Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 922

Yu Muchen's eyes glittered and turned to look at LAN Xuanyu, and his heart moved.

This treasure hunting beast is really very unusual. Most importantly, it knows a lot about the gods. Even for them, the divine kingdom is a very mysterious place. What they yearn for. At his level, the only thing that interests him is how to continue to become strong. As the treasure hunting beast said, to become a first-class God slander, to be able to control one party's first-class God slander.

But in front of yilao, he couldn't naturally ask LAN Xuanyu if he would like to sell such words. This is unrealistic. At the same time, he could not help but be surprised by the background of Shrek college.

At the level of true divinity, it is already the best existence in the Federation. Even the elders around him are also true divinity. Therefore, the God of war will send him here. He is already at the top of the human race. Although he may not be yilao's opponent, he is at least a strong one at the same level.

It's obvious that Shrek college really exists.

Yu Muchen continued to inquire, especially about the situation and state of Tianlong and the process of the battle between Tianlong and Nana. It also includes the time when LAN Xuanyu met Nana and the situation of Nana.

LAN Xuanyu answered one by one. This question lasted for more than an hour.

LAN Xuanyu's mood began to get a little fidgety. The only thing he wanted to do now was to rescue Nana. Every minute he delayed, Nana would have more risks.

"General Yu, I have made it clear. Moreover, this is our mission to fight against heaven. And I know it's a big deal for the union. But I'm not a prisoner. Miss Nana lost her star and her life was uncertain. In a sense, it's also for the union. If you ask, the Federation can help me to rescue teacher Nana. You can ask no questions. Otherwise, I don't want to delay any more. " LAN Xuanyu said suddenly when Yu Muchen asked for more details.

"Well?" Yu Muchen is slightly stunned. As the first God of war, he is a real God level strong man. I don't know how many years no one dares to talk to him in such a tone. This is just a graduate of Shrek college!

LAN Xuanyu turns to yilao, "yilao, teacher Nana is in danger. I hope to return to the college immediately to discuss how to rescue her. I've said everything I need to say. "

I understand your mood. General Yu, look? "

Yu Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "according to the old, this matter has a great relationship, and you also know it. It can even be said that the life and death of the union is not excessive. No deviation is allowed. LAN Xuanyu, I understand your mood. But I want you to know which is more important than the personal interest or the federal interest. Before confirming this, you and your classmates must be under military supervision. In a short time, I'm afraid you can't do anything. Of course, if you can confirm in the end, your credit is also great. The mission of doutianzhe will be upgraded from level 5 to level 7, or even level 8. It'll take a lifetime. "

When LAN Xuanyu heard this, he was in a hurry. "General Yu, credit and honor are not important to me now. I just want to save Miss Nana. I'm afraid I can't be monitored by the federal government. I have to go back to the college as soon as possible. I don't know how long miss Nana can hold on and whether she is still alive. But I must go and save her. "

According to the old eyebrow slightly frown, the vision is peaceful, but with a kind of undoubted look to Yu Muchen.

Yu Muchen's face also sank, "young man, I've been very tolerant of you. Don't push your foot. "

Although he is very afraid of yilao, but this time the matter is really too important, LAN Xuanyu is the key to this matter, how can he easily go?

"What can you do now that you have made an inch?" Just then, a little cold voice sounded.

Yu Muchen and yilao look at the same time, subconsciously looking in one direction.

A flash of golden light, long legs across the golden light, a figure has emerged. Appear in the room.

"Uncle Le!" When LAN Xuanyu saw the visitor, he was overjoyed. He stood up and rushed to the son of Le.

The treasure hunting beast hasn't returned to his body yet. He looks at the suddenly arrived young master le and mumbles to himself, "this, this, this is Lord Jinlong?"

Yu Muchen also stands up at this time, his face is heavy. When the man stepped into the room, he felt a great threat. As if like an ancient fierce beast, bursting with a strong force of oppression.

The light golden halo radiates from young master le. It's cold and strong, but it's full of blazing and crazy taste. It's like an active volcano suddenly being moved into a room.

What a god!

Yu Muchen can feel the powerful strength of the other side in an instant. He was also a real God power, and in his impression, he never knew a real God power.

In the Federation, there are only a few true gods who can reach above 110. He knows almost all of them. But now this is so strange. He is a senior officer of the military. He is the most clear about the statistics of the strong.He turned to yilao and said, "yilao, this is also from Shrek?"

Yi Lao took a look at him, then turned to Tang le. There were some complicated colors in his eyes, even some indescribable emotions. Nodding, he said, "not bad."

Yu Muchen takes a breath of cool air in his heart. Shrek college has a real God power they don't know. This news is very important to the whole Federation!

It is already a strategic existence for the real God level strong. A strong person of this level is even enough to change the pattern of strength contrast between the big forces.

"Let's go." Tang Le patted LAN Xuanyu's back and didn't even look at Yu Muchen.

"Can't go." Yu Muchen's eyes are shining, and he has come to LAN Xuanyu and Tang le. The air around his body suddenly dimmed.

Tang Yue's eyes are clear. In his right hand, a golden light is shining.

It was a golden long gun, without a handle, with golden spears at both ends. As soon as the long gun came out, his own surging breath suddenly became crazy.

"By you?" When the long gun was raised, a circle of golden halo suddenly appeared.

Feather Muchen also did not expect that the other side unexpectedly a word does not agree to start, a dark as ink but exudes a blue halo of huge sickle suddenly jumped into the hands. But the next moment, he was shocked to find that he could not move.

That circle of golden halo, one circle to the left and one circle to the right. The force he had just released suddenly converged on itself, as if it were completely out of control. In that circle of golden halo, the real God level strong people have a sense of powerlessness that nothing can be done.

The next moment, the treasure hunt beast has plunged into the brow and heart of blue Xuanyu. Tang Le grunts, rips open the space and strides into it with blue Xuanyu. It disappears.

A circle of golden halo didn't slowly disperse until he disappeared. Yu Muchen stumbled a little under his feet, his eyes were full of horror.

He is a true God, but he had a feeling that he couldn't match each other.

"Yilao, what do you mean by Shrek college?" He suddenly turned around and said with a mixture of surprise and anger.

According to the old man's light way: "although this belongs to Shrek college, it can also be said that it does not belong. Because Shrek has no jurisdiction over him. In terms of status, he is far above me. What do you mean by us? What's more, your military couldn't have put our students under house arrest. Come here today. I'll take all the students with me. Even if you are here, the answer is the same. "