Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 916

Ding zhuohan hurried to take the place of LAN Xuanyu and sat up, with his helmet falling. The propeller of the 13th wing warship is fully activated, and it takes them to the direction of space to launch.

It's unrealistic to return to Longyuan base. In front of the terror strongman, the defense of Longyuan base has no meaning at all. Only by rushing into space can we be separated.

Under the influence of the nine color light regiment, Tianlong was unable to block the space and faced a huge threat. He could only watch the 13th wing warship fly away.

The red sword cuts down abruptly, and the nine color light group breaks out in an instant! Once again, the two great powers fought together.

"Go back, I want to go back. I want to go back! " In the 13th wing warship, LAN Xuanyu seemed to wake up suddenly, and he was struggling to run.

Bai XiuXiu hugged him tightly. "Xuanyu, Xuanyu, calm down. You can only go back to die, nothing can be done, not to help teacher Nana. "

"No, no, No." LAN Xuanyu shook his head hard. "Nana, Nana, she..." He couldn't say the feeling in his heart, but he felt the kind of familiarity that he couldn't describe from Nana's breath. Moreover, he can clearly feel the crisis Nana is facing. Teacher Nana is not Tianlong's match. Keep fighting, she may die!

No, absolutely not.

LAN Xuanyu has a lot of power. Bai XiuXiu can't hold him anymore. Most importantly, his dispassion has affected other people. Everyone is looking at him and their backbone.

"Xuanyu -" Bai XiuXiu suddenly screamed, which made LAN Xuanyu pause and look at her subconsciously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she suddenly stood on tiptoe, put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

Bai XiuXiu's lips are a little cold. When she kisses them, LAN Xuanyu's whole body is stunned.

Lips, Bai XiuXiu forcefully grasp his arms, tears have flowed out of the beautiful eyes, "Xuanyu, you need to calm down. We all know that teacher Nana is dangerous. But at this time, all we can do is to get out of the battlefield quickly. Only in this way can teacher Nana escape from the war. If you go back, not only can't help her, but also can distract her to protect you. I understand your mood, and I'm very worried. But now, the farther we have to run, the safer Miss Nana will be. "

LAN Xuanyu's body was trembling, but his eyes had gradually returned to Qingming, although the thought in his mind was still lingering. But he's awake.

He nodded to Bai XiuXiu, took a deep breath and said, "fly at full speed. In the direction of the parent star. Antimatter missile preparation. "

Seeing him sober up, Bai XiuXiu was very happy. She gave him a hug and turned around to run back to her position quickly. The weapon system is in charge of her and blue dream Qin.

LAN Xuanyu quickly came to the porthole and looked to Longyuan star, which was far away. Even if the warship was about to leave the atmosphere at that time, he could see clearly that the nine colored and red halos below were spreading.

Miss Nana, you must be OK!

"Coming out of the atmosphere!" Ding zhuohan's voice sounded.

LAN Xuanyu grabbed the handrail beside him, but he didn't sit down. He took root naturally and absorbed it on the floor.

The spacecraft began to vibrate, gradually breaking away from the atmosphere.

Blue Xuan Yu way: "connect dragon source star base." At this time, he has gradually calmed down. Although he is extremely worried, the most important thing is to get out in the first time.

Once the spacecraft is in space, all contact signals will be interrupted. In the vast space, it is impossible to send the news back to the parent star. Only such a large base as Longyuan satellite base can have a device for remote transmission of information, which can send messages back through the jump of satellites.

"Trying to connect." Liu Feng's voice rings. He is in charge of communication.

"Can't connect. The magnetic field of Longyuan star is disordered, and the electronic signal cannot be transmitted. "

Is it really water tight?

Calm down LAN Xuanyu has fully understood the existence of this plot. Since the supernatural power named Tianlong can brand the divine sense in longyuanjing, it means that all these longyuanjing are under his control. Whether it is detonating the Longyuan crystal to cause damage, or positioning through divine knowledge. Any warship using longyuanjing as power is undoubtedly very dangerous.

This plot, obviously, has been prepared for the federal government for a long time. The number of Longyuan crystals produced by Longyuan star is huge, and we don't know how many warships and important facilities it is assembled on. Once it breaks out, the loss to the Federation will be incalculable.

On the 13th day, the vibration of the wing warship stopped, and it had rushed out of the atmosphere and flew at full speed.

"Yuge, find the satellite information closest to us, go to the satellite and connect the signal." LAN Xuanyu said in a deep voice. Only by finding the satellite can they get the message back in the first place.

"Yes." She's in charge of the communication system.

"There is a satellite near Longyuan. It should be specially responsible for the information transmission of Longyuan star. We're flying at full speed. We'll be there in 40 minutes. ""Well, go now!" LAN Xuanyu said without hesitation.

He is now trying to keep himself from thinking about Nana's safety and deal with the most important things as calmly as possible. Once the problem of longyuanjing breaks out, the loss will be incalculable, and it is likely to be a devastating blow to the Federation. At all costs, they have to limit the delivery of the message back.

Just then, all of a sudden, there was a flash of light outside the window. LAN Xuanyu subconsciously looks out of the window.

At this time, they just got out of the atmosphere of Longyuan star. In the field of vision, the surface of Longyuan star was suddenly illuminated by a huge light, with nine color halos and red awns interwoven. There seems to be a big explosion. A wave of air spread over the surface of the planet. I don't know how many dragons died in this terrible explosion.

LAN Xuanyu clenched his fist in an instant. Miss Nana

But at the next moment, a silver flash, a figure has even appeared in the spacecraft.

LAN Xuanyu's original extreme tension turned into great joy. What appeared in the cabin was Nana.

At this time, Nana's face was pale and her breath was unsteady. She was still the halberd of the heaven saint in her left hand and the silver dragon spear in her right hand.

"Miss Nana." LAN Xuanyu rushes up.

Nana's Silver Dragon spear blocked the blue Pavilion. A layer of colorful halo spread out and turned into a light film, covering the two of them.

"Xuanyu, there is not much time. Listen to me." Nana said in a hurry.

LAN Xuanyu, who was blocked, nodded, "you say."

Nana took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, "I think of something, though it's not complete. But from your blood and circumstances, you need to ask your mother where you came from. Because... "

At this point, she paused and her eyes became more complicated, "because I might be your mother."

Listening to her words, LAN Xuanyu was struck by lightning in an instant, and the thought in his mind burst out like a blowout.

He still clearly remembered that when he first saw Nana in the mall, the indescribable intimacy was so clear.

His blood problems broke out and Nana solved them for him. His element control is as like as two peas of soul circle, which are almost the same as Nana's abilities. Sometimes, when he looked in the mirror, he felt that his eyes were similar to Nana except for the color.

That kind of inexplicable feeling has been breeding in his heart, but he has parents, father and mother, so he has deliberately not thought in that direction.