Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 960

Dean's office.

"Is this white ring a trick?" An inner court teacher couldn't help but say, "this element is so powerful that it's just like using your hands. How much mental power does he have, President Sakura? "

"The cherry falls red way:" should have walked not short distance in the spirit yuan boundary

"The spiritual power of lingyuanjing is really strong, but the question is, why can't I feel his spiritual power consumption when he is a five ring soul master in the continuous battle? It's like having a soul core? " The teacher continued.

"I don't know that either." Cherry red to see Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi is also repeatedly shaking his head.

Isn't it? Left behind, there are hundreds of buried opponents. But he still seems to be relaxed and comfortable. Every time he releases more or less soul power, he doesn't want to save soul power at all. This is clearly more than seven rings, and with the soul of the master can do. He didn't even use the armor, and didn't use the increase of armor.

Is this ability of element control possible? Can the teachers in the inner court believe it?

"Keep watching." Wang Tianyu waved.

Only then did the teachers calm down, and LAN Xuanyu had already passed the corridor in front of him and came to a wider place.

In this wide space, a man of two meters stands there silently, as if to wait for his arrival.

Two purple, four black, six soul rings lingered on the man, showing the cultivation of the six ring soul emperor, in sharp contrast to the five white soul rings on LAN Xuanyu at that time.

The man has a heavy sword in his hand. He is wearing black armor and armor! His armor has no wings. It looks like a word of armor, but it is much heavier than the ordinary word of armor. At first sight, it's the kind of defense that is very amazing.

"Hum!" Black armour man sees blue Xuan Yu, cold hum, suddenly step out, left foot heavily step on the ground, suddenly, the earth makes a roar, strong concussion force in this diameter of no more than 30 meters of space concussion.

Blue wind, from all sides to the opponent, and the previous tactics, the wind bound!

The man with black armor moved, and there seemed to be a black flame behind him, which pushed his body to rush towards lanxuanyu like lightning, and lifted the heavy sword in his hand. In the process of lifting, the blue wind was cut off. At the same time, the third Soul Ring on his body flickered, and a layer of dark purple lines appeared on the surface of the heavy sword. In the air, there was a faint explosion of dark breath, which was extremely viscous.

In this short period of time, he has rushed to the front five meters of blue Xuan Yu, and the heavy sword in his hand will be cut off.

Also at this time, LAN Xuanyu took a step forward, his body suddenly lit up, dazzling golden light even the teachers who watched the war felt a little bit dazzling.

All the darkness was dispelled at this moment. When the screen became clear again, the first thing the teachers saw was the figure that had rushed to LAN Xuanyu, because he was very tall. And LAN Xuanyu is in front of him.

The tall black armour soldier raised his heavy sword in both hands, but his sword did not fall. The whole body is full of smoke, purple smoke. Then LAN Xuanyu's left hand is on his chest.

LAN Xuanyu takes back his hand, calmly bypasses the black armor warrior, continues to walk forward, and enters the back corridor. At the chest of the black armor warrior, I don't know when a hole has been broken. Then, his black armor began to expand. With a series of clangs, one ice spike burst out of his body, and one ice spike came out of his body and armor. The whole person is like a huge ice flower.

In the face of a six ring soul emperor wearing a one word armor, seckill!

Even if it's the spirit of seven rings, it can't be done, can it?

Control of this element

After judging that the opponent is the ghost of dark attribute, lanxuanyu blooms the power of light element to restrain the dark element, weaken the opponent's action ability and defense, smash the opponent's Breastplate with the left hand, drill in the ice element, activate the opponent's blood, and bloom countless ice thorns in the body.

This is the whole process of the battle. How to break the armor? At the time of shooting, LAN Xuanyu's left hand was covered with scales and presented as claw type.

As soon as the picture turns, LAN Xuanyu has entered the back corridor. Around his body, various elements emerge constantly. All the enemies who rush out will perish in a short time. He moves forward step by step without any pause or hesitation. It seems to him that killing these enemies is just a normal and simple thing.

Willpower is never innate. It's improved through constant exercise the day after tomorrow. Although LAN Xuanyu is not old, he has experienced too many things in recent years. As a monitor, he must face all kinds of situations calmly and lead his partners forward. But even his mind had collapsed not long ago, because Nana fell to the star and collapsed.

To rescue Nana and succeed in the end, it's not a heart training trip for him? At this time, LAN Xuanyu had only one idea in mind, that is, to become strong enough to protect his family and partners.

Only by defeating the enemy can we better protect what we want to protect. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to ourselves. Under the influence of this firm will, he will not be affected at all."The first pass, seventeen." Cherry red timely report to Wang tianyuhui.

The so-called first pass is the six ring black armour warrior just now. This is what everyone has to face. Therefore, LAN Xuanyu is not the fastest one to pass this level in the class. In front of him, a dozen people have passed.

"Eighteen people , 20 people... " More students are passing the examination. For students who can graduate from other schools, this level is not difficult. It is more to test their determination and will when facing and killing the enemy.

"Soon." Said a teacher in the inner court in a low voice.

Tang Zhenhua looked at all the inner court teachers and said, "their willpower will be stronger than you think."

Star Wars training is of great help to the students' willpower. Without strong willpower, how can we face the pain caused by each overload of controlling the spirit guided fighter? Every time I can enter the simulation cabin to train the spirit guided fighter, it needs strong willpower.

After seeing the performance of Tan Xiaodao, piaoxiu and LAN Xuanyu, Tang Zhenhua's mentality has stabilized at this time. He suddenly felt that he should trust these little guys more. They can go to today, not just because of the role of LAN Xuanyu alone.

Does LAN Xuanyu play a big role? It's big, of course. It is not only his help to the students, but also his exemplary role.

Just like when he is driving the spirit guided fighter, he can reach the present super God 58, so all students will naturally take him as the goal.

For the average fighter pilot, the biggest dream in his life may be to enter the top 10000 in the Federation. But for the 13th wing, they didn't feel anything when they entered the first ten thousand. Their monitor is in double digits. Even in the first 1000, they all felt that they were far from the monitor.

The same is true in actual combat. Why can't we do what our monitor can do in the Fourth Ring Road and the Sixth Ring Road? The monitor has spent so much time building the armor for us. If we can't graduate, can we afford the monitor? What's more, we can do what the monitor can do.

When Liu Feng and Qian Lei first entered Shrek, what were their accomplishments? Now double double break seven rings. Who in everyone's heart didn't hold back the strength?