a shining six-pointed star burst out from under his feet, which was outlined by the cracks in the space. Stepping on it is stepping on the flying shadow.

The body of the spider tree spirit shot up in advance in an instant, and the eight sharp arms had turned into dark blades in the air and went straight to the beautiful son to strangle.

On the other hand, at the same time that the spider tree spirit was activated, the belly of the Corpse Devouring spirit had suddenly swelled, like a blowing ball, swelling violently. The brilliant golden light on the body also turned into a misty yellow air around the body. It swelled very fast, and its original height was three meters. Just when the spider tree spirit and the beautiful son just started fighting, its body has changed. It became three meters in diameter.

But at this moment, it suddenly felt a warning sign, and its swollen body suddenly jumped forward, like a ball that jumped up suddenly. At the location where it was previously, a figure has quietly appeared there.