Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 988

Yan Xinghe: "remember the order I just gave? Prepare all spacecrafts and fighters. That's actually ordering them to attack. They all have ghost paint, and they cover themselves to the best of their ability at the expense of speed. This latest coating, as long as it is not put into combat. Even our own main radar is hard to find. Although it will consume a lot of energy, it can't last. But it's enough. They carried an antimatter missile with the same ghostly coating. Or antimatter space mines. Keep these things with you and follow us. When the fleet stagnates, they will release these ghost space mines in the air and return quickly. So, you didn't notice that our radar was responding at one time. That was their return. Then, the enemy threw themselves into the net and hit the minefield we laid naturally. Obviously, we succeeded. For you, this is also a great achievement. Without the news you brought back, we could not have achieved such a great result. Such a result of war also confirms your previous credit. "

After hearing the story of Yan Xinghe, LAN Xuanyu suddenly realized it. There is no doubt that this is a meal prepared by the Douro Federation for the Longma system. This meal is really rich. Half of the warships have been annihilated, and the pursuit of the seventh fleet will certainly cause more warships to lose.


Tianma star.

"Boom -" in the fierce roar, the whole room made of special stone has been completely turned into fly ash.

Tianlong's face was gloomy and pale. At this time, he was in the shape of a human, wearing a white robe. Six pupils in each eye contract violently.

Around him, in the previous explosion, many of the giants of the Longma system were blown out. Only a tall, handsome man stood by him. At this time, his face was a little red.

"Tianlong, you have to give me an account. What's going on? Why is that? Why did all three parties fail? " The handsome man almost growled.

"I don't know. I don't know what's going on? This is the trap of the union of Douluo. How is it possible? How could they know? " The Dragon roared in a low voice. The six pupils of each eye had shrunk like the tip of a needle.

The handsome man looked at him coldly. "Do you know what this means? The strength that we have gradually accumulated with difficulty has suffered such a heavy loss. It's your duty. "

Tianlong suddenly turned around and looked at him coldly. "Tianma, is it meaningful to say that now? The most important thing now is to recover the loss. I will find the loss I caused. I'll go to the front now. "

As he said that, his figure flashed and he rushed into the air. But also at this time, Tianma stretched out. In the sky, a pair of huge white wings covered the sky and blocked the way of Tianlong.

"Boom -" two terrible forces collide, and the sky changes color and the earth darkens in an instant.

"Get out of the way. Why are you stopping me?" Tianlong said coldly.

"Your heart is in disorder. It's not enough to tear your face. If you take your hand, the other party will take action against our planet, and Tianma star will take the lead. You've made such a big mistake. From now on, I will take over the battle command of the galaxy. You immediately return to Dragon Star, stop people and fight against the coming invasion of the union of Douluo. Hide all important facilities that can be hidden. I'll call for people later. We have to go to the Douro Federation. It is certain to suffer losses this time, but we should try to minimize the losses. "

Tianlong's pupil slightly enlarged a few minutes, looking at the Tianma in front of him, his breath was stable, his brow was tight and he said, "why don't you go now?"

Tianma said in a deep voice: "it takes time to negotiate, even if it is based on your and my accomplishments, it also takes time to catch up. With this time, the other side can give us too much blow. Let's withdraw our fleet to the nearby Tianlong star and Tianma star to guard the two main stars. As for the rest of the planet, we will not care about it for the time being. Let them hold on first and cover up as much as possible. First, we will arrange internal affairs, and then we will go to Douluo Federation's parent star. "

Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light around his body was obviously dim. "Do you want to ask the mother of crimson for help?"

Tianma frowned. "That guy is crazy. Don't cooperate with her until you have to. Although the union of Douluo is a threat, as long as we have enough time, we can still win. But if the mother of crimson enters the Longma system, it will be difficult to drive her away. To cooperate with her is nothing more than to conspire with a tiger. "

"Well, then. Do what you want first. I'll go back to Dragon Star. This time, the responsibility lies with me. I probably know how to disclose it. Those ants didn't die. " Speaking of this, the cold light in Tianlong's eyes burst out, and then the original face came to mind.

The light and shadow flicker, and the Dragon flies in another direction. In the sky, the huge wings converge, and finally turn into light and disappear behind the Tianma.

Tianma falls out of the sky. At this time, many powerful Longma galaxies of different shapes that were previously lifted have gathered.Tianma said in a deep voice, "give me an order, and all the fleets will withdraw to Tianma star and Tianlong star. Retreat at all costs and do not fight with each other. "


"Boom -" a warship of the Longma system exploded under the strong fire of the third dragon. This is the seventh enemy warship defeated by dragon three in a row.

As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, the warships of the Longma system do not work, but by this time, they have completely dispersed and fled the battlefield.

Soul guided fighters and space mecha have been deployed, mainly to catch up with the enemy and create a time for their own defeat. However, when the opponent is determined to escape, the pursuit effect of the seventh fleet gradually weakens.

Although the battle of the warships in the Longma system is worse, the time to escape is not weak. This has a lot to do with the fact that they don't belong to each other. It's OK to fight in the downwind. Once they enter the headwind, the first thing they think about is self-protection.

Therefore, when antimatter missiles start to explode in a large range and destroy a large number of warships, many warships of the Longma system choose to turn around and run at the first time. There was no desire to continue fighting.

Therefore, although the seventh fleet pursued at the first time, it only wiped out 10% of the enemy. If we continue to chase, we will be too far away from the carrier.

Still, it was an unprecedented victory. The third and fifth fleets also received good news and wiped out nearly half of the enemy. In total, more than 1300 Longma warships were destroyed in three battlefields, which is a huge loss.

Once defeated, the first thing that all forces want to do is to protect themselves.

The seventh fleet reconstituted and went straight to the depths of the Longma system. At the same time, the meteor star reconnaissance ship launched an all-round reconnaissance.

After breaking through each other's defenses, the Longma system seems to have opened the door to the union of Douluo, without the ability to block and detect.

Longyuanjing, who almost brought disaster to the Douluo Federation, finally became a means of counter control and achieved success in World War I. Let the Douluo Federation greatly weaken the enemy's strength and occupy the initiative in the battlefield.

This is the importance of intelligence. Without LAN Xuanyu's discovery of the great plot, the situation might have been reversed.

If the fleet suddenly loses most of its power source and is besieged by thousands of enemy warships, it will be a devastating disaster.