Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 913

The red light on Longyuan crystal is about to explode, but around the slender palm, a circle of silver halo appears. Inside the silver light, it's pitch black, and the Dragon Crystal will be inhaled into it in an instant.

The whole space was slightly shocked for a while. Next moment, LAN Xuanyu found that his consciousness and ability had recovered.

The surrounding space is also released in an instant.

Despite the intense palpitation, LAN Xuanyu quickly controlled the Tianyi fighter and managed to control the out of control fighter. The aircraft group of the 13th wing is now in chaos.

But after all, they are all Shrek college students. After a short period of chaos, they managed to control the fighters and changed into skywing armor in the air, which makes it easier to fight.

LAN Xuanyu is the first one to control his skywing armor. When he looks into the air, a strong sense of peace rushes into his mind.

In the middle of the sky, a figure stands in the void. A long Lavender dress set off her slender body, with long silver hair hanging behind her head, all the way to her ankles. In his hand, he had a long silver gun and pointed at the void. The faint colorful halo is released from the center of her body and diffuses in the air.

"Teacher Nana!" LAN Xuanyu cried out in surprise.

He didn't know why Nana appeared here, but at the critical moment of her life, Nana appeared.

He has absolute confidence in Nana's strength. Even if the other side is a god level strong man and Nana's teacher is there, they must be safe. A kind of unspeakable touching spread in my heart. When I was in the most dangerous time, it was not Wang Ge Lord who came to rescue, but Nana teacher.

However, at the next moment, LAN Xuanyu's mood is frozen again.

"Let's go!" Nana's deep voice rang out in blue Xuan Yu's ear.

It was a voice with anxiety and nervousness. It was also the first time LAN Xuanyu heard Nana talking with him in such a tone.

Can we say that the powerful existence of the unknown is even stronger than teacher Nana?

All of a sudden, LAN Xuanyu recalled what the treasure hunting beast had said before. At least it was the first level of God's slander, the first level of God's slander? What is the existence of the first level God slander? Supernatural power? More than 120 levels, there is no one in the union of Douluo, but a supernatural power in the legend?

At this time, the sky suddenly turned into a dark red, a terrorist force in the air condensation, everything around, has become a dark red.

"Isn't it good to live?" The soft voice rings again. The next moment, from the dark red void, a figure emerged quietly, step by step.

This time, LAN Xuanyu saw it clearly.

That is the existence of a leading horse body, or it is similar to the existence of a leading horse body.

The whole body is covered with dark red scales. In the gaps of each scale, there is dark red light flowing out. Twelve legs are rhythmically carrying it. It doesn't look huge. The body about three meters long slowly moves forward.

Its eyes are golden yellow with bright luster. With each step forward, its body suddenly becomes illusory. But he gradually became a man in a dark red armor with long dark red hair.

From the moment when he appeared, the colorful halo around Nana became strong, protecting the 13th wing behind her. But what we can see is that around the colorful halo, there have been large halo folds, which are becoming increasingly illusory.

LAN Xuanyu, who are behind Nana, can't feel the existence of pressure, but from the momentum, we can see how terrible the existence of the opposite man is.

"It's interesting. It's the human body that is more beautiful!" The man with red hair looks at Nana in front of him, looks appreciative and nods to her slightly.

"I didn't expect you to be such a strong person in this small Longyuan star. Although I can only project, but my projection can also be transmitted by space, with my full combat power. How good to live, why do you have to be eager to know what you shouldn't know? "

Nana didn't open her mouth, but looked at the man in front of her coldly. Since the recovery, it was the first time that she felt the danger, and it was very dangerous.

It's a kind of life level repression. Vaguely, this degree of repression seems to have been felt in her memory.

It's not an accident that Nana suddenly appears here. In fact, LAN Xuanyu never knew that his Nana teacher was quietly following him every time he went out to perform tasks or experience.

At the beginning, when Nana joined the sun and moon Royal soul tutor college, she once asked for a god class machine armour, not for herself, but for the purpose of flying in the universe with God class machine armour.

She has a strong space ability. With the help of the God class machine armour, she can survive in space for a long time and fly at high speed.

In daily life, Nana has no hobbies. In fact, all her happiness lies in LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu. Whenever LAN Xuanyu goes out, she will quietly follow him.At the beginning, when Sen Luoxing and LAN Xuanyu were tested by Lin Minghua, Lin Minghua didn't know that if he really wanted to attack LAN Xuanyu, a silver long gun would be ready to attack him in the void.

Nana has never told LAN Xuanyu that she has been protecting him in silence. Therefore, her appearance today is not accidental, but inevitable when LAN Xuanyu encounters a fatal crisis.

However, although she was the first time to protect LAN Xuanyu, the opponent she met was so formidable.

Slowly raised the silver dragon gun in her hand, Nana said in a deep voice, "Xuanyu, you go first."

"Go? Where to go? How can you go if I project at all costs? " The red haired man smiled. From the beginning to the end, he had a warm smile on his face, but the surrounding space had become dark red.

Nana gave a cold Snort and stepped forward. She pointed at the front of the silver dragon gun. Suddenly, at the tip of the gun, a silver awn covered with colorful halo opened. All the dark red around appeared silver white lines in an instant, as if it would crack at any time.

Red haired man's eyes revealed a color of surprise, "it's a little interesting."

He raised his hands on both sides of his body, and the dark red around him suddenly filled, suppressing the silver white light.

LAN Xuanyu had already reflected at this time. He forced himself to bear the strong palpitation, raised his right hand, and the ring of fate was shining. Then, in the thirty third day, the wing warship appeared in the void.

He clearly felt the horror of the red haired man. Even teacher Nana was suppressed. How could they be rivals? Now the best way is to stay away immediately. Only when they are gone can teacher Nana let go of the first world war or leave the battlefield.

"Get on the ship." LAN Xuanyu had a big drink on the team channel.

At this time, the students of the Star Wars experimental class have also reflected that they feel so weak and powerless in the face of the collision of the top gods. But they also have the backbone, and blue Xuan Yu.

Without hesitation, one by one quickly toward the thirty-three day wing warships.

In the 13th day, the lower belly of the wing warship was opened. After a single mecha was launched into the warship, everyone took it back and quickly entered the warship.

LAN Xuanyu watched as his companions entered the warship. The dark blue light on his right hand flashed, and the halberd of heaven holy Chayuan appeared in his hand. He suddenly shook the halberd to Nana's direction. "Nana teacher."