Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 976

"OK." LAN Xuanyu nodded again. He wondered if the rule of no military rank was specially set for him. But he did understand that a general went to the school level officer training, which is really a bit of nonsense.

Shen Junkai said: "OK, I'll take the training first. After training, assign tasks. "

With that, Shen Junkai left. He Qingyi takes LAN Xuanyu and they get on another car. The Dragon King frigate is more than 4500 meters long and has the same size, but it is not as wide as the Mothership, relatively narrow and long, and more flexible.

He Qingyi asked seven of LAN Xuanyu to get on the shuttle and said, "major general LAN Xuanyu, during the training, all the trainers need to live together. For the time being, it's a room for four people. After the training, we will allocate the residence. Please understand."

"Well, understand." LAN Xuanyu nodded his head. They are all newcomers. Rank means rank. But here, only rank is useless. This can be seen from the attitude of several general level officers to them. Most of the officers of the seventh fleet did not take them seriously. After all, LAN Xuanyu and his colleagues are too young. It's a good thing that the colonel said that he, a major general, is really a bit of a storm. So it's no use saying more now. In the army, if you want to have a say, you need strength.

Dragon three's training area is in the middle of the warship, which is a separate area. He Qingyi first assigned rooms to seven of them, and then issued the battle suit and the special communication code of dragon three warship, so that they can use their own soul guided communicator to enter the internal communication system of dragon three warship. Of course, the contact can only be internal to the seventh fleet, and satellite signals will not open remote communication to them.

Two day combat uniform, no weapons and equipment. This is all they got in dragon three.

LAN Xuanyu, yuan enhuihui, Qian Lei and Liu Feng have a room, and Bai XiuXiu, LAN Mengqin and Tang Yuge have a room. He Qingyi asked them to change their uniforms and put on their combat clothes. In an hour, we will gather together.

"Boss, do you think they are going to give us a lower horse power?" Qian Lei asked LAN Xuanyu as he changed into a combat suit.

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile, "it's also human nature. After all, we are outsiders, and we have a high rank. It's normal to have reservations about us before you know us. We'll do whatever we want first. "

Yuanen Huihui said: "that is, when they carry out tasks later, they will know our strength. I don't know what the next training is about. "

LAN Xuanyu said: "we haven't received the formal training of the army. This time, we all study hard, especially the knowledge about the cosmos fleet. We are here to learn and practice. Even if other trainers reject us, bear with them first. "

The other three nodded. This is not a college. As latecomers, it is necessary to keep a low profile.

The battle suits of the seventh fleet are also dark blue. As Qing Yi said, there is no rank on the battle suits. All the battle suits are the same. This is made of special materials, with automatic temperature control system, able to adjust the temperature by itself, very comfortable. There is also an automatic oxygen supply system inside the combat suit, which can survive for a short time even in space. It's all federal technology.

An hour later, some sharp bells suddenly rang, waking up the rest of the people. Quickly out of the room, suddenly saw that dozens of soldiers, like them, wearing combat uniforms, came out of their dormitories.

Although they don't know where they are gathering, they can naturally find the gathering place with these people.

The seven gathered first and then followed the others.

There is an open space in front of the dormitory. Other people quickly form a neat line in front of them. Obviously, they are not the first day of training here.

LAN Xuanyu's seven people stood at the back. Through observation, he found that the officers who had been intensively trained had men and women. Everyone's expression was very serious, and they didn't talk to each other. Their military appearance was very neat.

He Qingyi and another Colonel came from afar to the front of the crowd. Compared with the time when they received LAN Xuanyu, the University was more serious at this time.

"Today, seven new recruits joined the training, because the training is about to enter the second stage. The new recruits need to learn the first stage of military rules, discipline, and the responsibilities of officers. The information will be sent to your communicator. The second stage is more a test than a training. Each of you will face the task and complete it in the exclusive simulation cabin. The completion of the task will determine your later distribution. To be here means that you have completed your responsibilities well in your previous positions, but you need to make more efforts to go further. All of you, turn left and enter the simulation cabin. "

LAN Xuanyu listened carefully in the back. They really need to learn something about military regulations and the responsibilities of officers, and then learn by themselves. Now the training is more assessment? In terms of assessment, they have never been afraid. The graduation examination of Shrek college has come. The assessment of the army will never be more difficult than that.

Normally, it takes years of training to become a soldier in the space fleet. The training of regular military schools and the testing of all aspects will take at least five to ten years to train, so that the excellent can join the fleet. The cosmos fleet is the most powerful force of the Douluo Federation, and the requirements for every soldier are very high.LAN Xuanyu even doubted that the military regulations and disciplines mentioned today were mainly aimed at them. Without any military training, they joined the army directly and became officers.

Of course, for their use, the fleet will not be like normal soldiers. It must be arranged to the exploration team to perform some special tasks.

The people who join the army as the fighter are not without, and they are basically treated in this way, which is called making the best of their talents. However, few of them were born to fight against the sky and were able to finally get involved in the army to take charge of warships. Of course, in a fleet, the top powers still play an extremely important role, not inferior to commanders.

Like the seven major federal fleets, almost every fleet's Mothership has a god level strongman. Power, though relatively small, has a high status. Those who fight against the sky usually belong to this category.

Long San's training for LAN Xuanyu is actually a test of their strength, so as to arrange affairs for them. This is the green light. Under normal circumstances, doutian people join the army. Even if they have a certain rank, they need to be trained for a certain period of time. It is impossible to enter the Dragon King warship to perform tasks as soon as they come up.

The simulation cabin of the army looks very distinctive without any gorgeous decoration. It looks like a metal coffin

To enter the simulation cabin, special connectors are needed to connect the wrists and ankles of both hands. There are also special connections on the head. It's a bit like a hearsay tower.

LAN Xuanyu and their first contact with such a simulator, under the command of he Qingyi, were taught how to connect by other school level officers participating in the training.

Responsible for Teaching LAN Xuanyu is a female officer, she received the instruction order to turn around and come to LAN Xuanyu.

The cold voice rings, "four clips, clip on your wrist and ankle respectively, connect smoothly, the clip will turn blue. Put on the head cover to ensure that the conductive patches on the forehead, temple and head cover fit, and tighten at the back. After entering, lie on your back. There is no difference between the simulation cabin and the reality. If you die, it is likely to have an impact on your nerves, so don't treat it as an ordinary simulation cabin with low pain. "

The female officer in front of her has short brown hair. As she said, she bowed her head and picked up the corresponding items in the simulation cabin to give a sign to LAN Xuanyu, but she didn't even look at LAN Xuanyu. Her temperament was just like her voice, with some coldness. There is a sense of rejection.

LAN Xuanyu looked at her cautiously, with some doubts in his eyes, and tried to say: "you are..."

The female officer looked up, a pair of pale green eyes cold to blue Xuan Yu, but when she and blue Xuan Yu four eyes opposite, also slightly a Leng.

LAN Xuanyu's beautiful black eyes made her feel very familiar, and the cold on her body dissipated, "you..."

"Ye Lingtong?" LAN Xuanyu is not sure of some of the temptation to ask a sentence, while looking up and down at her.

The female officer is about 1.7 meters tall, tall and straight, with delicate and beautiful face and cool temperament. She is a rare beauty in the army. She looks almost the same age as LAN Xuanyu.

"Lan Xuan Yu?" Ye Lingtong can't believe his eyes.