Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 951

"I've heard about that," said Qian Lei. It's good to go to the army! Let's go in a warship. "

LAN Xuanyu was a little surprised and said: "you can! The news is very good! "

Qian Lei smiled and said: "that's right. We have an insider. Boss, you don't know. You are not in this period of time, but a big gossip

"What gossip?" LAN Xuanyu asked doubtfully.

"President Sakura and Mr. Tang are reunited. Hey, hey, hey. Is it tough to break a mirror and get back together? "

Blue Xuan Yu is surprised to say: "compound? Is it true or not? " He knew that Sakura was gnashing her teeth at Tang Zhenhua.

"Of course it is. It's nothing. They have a son. And it's in our class. "

LAN Xuanyu was stunned, and his heart read: "if you say that, it must not be you. Who is that? " No matter how clever he is, he can't guess for a moment.

"Hey, Ding zhuohan, that sullen guy! Don't you think he looks a little like Miss Tang? " Qian Lei said with a bad smile.

LAN Xuanyu's face was speechless. He didn't think it was because Mr. Tang had stains on his face most of the time. Couldn't he see his face clearly at all?

"You mean zhuohan is the son of teacher Tang and President Ying? I'll go. This guy's hidden deep enough! " At this time, LAN Xuanyu's heart was filled with gossip.

"I don't blame him. The boy's eyes were red that day. He didn't know that Mr. Tang was his father. After the final exam, President Ying and Mr. Tang got back together and told him. So, we have an inside line! You don't know how strict Mr. Tang used to be with us. The Star Wars class made us want to die. Now it's good to catch up with zhuohan all day. I can only describe it with flattery. Hahaha, I want to laugh when I think about it. Eldest brother, you said, suddenly there is another father coming out. How big is zhuohan's psychological shadow area? "

LAN Xuanyu was speechless for a while. "I have something else to do. I have nothing to do with it." He would like to ask Qian Lei, do you know the psychological shadow area of elder brother? I have another father

"Something's up, boss. Did you find a problem? We haven't entered the inner courtyard yet, and the outer classroom is occupied by the new sixth grade. We don't even have a place to gather! "

LAN Xuanyu is shocked, isn't it? They have not been approved to enter eternal sky city now, and they have graduated from the outer courtyard. There is really no place to go. Where do you get together?

"It's really a problem. I'll go back and ask the Dean how to solve it. However, I don't think it will be long before we leave the college. Wait for the news first. Don't fall behind in cultivation. "

"Well, that's for sure."

Hung up the communication, LAN Xuanyu didn't rush to find Sakura Luohong to get a place for the whole class to gather. He decided to go to Tangmen first.

Since it's possible to go to the military for training at any time, he has to prepare early. It's war.

Then he called dunbo's number, "dungo, I'm back. Is the Tang hall leader there? I want to see him. OK, I'll be right here. "

Tang Miao happens to be in Douluo hall. LAN Xuanyu leaves the dormitory and goes directly to Tangmen.

Half an hour later, he met Tang Miao at Tangmen headquarters.

When Tang Miao saw LAN Xuanyu again, his eyes were not right. In terms of psychological shadow area, Tang Miao and Mengfei are really big.

If from the perspective of seniority, let alone Tang Wulin, even LAN Xuanyu can be regarded as their ancestor.

During this time, LAN Xuanyu was relaxed and took Bai XiuXiu back to tianluoxing for vacation. But Shrek college, Tangmen and zhanshendian were all fried because of the appearance of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena.

All kinds of discussions among the three parties continued. Later, even the hearsay tower didn't know where to get the news. They all came to blend in. Don't forget that Gu Yuena used to be the master of the hearse tower. At that time, the Silver Dragon Princess was hailed as the most powerful master of the hearsay tower.

Then it became a four-way wrangle. The most important purpose of their wrangle is to find out who they should stay in since they are back.

Shrek college is the most relaxed, because now Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena are in eternal sky city.

Tangmen is better. They share the same spirit with Shrek college.

In the words of Shrek college, Tangmen and chuanlingta, can these two have a cent to do with you?

At last, the war shrine held out a sentence. At least Gu Yuena was resurrected by the Federation!

In the end, there is no result in the discussion. Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena are closed. They don't know when they will come out. So now we can only wait for them to finish closing.

For these two, a super God, a real God peak, two super powers. Even the federal government has no choice. It's up to them to choose.

At this time, in addition to the spirit tower, the other three forces have found a problem. That is, it seems that there is a person who will have a great impact on Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena. This opinion is bound to have a leading effect on these two super gods.Therefore, for the matter that LAN Xuanyu is their child, Shrek college, Tangmen and Zhanshen hall all have tacit understanding to conceal the hearsay tower. There are few people who know the secret, so there is no source of information about it in the hearsay tower.

Therefore, it is the only breakthrough for the discovery of Zhanshen hall to draw the blue Pavilion together.

For this reason, they even broke the hidden rule that students in Shrek college were not allowed to join the army, and they warmly invited them.

In Tang clan, Tang Miao is undoubtedly the most proud one, because he is the first one to attract LAN Xuanyu on behalf of Tang clan. At the beginning, he was only interested in LAN Xuanyu's talent and ability, as well as his identity as the successor of life school.

At this time, Tang Miao sees LAN Xuanyu again, and that feeling is quite different from before. He used to face the young man with the attitude of a teacher. Now he found out that it would be a mess to talk about seniority.

"Xuanyu, you just came back. What can I do for you? " Tang Miao quickly covered up some of his strange mood and asked intimately.

LAN Xuanyu said: "this is the case, temple master. The college informed us that all our classes were allowed to join the inner court, and then all of us joined Tangmen. In the next year or two, or even longer, we may go to the front line to practice. You also know that the front line is not a world of fighting, it is a real battlefield, in such a battlefield. We are at risk at any time. The soul guidance technology of Tangmen is the best in the Federation. Can it give us something good? One is to protect ourselves, the other is to help us better accumulate military skills. "

Tang Miao said helplessly, "I said that you, little boy, have nothing to do to come to me. It's for good. Say what you want. Don't think about warships! The 13th wing warship has been given to you. Moreover, when you get to the military, you may not use warships. "

Blue Xuan Yu blinked and said with a smile: "how do you know I'm here to ask for a warship? Last time, the eco warship we saw in Senluo was not bad... "

"Stop!" Tang Miao quickly interrupted him, "the ecological warship is our biggest secret, and the Federation doesn't know it. Can you take this thing out for you to join the army? How can such a clever child like you always say stupid things. What's more, do you know how expensive eco warships are? "

Blue Xuan Yu blinked, said: "no matter how expensive it is, it is also for people to use? Don't be stingy, temple master. "