Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 980

"Major general LAN Xuanyu, I've heard something about you, but now it seems that I don't know enough about you. In this regard, I review. This training should be of little significance to you. But basic military regulations and laws need to be learned. I'll send someone to arrange for you to enter the camp and distribute your accommodation immediately. Because of your particularity, you will be assigned together. I'd like to ask you about what level of mission can you accomplish? "

"Level five should be OK." Said LAN Xuanyu.

Shen Junjie's face changed slightly. The five level task of fighting against heaven is already at a very high level. He knew that he still underestimated the strength of these young people. Even if I graduated from Shrek college and just graduated from other colleges, I would not be able to perform the five level Tiandou task under normal circumstances.

"Well, I see. I'll send you to our living area to arrange your stay later. Waiting for notice at any time. "


Although the training is just at the beginning, Shen Junjie knows that the training in the army really doesn't mean much to LAN Xuanyu. It will affect other school level officers here. It's better to make another arrangement.

Shen Junjie left in a hurry, and LAN Xuanyu returned to the ranks of school level officers.

Ye Lingtong came to LAN Xuanyu and asked doubtfully, "what is minister Shen looking for you?"

LAN Xuanyu said: "we may have other arrangements, we can't continue to participate in the training."

"Is that so? What's the arrangement? " Ye Lingtong couldn't help asking.

LAN Xuanyu hasn't opened his mouth yet, and Qian Lei beside him has said, "it seems that this is not what you should ask. Military regulations are not regulations. Are there any other tasks in the army that can't be inquired without permission? It's a military secret. "

Qian Lei naturally recognized Ye Lingtong at this time, but he had no good impression on this girl. Ye Lingtong is too self and strong.

Lan Mengqin gently pinched his hand, Qian Lei looked at her doubtfully, and got a look of praise, which immediately lifted his spirit.

LAN Xuanyu didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded to Ye Lingtong politely.

At this time, he Qingyi has come over and beckoned to the seven members of LAN Xuanyu, who followed. It's time they left.

Ye Lingtong watched them leave. He did not know why, but he felt lost.

The former classmates have already parted ways, even those excellent boys in Tianluo college have been left behind by her. She has already had the cultivation of nearly six rings. At her age, this has been a great achievement. College teachers all said that in the future, she has the possibility to enter the temple of the God of war.

But these years of hard work, for ye Lingtong, also spent all his spare time. Suddenly I saw LAN Xuanyu, and he seemed to be so excellent, and immediately touched her heart.

But for LAN Xuanyu, meeting Ye Lingtong is just a little episode.

Out of the simulation cabin, the shuttle has been waiting outside. First, let them go back to pack things, and then take them to the living area of the dragon three warship.

Although the living area of the Dragon King frigate cannot be compared with that of the Mothership, it also has a large area, which is located in the middle of the warship. LAN Xuanyu and his family were arranged in the residential area of senior officers, a connected metal house. Other people's rooms are about 100 square meters, with a special living room, bedroom, bathroom. The food for the army is provided in a unified way. If you want to improve the food, you have to go to the living area to buy by yourself, so there is no kitchen in the residence.

LAN Xuanyu's room is 200 square meters, with more complete facilities. This is the residence of the major general's corresponding level. The others were in fact attracted by his light, otherwise, the commander was not qualified to live in such a room. One hundred square meters corresponds to the rank of colonel and major.

The layout of the room is simple, but it is also very comfortable, especially for the room of LAN Xuanyu, which is decorated with a certain amount of soft cloth. The wall was so soft to touch that it was cold without metal. The floor is covered with carpet, which is not a luxury brand, but it is neat and clean, and it is very comfortable to step on barefoot.

Moreover, there is a small meeting room in LAN Xuanyu's room, which can accommodate eight people to talk about things.

That is to say, only a large warship like Dragon King frigate can have such perfect facilities inside. After they settled down, LAN Xuanyu was led around the living area by a special person.

The living area is not small and open to all. No matter officers or soldiers, they can go to the living area for leisure under the condition of improper duties. There are bars, cafes, game halls, restaurants and other facilities. There is no school on the frigate. If the soldiers here have children, the children will be sent to the school on the mothership. The Mothership is the safest and has plenty of space.

The living area here is more for leisure and entertainment. LAN Xuanyu even saw a time room for rent.

Ordinary soldiers live in the same dormitories. In the universe fleet, men and women are not forbidden to fall in love. After all, the lonely life of the universe, without some adjustment, people will go mad. The hour room is naturally prepared for ordinary soldiers. It's cheap and popular. It often needs to be reserved.But the officers above a certain level have no such problem naturally. They all have their own rooms. So it's much easier for an officer to find a mate in the space fleet. It is also the goal of many soldiers to have an independent room of their own.

The fact that there is no class system in the cosmos fleet does not mean that you can become a senior officer after graduation from a famous school. Here, it depends on strength and military skill. Even ordinary soldiers, if they do meritorious service in battle neutrality, can accumulate meritorious service and upgrade to officers.

The service life of the space fleet is ten years. Officers vary according to their rank. Of all the professions in the Federation, the generals in the cosmos are the highest paid. If an ordinary soldier has served for ten years, after returning to the executive star, his income will be enough for him to live a full life.

Therefore, many retired space fleet soldiers are very popular with women. The union is a hero to every retired soldier. Of course, they will be conscripted reserves at any time before the age of 60.

The generous treatment also makes more people hope to become cosmic fighters.

In the space fleet, soldiers are relatively dangerous. Especially the mech soldiers involved in landing operations. They often need to fight the enemy in the front line. Ship commanders are much more secure. After all, the bigger the warship, the higher the security of the whole fleet.

To their surprise, LAN Xuanyu didn't have the cold and hard style of the army, but was very warm and comfortable. From color to music, the warm feeling is like coming back to the big city. Comfortable and lazy.

Most of them are bars. But there are warning signs in front of every bar. Warn the soldiers to drink only on vacation. At the same time, if drinking makes trouble, it will be dealt with by military law.

LAN Xuanyu inquired about it before he knew that drinking in the bar is almost the common hobby of all soldiers. But the wine here is only allowed to drink here, not to take away.

The space fleet attaches great importance to the construction of living quarters, even those meteor class attack ships and meteor star reconnaissance ships without living quarters. After a certain period of time, you can return to the carrier or the frigate or battleship to rest. With a certain degree of relaxation, the fleet can form a virtuous circle and maintain a strong combat capability at any time.

LAN Xuanyu, who have no task now, just hang out in the living area. There is also an interesting place in the living quarters of the fleet. LAN Xuanyu found that no matter what level of soldiers they were, they would take off their ranks before entering the living quarters.