Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 474: 35 Combination Re-emergence

To keep the yin and yang qi always stable, it is necessary to truly cultivate them to the point where the yin and yang are reconciled and the dragon and the tiger are blended together. But at present, it is far from this level. Regardless of whether it was masculine or feminine, Tang San hadn\'t developed the core yet. It takes time and more energy.

What should I do if the Blue Silver Emperor\'s background is exhausted? The only way is naturally to absorb the stronger blood power from the plant system, so as to supplement the Blue Silver Emperor, so that his Blue Silver Emperor can improve his background and satisfy the foundation of reconciling the two qi of Yin and Yang.

It can\'t be a plant of any kind of yin and yang, if it is outside of these two. Otherwise, the blender itself tends to either side, which will cause great instability.

So, in the next game, can you meet a plant opponent! The second-level bloodline is fine, let yourself swallow and absorb it, and give your Blue Silver Emperor brand some more foundation.

One of Tang San\'s goals was to find a blood brand that suits him this time.

Now among his several major bloodlines, including Yin and Yang two qi, Lan Yinhuang is now considered to have a second-level bloodline, and then Jinpeng Change and Time Change are second-level bloodlines, which are three second-level bloodlines. . In addition, the celestial eyes, the Liger Transformation, and the Peacock Transformation are all absolute first-degree bloodlines. Three-level one, three-level two. And now there are as many as two vacancies in his body, and at least one of these two vacancies can be filled in first.

Today he actually swallowed the blood of the golden mammoth, and this blood stigma is currently a candidate. But if you can absorb some of the power of the blood that fits your three second-level bloodlines, and merge them with them, so as to raise them to the first-level, it would be best to pave the way for you to become a **** in the future.

Tang San\'s idea was to absorb several powerful bloodline marks, and then select and combine them to choose the best method at that time.

Return to the hotel, meditate, rest. Tang San is in a very good mood now, not because the yin and yang two qi has been greatly improved as expected, but because tomorrow he can fight side by side with his beautiful son again. The combination of three and five will reappear in the world, although it is Another world, but this feeling is really wonderful.

As soon as the sky fell bright, Tang San woke up from meditation. The spirit is refreshing, and the effect of training with the help of Chaos Qi is really good. Although there is not much Chaos Qi born in the vortex of Yin and Yang, it has a purifying and evolutionary effect on his mysterious power, thereby moisturizing himself and enhancing the strength of his body. This is an all-round improvement, even helpful to the sea of ​​spirit. If you can use Chaos Two Qi to continue to help your body evolve like this, then you will have a lot of confidence when you break through the **** level in the future.

I took a shower, combed my hair neatly, put on clean clothes, white clothes, and carefully checked every detail of my body to ensure my appearance was in the best condition. Then I went for breakfast. After eating breakfast, he went back to the room and brushed his teeth again, then put on the mask and went straight to the Zuting Plaza.

When he came to Zuting Plaza, there was already a lot of people, but there were no players, and most of them were spectators.

Tang San didn\'t know when Mei Gongzi would rest until she got up. In order not to affect her rest, he didn\'t send her a communication, so he waited for her at the entrance of the contestant.

There is no competition in Big Cat today. It should be resting or climbing the sacred mountain.

Compared with yesterday, there will undoubtedly be more participants today. Although not every participant participating in the individual competition will sign up for the double competition, most of them will. With the addition of partners, the overall number of games may be less than yesterday, but the number of participants is definitely more.

About half an hour before the draw began, Son Mei finally sent a newsletter.

"Sura, I\'m on the way to the square, there are about ten minutes to arrive, where are you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Tang San, who had been waiting silently, suddenly showed a smile on his face, and responded: "I\'ll be waiting for you at the entrance of the competition venue. When you come, we will line up to draw the lottery."

"Okay!" Mei Gongzi\'s answer was concise and concise.

In less than ten minutes, Tang San saw her, similar to yesterday’s attire, with a hood on her head. When she saw Tang San changed into a white dress today, she couldn’t help but froze, and then walked there. In front of him.

Looking at the beautiful face under the hood, the smile on Tang San\'s face suddenly became stronger, "Come on, let\'s go to the queue." Then, he pointed to the crowd of contestants who were lining up for the draw.

In front of the many monsters and spirit tribes, their two human figures are really not conspicuous. But from time to time there are still eyes cast.

Yesterday\'s individual match, many interested people can see clearly. Tang San\'s game was okay, it looked a bit like a fake match. However, Mei Gongzi\'s powerful spatial control and the brilliance of the peacock golden crown really left a deep impression on many spectators. What\'s more, she is beautiful! Beautiful and powerful, how can it not be noticed.

They appeared together in today\'s double match, and they formed a team together, and naturally they were noticed.

Tang San and Mei Gongzi didn\'t pay too much attention to studying their opponents yesterday, because it was meaningless. They were all knockout matches. Only the first place in each group could enter the finals. Then, it is enough to pay attention to the top strong players who qualify in the final group, and other contestants can hardly escape the fate of being eliminated.

The format of the double match today is similar to that of the individual match yesterday, except that there are fewer groups, and there are a total of eight groups. There are about 20 pairs of contestants in each group, and the total number of participants is a bit more than yesterday. Moreover, in fact, the number of people who came to participate in the draw was less than the number of applicants. No way, yesterday was injured in the individual match, or the injury was more serious, coupled with more emphasis on the individual match, also withdrew from the double match. This is when the rewards of the double match are sufficiently generous, UU Reading www.uukā will have a large number of applicants.

In the line, Tang San walked side by side with the beautiful son. He is now about half a head taller than the beautiful son, and his figure looks very good-fit. Mei Gongzi had a faint scent of orchid like musk, although he was just by her side and the two did not have any contact, but at this moment, Tang San seemed to feel that it was the happiest moment since he came to this world. .

He had never been so quiet and got along with the beautiful son like this, and he was a completely equal partner.

At this time, he even had some strange feelings in his heart. Perhaps, it was a strange experience for his lover to be reborn like this by the secret providence. From the extreme sadness to the ecstasy at the time of reunion, to now I approach her carefully and find her back.

I don\'t know why, when he met Mei Gongzi recently, he felt that Mei Gongzi\'s appearance and Xiao Wu became more and more similar. After she really grows up, maybe she will return to her original appearance. Honey, when can you really return to my arms!

Tang San had always been hesitant about when to confess his confession with Mei Gongzi. He didn\'t even know whether he should use Shura\'s identity to confess or use Tang San\'s identity. This was also where he struggled.

It was obviously that Shura did more for the beautiful son, but for some reason, Tang San felt that she seemed to have a more favorable impression of Xiao Tang. He still cherishes the milk tea cup back then.

Wait, wait. At least after dealing with the crisis in Kerry City, she and herself should have both grown up by then. It\'s only time to confess it.

Anyway, I will guard her all the time, and she won\'t let her have any other choices besides herself. Whoever wants to **** my wife from me will kill it!