Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 854

Next is the harvest time. Close to the damaged warship of the other side, decompose the shell and search for rare metals directly and destructively.

In half an hour.

"I'm rich! How many things did this guy rob? "

Counting the harvest, they got more precious and rare metals this time than the sum of the previous ten times. Especially this time, their warships have not been damaged, only some energy has been lost.

"We seem to have robbed a terrible guy. They don't know how much they plundered, so they can accumulate so much. What we have just faced is likely to be an opponent with less than 30% strength. I'm afraid it'll be terrible if it's all winning. " LAN Xuanyu's rational analysis.

Tang Yuge has come back at this time. After the escape capsule ejected a safe distance, she replaced the skywing armor and turned it into a fighter.

"Withdraw!" LAN Xuanyu did not hesitate to give the order to withdraw.

"Boss, you can quit after a fight?" Ding zhuohan has some unwilling ways. They still have more than 80% of their energy reserves. There is no problem in two more tough battles.

LAN Xuanyu smiled and said, "is that our opponent strong just now? In the end, it didn't capsize. It's not easy to fight. Let's send the resources back and then come back. Although it will take time and process, the fruits of these victories will be enough for us to upgrade our warships to a higher level and buy some antimatter missiles. No risk. "

"Steady!" Bing Tianliang thumbs up to LAN Xuanyu.

Unity of opinion, return!

This is one of the shortest time for them to come to chaos star domain for actual combat, and other times for short-term return, when they were directly defeated in the early stage.

But this is also the biggest harvest in their history. However, recalling the ferocity and determination of the warship just now, they are still shocked. It would be very difficult for them to defeat their opponents if they did not think of their unique way of fighting. Only when the thirty-two wings are all turned into fighters, can there be a chance. And that's their card.

Return to base, ship charged. LAN Xuanyu discussed with his friends and didn't go to chaos star anymore. But take advantage of this harvest to summarize and summarize, and prepare to further improve their warship. It is mainly the improvement of thrusters and the equipping of weapons. Enhance the power of warships.

After that, it was evening when LAN Xuanyu left the simulation room. At this time, he received a notice from Sakura and asked him to go to the dean's office.

Today's warship's actual combat consumption is not big. LAN Xuanyu comes to the dean's office to see Sakura fall red in spirit.

There is only Sakura Luohong in the office. After the salute of blue Xuanyu, Sakura Luohong asked him to sit down.

"Let you come. There is something for you to prepare for. You should know that there's something about the stupa. The quota is ready for you. This time, you will go as a Tang clan disciple. "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes brightened. "When?"

"About half a month later, at a specific time, I have to wait for the notice from the inner court and Tangmen," said Sakura She will not tell LAN Xuanyu that this is a joint operation.

"What you need to pay attention to is that you can do whatever you want inside the platform, but when you feel that it can end, you can leave the platform and return to the college immediately without delay. If something unexpected happens, someone will take care of you, don't worry. "

Blue Xuan Yu Leng Leng, "will there be danger?"

Sakura took a deep look at him and said: "it's not up to me to decide whether there is any danger, it's up to you. See how far you can do it. "

"Cough." LAN Xuanyu thought, how can I do this like a big villain.

Sakura said, "OK, let me tell you about it. Prepare ahead of time."

"Yes." LAN Xuanyu stood up and was ready to leave after another salute.

"Wait a minute." Cherry red suddenly stopped him.

"What else can I do for you, Dean?"

After a moment's hesitation, Sakura said, "how is your teacher Tang doing recently?"

Blue Xuan Yu Leng for a moment, "very good. I didn't see him very much. He doesn't give me much advice now, saying that we should be taught everything. When I have questions, I always contact him directly to ask. He should spend most of his time doing research in Tangmen. "

"Oh. I see. You can go. "

Sent away blue Xuanyu, cherry red suddenly feel a little upset, stand up and walk to the window. In my mind, I can't recall the past.

She will never forget that day, which for her, was a very hard day.

Her best sister, in her husband's arms, was caught in her bed.

For cherry blossom at that time, what happened that day was like a thunderbolt. At that time, she was in a coma due to spitting blood.

Because of this, Wang Tianyu almost killed Tang Zhenhua.Her good sister was once the pride of the inner court. Also because of this matter left, whereabouts unknown. Tang Zhenhua refused to say why. But he didn't leave Shrek college either, only to be deported from the outer court. He, who had a good chance to attack God level, was deprived of this opportunity. He is also a man who has never recovered. He has turned from a top double player to study Star Wars.

It's been many years, but what happened that day is still vivid to Sakura.

After so many years, every time she saw Tang Zhenhua, she could not help but hate him and would like to tear him to pieces.

However, after that, Tang Zhenhua, like a street mouse, still chose to stay in the college, saying that he wanted to repent in the college.

When he was in the inner court, Tang Zhenhua also made outstanding contributions to the college. The top of the college finally decided to let him stay.

For decades, Tang Zhenhua has been in the Star Wars command system. In these years, Sakura Luohong has never heard of what he has done, or any more relationship with any woman. He didn't even get out of the college gate.

Ten years before they separated, she could feel his peeping eyes occasionally. Ten years later, he occasionally dared to talk to himself. However, his inner resentment has not been reduced. Until these years, with the Star Wars experimental class, there was more communication, and Tang Zhenhua seemed to be angry again because of those children. Their relationship has only slightly improved.

Tang Zhenhua put forward to her more than once, hoping to give herself another chance, but how can Cherry Blossom let go?

This time, with the graduation examination, he forced himself to forgive him. But can I really forgive him?

Would he really choose to leave the college if he didn't forgive him? And I still took the fruit to leave the college.

Soul fruit is a kind of Heaven material and earth treasure. It has no harm to the body, but it can dissolve the memory. This kind of fruit can only be used in very special circumstances. It is mainly aimed at those who know the secrets of the college or Tang clan, and commit a big mistake without committing a crime to the dead. After taking it, you will lose your past memory and start again under the guidance of a special person. One's accomplishments will also be sealed, and it will be decided whether to untie the seal with future observation.

In other words, after taking the fruit, you will become another person, different from the previous one. He is no longer Tang Zhenhua.

In recent decades, Tang Zhenhua has made great contributions to the college and Tang clan, but he knows enough secrets. If he really doesn't want to stay in the college, the college will be in trouble. Especially it's hard to explain to Tangmen. Taking lihunguo is the best solution for Tang Zhenhua. What's more, what he said is very clear. Taking the fruit is not only to forget all the secrets, but also to forget yourself.

She really wants to scold that guy, but what's the use of scolding him?

Cherry red heart is very disordered, she does not know why.

At this time, Tang Zhenhua was standing by the sea god lake, quietly looking at the clear water in front of him, and his eyes flashed a gentle color.

He also clearly remembered that when they were studying in the college, no matter how nervous they were in their daily practice and study, they would take a quarter of an hour to sit by the sea god lake, look at the beautiful scenery and feel the rich breath of life here.

He also clearly remembered how gentle a woman was when cherry blossom fell, and how she had ever had the Current temper.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault! Forgetting may be a good thing. Forget her, I will not be so painful. Without me, maybe she can find a happiness again. It's good, isn't it? "

Although the mouth said very good, but the tears are unconsciously flowing down again.

"Fruit of the departed soul, I do not approve."