Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 978

Just then, he Qingyi's voice had already sounded in front of him, "let's go, target, star city. In the process of going to Star City, you will be attacked by various enemies. The whole journey is 10 kilometers, arriving in 30 minutes. Rate by time. Let's go. "

Out of the room, the vision suddenly became open, in front of a wilderness. Looking around, you can see a lot of hills.

Without any coordinates and navigation, LAN Xuanyu can see where the star city is, because it is a city suspended in the air.

In front of them, a huge city is suspended for several kilometers. It seems that the city is completely made of steel and can be seen clearly. And on the city's surface, there's a layer of light shield released, which seems to be a protective shield.

The sky is free, but in the sky, there are many creatures flying. These creatures that look like flying spirits hover in the air. Obviously, this is their way to star city. To get to Star City, you have to go through these flying creatures.

Ye Lingtong, who was not far away from LAN Xuanyu, turned to look at him and said nothing. With a flash of light in front of her, a black machine armor appeared in front of her. This machine armour is only four meters and five meters high. It seems to be relatively thin and small in the machine armour as a whole. But black paint already means it's powerful. The mecha is on, ye Lingtong jumps up and has entered the mecha. When the hatch was closed, LAN Xuanyu clearly saw the burning fighting spirit deep in Ye Lingtong's eyes.

At the next moment, the black class mecha has been lifted up and rushed to the sky like a arrow.

A big bird with a wingspan of more than six meters was the first one to find her, and rushed to her mecha in an instant. The two wings of the big bird clearly glittered with metallic luster.

However, ye Lingtong's black class machine armour didn't mean to dodge at all, so it rushed up. Suddenly, there was a strong white light on the surface of the machine armour. With a loud bang, the body of the giant bird had been broken by the impact, while ye Lingtong's black class machine armour was upright, facing the obstruction of a flying creature, it killed the past without hesitation.

Other officers also showed their own abilities, wearing machine armour one after another, and rose from the air. They are all soul divisions obviously, but in the army, the dependence on machine armour is obviously stronger. A mecha takes off to fight against flying creatures, and at the same time, it flies in the direction of star city.

LAN Xuanyu's seven people didn't move, because LAN Xuanyu didn't move, and others were waiting.

They just looked up for a while and found that those flying creatures should not be spirits, because they didn't see any powerful soul skills. Comparatively speaking, it is more like a group of flying creatures whose fighting power is much stronger than that of ordinary flying birds, but they only fight with their physical fitness. The number is a little more, but the individual combat power is not too strong. At most, it is the level of centenary beast.

He Qingyi is also looking down. He has found that there are seven people in lanxuanyu who have not moved. He does not urge them. Who makes LAN Xuanyu's rank higher than him? Although the rank cannot be displayed here, the general is a general after all.

"Let's go up. Skywing. Good grades are still needed. " Blue Xuan Yu said with a smile, in front of seven people, the light was shining at the same time, and seven purple machine armours appeared in front of them.

Seeing the purple machine armour released by them, he Qingyi frowns slightly. Are they the excellent students of Shrek college and the students in the inner court? Are they just purple machine armour? Moreover, it seems that their armour is bigger than six meters. The more powerful the mecha is, the more it will control its shape to ensure its flexibility.

In the sky, ye Lingtong, who has already rushed over half a distance, naturally sees the following situation. Seven purple machine armours? And it looks like a normal purple mecha? Is that the level of Shrek college?

Just when she was puzzled, the seven people in LAN Xuanyu had already gone to the machine armour, and the seven figures rose to the sky.

In the process of the rise of mecha, the purple mecha has begun to change.

Skywing armor, deformed!

Almost in a flash, the seven skywing armor has become a skywing fighter. The tail flame behind them spews out in a flash, breaking through the sound barrier and making a low roar. Seven Tianyi fighters soared up in a neat triangle formation and rushed into the sky in an instant.

Flying creatures naturally found them and wanted to get involved, but the problem is that the flying speed of these flying creatures is too slow for skywing fighters to catch up with them.

LAN Xuanyu, as the first wing, easily controls the fighter plane. Just for some small evasion, he has rushed out of the encirclement of flying creatures. With the absolute advantage of speed, he shuttles through the gap of a flying creature and easily rushes into the sky.

When he was in chaos, he dared to challenge the warship with his fighter, let alone the examination of Pediatrics in front of him. There is no desire to fight.

It's only a few breaths. Seven Tianyi fighters have surpassed all the previous fighters and come to the outer shield of star city.

The fighter plane was deformed again. LAN Xuanyu felt outside the shield. He found that the strength of the shield was not weak, but it didn't seem to be too strong. It should only be used to defend the flying creatures equivalent to centenary beasts.It seems that it is also an assessment to pass through the shield, but it is difficult for him. With a flash of dark blue light in his hand, the halberd of the heavenly sage Chayuan came out. Suddenly, the shield couldn't bear his powerful supernatural weapon, which ignored the defense. It was cut open directly. Six other people came in and blue Xuanyu was the last one.

And just after he got in, the shield disappeared quietly.

What's the situation? LAN Xuanyu was a little confused, but the star city was in front of him. They flew directly to the city.

In fact, there is no breakthrough shield in the assessment. This is not a breakthrough for normal mecha division. It's just that Lan Xuanyu and his team are flying too fast, and the shield hasn't been closed

He Qingyi was stunned to see it below, and ye Lingtong, who was rushing forward, was also stunned, so that he was hit by a flying creature and deviated from his original position.

Machine armour becomes a fighter? Black technology!

At this time, the seven people of LAN Xuanyu have fallen on the star city. They don't know where they should fall, so they fall on the surface of the star city and put up their sky wing armor. halfhour? Thirty seconds, they're useless!

This assessment is not so difficult originally, and it's even simpler for LAN Xuanyu.

Six minutes later, Ye Ling's pupils burst out. The closer she is to Star City, the greater the density of flying creatures. She can reach it in six minutes, which is very excellent. He is the first officer in his school rank. But compared with LAN Xuanyu, they are still a little far away.

Falling not far away from them, ye Lingtong takes back his armor and looks at them again. There are some changes. Her strong competitive mind burst into flames.

Special mecha? Can it be changed into armor for fighters? If you have this kind of armor, you can do it, right? She comforted herself in her heart.

LAN Xuanyu's seven people didn't pay attention to them. Under LAN Xuanyu's leadership, seven people looked at the contents of military regulations and disciplines that had been passed from the soul guide communicator. They had nothing to do to wait. It's better to use them for learning.

It took 25 minutes for the last school officer to get to star city. All of them have completed the assessment task.