Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 994

This target is also an inevitable target for the seventh fleet. We only need to attack nearby first, so we can put it behind us.

This planet is named Longma 76 resource star by Douluo Federation. It belongs to a powerful race in the Longma system, which can rank in the top ten. Name: Yukong clan.

The battleship of this race is also the most characteristic, and it can jump in the middle distance space. Almost point-to-point jumps in a light-year range without passing through wormholes. Extremely flexible.

The number of battleships of the Royal Air clan is not large, but it has caused a lot of trouble to the federal fleet. Fortunately, the number of warships of this race is not too many. Besides space jumping, the combat effectiveness is relatively weak. Otherwise, the power will be more terrifying.

The reason that Douluo federation can develop space overlapping technology and greatly increase space storage is that it has obtained a kind of mineral from the trading of Yukong nationality in heaven star. This mineral is also a rare metal, which is called the source of space by the Yukong group. It is short for space source crystal.

The interior of empty source crystal contains very rich spatial elements. More importantly, the ever-changing spatial elements can be presented in solid form. It's so precious, but it's hard to mine.

The space jumping ability of Yukong warship is developed on the basis of space source crystal. This is also one of the most precious rare metals known in the Douluo Federation. Moreover, the monopoly of space source crystals by the Yukong clan is the biggest reason that they can become one of the top ten races in the Longma galaxy.

For Kongyuan crystal, even Tianlong star and Tianma star are salivating. However, the Yukong clan has a very strong attitude to the protection of the air source crystal. It is better to destroy the empty source crystal than to compromise with either side.

Therefore, Tianlong star and Tianma star can only obtain a certain number of space source crystals through trading.

Space source crystals are also listed as the most important military materials of the Longma system, and trading is strictly prohibited. Not to mention the deal to the Douro Federation.

But in the universe, where there is interest, there is a way. Because of the rarity and prohibition, the price of space source crystal becomes particularly high. The price of this thing is amazing.

A fist sized air source crystal can buy ten antimatter missiles. It's just that expensive.

Through various channels and means, the Douluo Federation paid a very high price and gained some. Through the research of space source crystal, the technology of Douluo Union in space has been improved for an era. Space compression, space overlapping and space jumping are all developing rapidly. The demand for space source crystal is almost unlimited.

In this attack on the Longma galaxy, space source crystals are the top three resource targets.

Of course, it is also extremely difficult to obtain Kongyuan crystal. As the most important resource of the Yukong clan, Kongyuan crystal is naturally guarded by heavy soldiers and strong ones. According to the information known to the Federation at present, although there are no super gods in the Yukong clan, there are still some true gods, and there are more than one. They are especially good at all kinds of spatial abilities and are very difficult to deal with. That's why Tianlong star and Tianma star can't help them.

Longma 76 is one of the most important resource stars rich in space source crystals. Douluo Federation paid a thousand tons of rare metals to get the news.

There are 13 planets controlled by the Yukong clan, and the most important one is this one.

LAN Xuanyu's decision to go to Longma 76 is absolutely audacious. So he didn't tell Yan Xinghe at all.

There are 110 true gods of Douluo Federation on the planet 76 all the year round. They are heavily guarded. And limited mining.

No one knows how this resource star formed. However, the space source crystal itself, with a certain number of cases, will naturally absorb the force of space solidification. As long as we don't over mine, we will continue to provide empty source crystals.

This is also the reason why there are not enough warships for the Yukong clan. After calculation, they found that as long as the annual mining volume does not exceed much, the total amount of space source crystal of No.76 resource star will not decrease. This is the treasure of their whole family, so it will not dry up.

LAN Xuanyu has been thoughtful and discussed with his partners to set his goal on such a planet.

They have advantages that no one else has. According to the known information, there are not only three kinds of rare metals, but also three kinds of rare metals. But the other three are less precious. Tang Yuge's five elements evasion method is enough to pass through these metal ores, so that they can easily dive deeper. In this way, they have the possibility of obtaining empty source crystals.

Even if you only get some empty source crystals, it's also a very precious good thing! Just avoid the enemy's real God power.

It is impossible for a true God to cover the whole planet with his divine sense.

There are treasure hunting animals to cover up the breath, to explore the location of the source crystal, and there are five elements of Tang Yuge to hide. Their chances are pretty good.

They are not here to rob, but to steal.

Space source crystal is one of the most precious resources of Longma galaxy. The federal intelligence needs for planet 76 are also extremely urgent. In this war, we may not be able to fight here and plunder Kongyuan crystal. But to get enough information is also of great value to the Douluo Federation, which is a considerable military skill.So, after thinking about it carefully and consulting with their partners, they came up with the idea.

"Come on, let's have a meeting to confirm the next move." Lan Xuanyu set the warship as the cruise mode and called everyone in front of him.

"When you arrive, start immediately. According to our previous plan, Po will cover our breath and dive into the planet 76. Its illusory ability is also divine level, enough to shield us from completing the login. Now the problem we are going to face is that the defense deployment of planet 76 is totally unclear, and the environment is also unclear. At the same time, someone will stay on the 13th wing warship to take over. This operation, we are not for fighting, mainly for obtaining intelligence and air source crystal. As a result, I, Yuge and Huihui infiltrated into the human side of the operation. Mengqin, XiuXiu, lunatic and fatso, stay on the warship and be ready to take us. If something happens to us and we lose contact, you can go back right away, OK? "

Qian Lei said: "boss, don't take me?"

Liu Feng didn't say anything, just nodded.

LAN Mengqin touched Qian Lei for a moment and motioned him not to speak.

Bai XiuXiu looked at LAN Xuan Yu calmly and said, "I'll go with you. I don't want to feel the pain of losing teacher Nana again. Whether it's success or failure, I want to be with you. "

LAN Xuanyu frowned slightly and looked at others, but he nodded his head and said, "OK. That's settled. Let's move the four of us. " He didn't refuse Bai XiuXiu because he couldn't figure out how to refuse.

"Because we are not familiar with the situation of the planet, we just need to land successfully, Yuge, you take us to use Jindun to dive into the ground immediately. Po will always cover our breath. We try to dive as deep as we can, and then we look for empty source crystals. "

"Madman, you are flying around the planet 76 in space. Shut down the main engine, reduce all the fluctuations as much as possible, don't worry about energy consumption, and hover in ghost form. Take a picture of the surface of planet 76. Don't send this back until we leave. In the meantime, don't contact us. The waves will expose us to each other. Wait for us to come back. When we return, we will contact you again when we return to space. "