Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 974

Qian Lei said: "in the future, when fighting, I will be responsible for bleeding the enemy. Try it. If you do more experiments, you may find a way. "

Jiayu's eyes brightened, nodded and said, "you can think about it. I found that the sea spirit beast I summoned was very sensitive to blood and could greatly enhance their ferocity. If I explode myself, the effect of blood amplification is the best, because all my own strength is integrated into it. If someone else's blood, if they have their own energy, they should do the same. "

"I think you can be guided by your blood. It will work well. Where's Li Han? Li Han, can your tidal power gather blood? " Liu Feng also came up to give Jiayu an idea.

"Theoretically, all liquids can control the change into tides," Li said. Blood is also a liquid. It should work. If the increase of blood to the sea spirit beast is so large, I think it can be tried. Li Bin, can you increase the power of the bright moon under the influence of blood? "

Li Bin said with a wry smile, "I don't know either! However, our combination of martial arts and spirits creates a bright moon on the sea. Are you going to turn it into a rising blood moon? What about the mood? "

Li Han turned his eyes. "In front of the power, what mood do you want? Let's think about it. Maybe we can turn the bright moon on the sea into a combined version of the ferocious tide in the sea of blood. The power will definitely increase. This is good, Jiayu. You are silent and guide us. Yours! "

"I didn't do anything." Jiayu said shyly. Just look at his present appearance, who can imagine that this is a soul skill that has just been used for self bombing sacrifice not long ago?

LAN Xuanyu is grabbing Bai XiuXiu who wants to escape. Bai XiuXiu who grabs and laughs under her armpit can't.

"Spare me, I'm wrong."

"What did you do just now? Hum! I want to see you again. Where do you want to go? I tell you, you can't run in this life. "

The blue dream Qin with his hands around him turned his white eyes and said, "I can't stand you two. It's so bloody! Qian Lei, you will die for me! "

For a time, the transport ship was full of laughter, which was unprecedented for the 13th wing. They have never been so relaxed since they entered Shrek college.

The Longma system is very far away from the parent star, and the transport ships need to fly for 21 days, after three wormhole jumps to arrive.

After the initial relaxation, everyone's mood calmed down, and they meditated separately to spend the long time.

LAN Xuanyu summoned his golden dragon spear, immersed in the spiritual space, and continued to practice what he said. After these days of continuous cultivation, he has gradually found some feelings.

Tang Sanshi, the God of the sea, showed his strong attack power. But LAN Xuanyu's situation is not the same. He has many abilities, and each soul ring is at the level of 100000 years. Therefore, he gradually felt that the greatest characteristic of his thousand directions should be change. The change of attribute, the change of moment, the change of element combination, plus the attachment of Golden Dragon King power.

It seems that every stab has a different feeling, leads different forces and has different effects.

Because there are so many changes, he needs more time to understand what these changes bring. It takes a long time to practice, but he seems to find his own direction gradually.

Gold dragon is bone, silver dragon is skin.

Complementary and interwoven.

It is in the process of their respective cultivation that 21 days will finally be spent.

Far away, large groups of warships appeared outside the side window. The tone inside the carrier also sounded, "coming back to the fleet. All personnel are ready. "

The tone repeated, and LAN Xuanyu ended his practice and opened his eyes again.

The war song major general did not know when he had come back. Seeing him with his eyes open, he nodded slightly to him.

LAN Xuanyu also nodded to him and looked out.

Although this is not the first time to see the 7th Fleet, when he saw so many warships outside the side window, he still had a feeling of blood boiling.

At this time, the warship became noisy again. In the 13th wing, only LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu had close contact with the fleet, but the others were the first time. For a while, their mood is excited by coincidence.

Lying at the porthole, looking at the warship with different shapes outside, especially from the crevice of the warship, we can see the huge warship in the innermost part, which is like a city. The sense of the vastness of space and the power of the cosmos fleet make everyone have a complex emotion of excitement.

The transport ships passed by a warship. Because they were from Shrek college, they had to report to the Mothership before they could be arranged to serve in the army. In particular, although their numbers are small, they are all officers, which needs further arrangement.

LAN Xuanyu's mood at this time was different from that of the last time he came to the 7th Fleet. When he came last time, he had only one idea in mind, that is, how to rescue teacher Nana and how to rescue her from the stars. At this time, he is in a relaxed mood, and the whole human spirit is in the best state.For the next military career, he is really looking forward to it. No doubt, he is taking a shortcut. A person who has just entered the army for the first time actually has the rank of major general. Even LAN Xuanyu himself thinks it is incredible.

The Mothership opens a passage for the transport ship to enter. After a series of scanning and detection, this entered the interior of the carrier.

Major general Warsong has begun to contact the mothership. When the transport ship finally stopped, he came to LAN Xuanyu. "Major general LAN Xuanyu, please report to the Staff Department after receiving the notice from the fleet Staff Department. Others will be arranged separately later. "

LAN Xuanyu said, "major general, will we be scattered to all departments?"

"I don't know what the staff will do," the war song said. You should know the details later in the staff. " His impression of LAN Xuanyu is not very good. There is even jealousy in my heart. Young general of eighteen! He has made a lot of contributions, step by step. After more than 20 years, he has been regarded as the youngest general of the seventh fleet. But compared with this one in front of him, he has an impulse to tear. They are major generals when they are 18 years old! How can this compare?

"Good." LAN Xuanyu can also feel the indifference of war songs to himself, and he doesn't ask any more. Anyway, the specific situation will be known when it comes to the Staff Department.

There are already shuttles waiting for them, which is quite different from the last time they came here. This time, no one will greet them. LAN Xuanyu boarded a special shuttle under the guidance of zhange, while others boarded another shuttle.

LAN Xuanyu waves to his friends and points to the soul guide communicator on his wrist. The two shuttles went in different directions.

LAN Xuanyu arrived at the headquarters of the 7th Fleet in the shuttle car, which connected many checkpoints.

He was taken to a meeting room, where the war song made him wait, and then he turned and went out.

LAN Xuanyu looked around. The conference room was also a warship's metal style. It was not big. It could seat about ten people. It was a small conference room.

He found a place to sit down and waited quietly.

Time is not long, the meeting room door open, LAN Xuanyu hurriedly stood up, a general with the rank of general from the outside came in.

He looks like a man in his fifties. He has elegant temperament, good looks, bright eyes and a light smile on his face.

"Hello, chief." LAN Xuanyu hurried to a military ceremony that was not too standard.

The Admiral smiled and said, "don't be stiff. I'll be a family later. I'm Chen Yilei, chief of staff of our seventh fleet. The commander was supposed to see you in person today, but he just went to patrol the frigate and let me. What about? Is the journey exhausting? Sit down. " As he spoke, he sat down opposite LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu hurriedly said: "very good."

Chen Yilei said: "that's good. I've read your information. I'll consult with the commander before referring to your college's opinions. You will be arranged as follows. Thirty three of you will be scattered to the various fleets. Because your personal abilities are excellent, you will be assigned to the exploration teams of each fleet. Although it's a break-up, make sure you are at least a group of five people. After all, you are familiar with each other. It can be divided into five groups. You decide how to group them. "