Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 934

Yu Muchen stepped forward quickly, came to general bailing, stood up, and made a military salute to him, "teacher."

General Bai Ling smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't be polite." As he spoke, he had already crossed Yu Muchen and came to yilao. He said respectfully, "Hello yilao. I haven't seen you for years. "

Yilao smiled, "yes! You're not too young to leave your home star. I've been out all these years. I seldom go back. "

General Bai Ling sighed, "where is the responsibility. Hello, dream hall master, Tang hall master and Wang Pavilion master. It's a great honor for you to come to the seventh fleet. "

With a smile on his face, he said hello to all the God level powerful people present, just passing by the young man Le who didn't know him. In fact, he did not see the cultivation of young master le.

Yu Muchen's lips, already standing behind him, are humming. The voice is heard by general bailing. General bailing's eyes are moving. That's why he looks at young master le.

"Hello, welcome to the 7th Fleet." Although Mr. Le looks very familiar, he is not old. However, any real God power is absolutely noteworthy. The age of the divine is never apparent.

"Commander, you're welcome. I'm Tang le. We're just here to save people. Thank you very much for your support." Tang Le nodded to him.

"Well. It's not too late to save people. Let's go to the headquarters first to discuss the specific way. Do it now. " As the commander of the military, general bailing is also a fierce style.

LAN Xuanyu stands behind Tang le in silence. He is far from enough to be noticed by the army.

But Yu Muchen seems to be deliberately pushing him to the front desk. He takes the initiative to say to general Bai Ling, "teacher, I'd like to introduce you to LAN Xuanyu, a student of Shrek college, who brought important information back to the Federation and made great contributions this time."

"Oh?" General Bai Ling noticed LAN Xuanyu standing at the back and nodded to him, "the young people are very good and have made great contributions to the Federation. If it turns out, it's enough to give you a lifetime of glory. "

"Thank you, general." LAN Xuanyu respectfully saluted general bailing, for nothing else, that is, the general supported him to save teacher Nana, and he was sincerely grateful for this.

"Please." General Bai Ling made a gesture of invitation to yilao. The gods who came together naturally looked at yilao. Whether it is cultivation, age or qualification, it must be led by this one.

However, to the surprise of all of them, yilao turned to le Gongzi, who was not far away from him, and made a gesture of "please."

In an instant, the atmosphere became queer.

Even as a general Bai Ling, his eyes opened slightly and his pupils contracted.

In what capacity? He is very clear. In Shrek college, or even in the whole Federation, seniority and seniority can be regarded as the first existence in the old age. But he asked the young man to go first, and, more importantly, he used the word you.

This is a kind of honorific. As an old man, I even feel that some strange people have used honorific words to a general bailing. What an incredible thing!

Don't mention general Bai Ling and Yu Muchen. Even at Shrek college, Wang Tianyu is stunned. Looking at Tang le in doubt, the two hall masters of Shrek college were shocked.

Tang Le himself felt a little confused. He could only say, "please first."

But yilao shook his head and insisted, "please first."

Tang Le takes a look at LAN Xuanyu. Although he is very puzzled, at this time, he also knows that he can't spend too much time here. It's important to rescue Nana. "Then together," she said With that, he and yilao walked forward side by side.

General Bai Ling is in the front, and other military personnel are behind him. It seems that he is in parallel with young master Le, but if you want to, you will notice that he seems to be deliberately behind young master le by half a step, unwilling to be in parallel with him.

Wang Tianyu has relatively the most contact with yilao. Yilao has a peaceful personality and is easy-going at ordinary times. He doesn't care much about etiquette. Even if the young people are joking with him, he is also very happy and laughs more often. What is the identity of this young man of music who can make him pay so much attention to etiquette?

All of them got on the bus with some strange feelings. The speed of the shuttle was very fast. There was general bailing. All the way was unimpeded. All the internal vehicles gave way. Directly to the headquarters of the carrier.

The headquarters has already prepared a large conference room. In the conference room, there is a wall composed of soul guidance screens. It's the star that shows up.

Enter the headquarters and take a seat. Among the gods who came here, yilao took the initiative to sit in the second place.

Although Tang le was confused, he didn't give in this time and sat down at the first place. Humility means delay. There is nothing more important now than to rescue Nana as soon as possible.Therefore, the seat of the long table has become, the main position is general Bai Ling. On his left hand, he is the military general headed by Yu Muchen. On his right hand are Tang Le, Yi Lao, Meng Fei, Wang Tianyu, Tang Miao, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu Jing. As a Shrek college student, he is proud to be able to sit on such a conference table.

When they all sat down, general Bai Ling said in a deep voice, "it's important to save people. I'll give you a direct introduction. In the process of just coming here, I have sent orders to explore life on this planet. Sunspots have a huge impact, plus the ultra-high temperature. Although our life detector is very powerful, it has been greatly affected. In the preliminary coverage search, no life forms were found. "

Listen to him say so, blue Xuan Yu immediately heart a tight, subconsciously clenched fist. Bai XiuXiu also grabbed his wrist.

Bai Lingda continued: "but the detection of stars has always been a problem. After all, the unstable temperature of stars and the ultra-high temperature inside make it impossible for us to probe deeply. At present, the Yellow giant star is stable, without too many eruptions, which is a good situation for us to further explore. The star detector is ready to go. The gravitational chain ensures that the detector can be retracted at any time within 10000 meters from the surface of the star. But only if the Yellow giant doesn't have further sunspots. "

"This rescue, I think safety is the first, six of them go together, enough to support the stability of the star detector in a certain period of time. But all of them are the mainstays of the union, and we must not lose them. Therefore, the stellar detector can only be close to the surface of the star at most 5000 meters. We can't go further. This point will be controlled by the gravitational chain, and we hope that you can understand it. "

All the powerful gods nodded. Under normal circumstances, the stellar detector is not allowed to enter within 10000 meters of the stellar surface, otherwise there is a risk of damage. It's not a big problem to enter five thousand meters with the protection of six gods, but it's obviously risky. Five thousand meters is the limit distance that bailing general can recognize.

"So, that is to say, at a distance of 5000 meters from the surface of the star, if you find something and save people, you need to leave the protection of the detector and go there in person. It's very dangerous, and the risk is huge. Have you decided who will do it? "

"Me." Tang Yue said without hesitation.