Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 990

"Many cosmic races, when they were born, had our spiritual emperor, even higher-level cultivation. This is true for all. We can only compete with the cosmic fleet. But our resources are scarce, and the speed of building the space fleet is too slow. At present, the eighth and ninth fleets are being built synchronously, which is the limit we can make, or the result of continuous development of resource stars in recent years. If we could have dozens of fleets, we would have been fighting the Longma system. "

"To tell you this, I want to remind you to pay attention to safety and plunder as many resources as possible when landing operations are going on. Resources are fundamental to our development. With enough resources, especially rare metals, we can build more space fleets and get more resources. "

Blue Xuan Yu way: "Captain, when can we put into battle?"

Yanxing River: "very soon. Next we will make a round of siege on Tianma, oppress them, and then start to plunder them. The carriers of the third and fifth fleets will arrive at Tianlong star and Tianma star respectively. Deterrence in outer space makes their top powers dare not to fight. Then we can divide the troops and plunder. It won't take us long. If I'm right, the top powers of the Longma system will dive to the parent star and negotiate with us. Threaten us to withdraw. This is also the meaning of the question. And in the process of negotiation, it's time for us to harvest. The main task of our seventh fleet is to plunder. Two days later, 500 large transport ships will arrive. Before they arrive, we will start our operations. Our goal is to return with full load. And your team will also be involved in this landing operation. Wipe out the enemy's living forces, find the best resources and provide coordinates. "

"I see."

"Now, go to rest. Waiting for the departure order. " Yan Xinghe said with a smile.

"Yes!" LAN Xuanyu stood up, saluted Yan Xinghe and returned to the living area.

Looking at the back of their departure, Yan Xinghe showed a faint smile on his face, "elder martial brother, let me see how much your precious apprentice can do. The stage has been set up for him. "

Mother star, Shrek college.

Dean's office.

Cherry red looked at the sofa and lay on it. She was eating grapes. Tang Zhenhua said angrily, "what do you look like? What if a teacher comes here? "

Tang Zhenhua said lazily, "then I'll get up!"

Sakura looked out of the window at the sky, "the war should have begun. Our son is here, so you don't worry at all? "

Tang Zhenhua turned to sit up and said with a wry smile, "can I not worry? I want to tie him to my belt, too. But, for his development, we can't do this! Unfortunately, he didn't get into Xuanyu's small team. But I believe my son will do something. He fully inherited his father's talent in Star Wars. In the aspect of Star battle command, his achievements in the class are only second to Xuanyu. In the future, it's no problem to be a battleship, or even a captain of a frigate. "

Cherry red hummed, "what's the matter? My son can't be commander? "

Tang Zhenhua smiled and said: "commander will be a little difficult. It's not a matter of personal strength, it's a matter of balance in all aspects. Don't worry, it will be OK. It's wisest to choose the seventh fleet. Bai Ling is close to our college. Besides, isn't star river in the seventh fleet? It's the top of the fleet. I've already said hello to him. Your son will be assigned to the battle formation of the Mothership, mainly studying in the battle command, and will not participate in landing operations. Frankly speaking, if I could, I would prefer to let him land and exercise. It's not because of my son's weakness. "

"Well. That's good. " The cherry is red and relieved.

Tang Zhenhua said: "what's good? If you don't experience danger, you will grow much slower.". Xuanyu and they will go directly to Xinghe. Although Star River is not as talented as me in Star battle command, this guy is very cunning and steady, which is better than me. "

Sakura's eyes became soft. "If it hadn't been for me, you would have made great progress in the army."

Tang Zhenhua laughs, "what's the use of that? Is it important for big development to have such a good wife? I don't need a big development. Unfortunately, my personal cultivation is not enough, and I can't break through the divine level. Otherwise, I will play supernatural one. Now I can only hope for my precious disciple. "

Sakura said: "this time, thirty-six students went to the inner courtyard of the college, plus all the teachers, a total of sixty-three. Seven are gods. It's unprecedented support for the union. The cabinet leader and yilao have also gone to the federal headquarters to prepare for the possible Revenge of the strong in Longma system. Do you think it will really fight this time? "

Tang Zhenhua shook his head and said: "in fact, we are not ready for a full-scale war. In the last 1000 years, we have been developing in a short time. With the explosion of science and technology, all kinds of powerful weapons have been developed. The use of resources is also growing. For the Federation, now is a key point. If it can rush past, it will surely become a powerful universe in the future. If it can't rush past, it will be in danger of extinction. So the Union will be very careful. For us, the Longma system is a big piece of fat. If we can really eat a full mouth of oil, then we have a basis for great development. But on the other hand, the fat is toxic and deadly, and there are many top powers in the Longma system. What we hope for now is more time to develop and turn the outbreak of scientific research into combat power and productivity. ""This time, the fuse is on your precious disciple," said Sakura. If we win, his credit will be added. "

Tang Zhenhua said: "I don't think so. The rank has been given to the major general, but in fact it has already been added. When did you hear of the 18-year-old general. It depends on the position. The college will make a breakthrough in Xuanyu's future. Maybe he will join the military, representing our college and Tangmen. We started to build our own forces in the military. After all, that one's back, and we don't have to worry about what the federal government thinks of us. That, but once the leader of ZTE. Now that the federal development has reached the bottleneck, it is inevitable to move towards the Longma system. The Federation also needs the full support of the college and Tangmen, so we must allow our real strong to have a certain position in the military. In fact, we have been waiting for this day. For this reason, Tangmen has done too much preparation. I have seen some in Tangmen in recent years, but it should be only part of it. I just don't know where the warships built by Tangmen are. "

"Does Tangmen really have its own warships?" said Sakura? The presence of a battleship above the Ares class? "

Tang Zhenhua said decidedly: "there must be. When I studied with them in Tangmen, I saw some devices that should only belong to large warships. It's very advanced. It's more advanced than what the federal government uses now. In fact, Tangmen and our college don't trust the federal government very much. Why don't they have any backers? "

Sakura nodded: "that's reasonable. The inner court suddenly asked our outer court to try Star Wars experiment class. It's probably related to this. It should be that we got the news in advance that the Federation is going to war with Longma galaxy."

Tang Zhenhua said: "there are many disciples in Tangmen who are good at Star Wars. They have cultivated a lot in batches. Most of them are the students who graduated from other colleges, and some of them are cultivated by Tang clan. "