Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 218

His hands were lifted, and then he suddenly threw the sun above his head out.

It was like a fireball, rising in the air against the storm. In a flash, it turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of three meters and flew away.

LAN Xuanyu's silver grass is twining around Lin Donghui's waist, which is his strongest strike. Lin Donghui asked himself, even if his cultivation has reached the Fourth Ring Road, the attack with all his strength may also be such a level.

Break out!

The emerald devil bird flies, and the fireball of yaoyang has arrived. The ten thousand year old tree demon is in the most painful state under the circumstances of heavy damage. Branches are flying to intercept, but the temperature of the flaming fireball is obviously not comparable to that of the previous fireballs. For a while, when the fire burst, a large number of branches broke down, which made it hit hard on the tree trunk.

"Boom --"

countless flames splashed, the ten thousand year old tree demon's huge body with a height of 100 meters seemed to curl up suddenly. In the blazing fire, the branches would suddenly retract.

This is its strongest defense ability, and it can be said to be a life saving talent skill. It's called wantiao Guiyi.

You can use your countless branches and vines to gather vitality, protect yourself and recover the trauma.

There is no doubt that with the strength of all the people in lanxuanyu, once he has completed the strongest defense, no one is likely to break it. For the ten thousand year old tree demon, the only loss is that it can no longer attack people.

"Now. For thousands of years. "

Blue Xuanyu suddenly released the two-color blue silver grass entangled in Yutian and Lin Donghui, and the gold and silver blue silver grass entangled to the frozen future at the same time.

When frozen Qianqiu was summoned, he had already hinted at her in a low voice. Frozen Qianqiu at this time just looked at her with some bitterness. In the next moment, the whole world seems to have turned into ice and snow.

When the extreme dark blue appeared, Yu Tian, Lin Donghui and Qian Lei around LAN Xuanyu and frozen Qianqiu all felt their thoughts were frozen. That's not a wonderful feeling, especially Lin Donghui, who just finished the attack and has fire attributes. He just felt as if his body was going to break in this moment.

Then they saw that a pair of cold and merciless huge dark blue eyes appeared in the dark blue world, the light blue light bloomed.

Martial spirit fusion skill, deep blue gaze!

At the beginning, LAN Xuanyu and frozen Qianqiu used this move to freeze the dark magic tiger.

The cultivation period of the dark magic tiger may not be as long as that of the tree demon. But what kind of existence is the dark magic tiger? The ten thousand year old dark tiger is already at the top of the world of the beast. That's the most powerful beast of that series. The ten thousand year old tree demon is just a common ten thousand year old beast.

Even the dark tiger can be frozen for a while, not to mention the one in front of us.

At that moment, the huge body of the ten thousand year old tree demon was frozen.

LAN Xuanyu and frozen Qianqiu are like a body at this time. He generally holds the soft frozen Qianqiu in his arms and feels the changes of the Banshee for thousands of years.

Although the fighting power of this guy is not as good as that of the dark magic tiger, its body is too large, and its power will be weakened as the coverage of dark blue gaze becomes larger. At most, it can only freeze for a very short time.

"Now, attack!"

LAN Xuan burst out.

Lin Donghui, Yu Tian and Qian Lei, who are around him, are obviously unable to complete the attack.

However, Bing Tianliang, who had made a start for the current situation at all costs before, had already risen again. The fourth soul skill is shining again, turning into a huge thunder ball, hitting the trunk of the ten thousand year old tree demon that has been frozen severely.

In the thundering sound, the trunk of the ten thousand year old tree demon was suddenly blown open a huge gap. Bing Tianliang's body also bounces back.

At this time, a silver light suddenly appeared, and the sharp three foot spear suddenly penetrated until the end of the handle.

Liu Feng has always been hiding nearby, waiting for the chance, silver moon wolf right arm bone plus the throwing of white dragon gun. It has completely broken the last defense of the Banshee for thousands of years.

And that touch of green brilliance, also in this moment quietly flash out, the moment into the gap, disappeared in the huge trunk.

"Squeak -" the shrieking sound came from the direction of the ten thousand year old tree demon. The shrill sound made everyone at the scene cover their ears.

Then, the dark blue of the Banshee disappeared, and all its branches suddenly straightened. Then there was the horror.

The branches burst out like arrows. They broke off one after another and shot in all directions.

Ten thousand years old tree demon's Noumenon also began to appear a crack, seeing is dead.

However, the branches that come from flying are full of the last attack power of a ten thousand year old beast, which can not be easily resisted by anyone.

Feather day a horizontal body, quickly blocked in front of, Mo Dao waves, force chop."Bang" was just the first branch that knocked him out. Lin Donghui, who was near him, couldn't see well. He quickly pressed the signal that had been prepared, and the light flashed and disappeared.

The pain in shenglingtai is 50%, which is not for fun.

When Yu Tian was blown away, he also pinched the signal device, and the same transmission disappeared.

Qian Lei did the same thing when he saw something bad. But he heard LAN Xuanyu say, "No."

Then he saw that LAN Xuanyu suddenly turned around and faced the flying branches with the direction of his back. The gold and silver grass in his hands flew out and laid a big net behind him. At the same time, a layer of light appeared on him, and layers of ice gathered behind him. At this moment, he has been able to use his full burst out.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The ice shield is broken, and the blue silver grass is broken. LAN Xuanyu fell forward holding the frozen millennium. But he still protected the frozen Qianqiu and Qian Lei, blocking the first wave of attack. He clenched his teeth. He held Qian Lei in one hand for a long time, and he ran forward at a strange pace.

"Poof!" At this time, Qian Lei was surprised to see that a branch passed through LAN Xuanyu's chest. At that moment, what LAN Xuanyu did was to separate his arms to the left and right. The branch that passed through his chest didn't touch the two men, frozen Qianqiu and Qian Lei. But his body was carried forward by the huge inertia of the branch.

LAN Xuanyu clenched his teeth, and his feet were still speeding up, flying towards the trees ahead.

A figure appeared behind them. The white dragon spear picked up the branches that were not powerful. After the white dragon spear had been thrown out, Liu Feng had withdrawn to the safe area and summoned the white dragon spear again. After dodging the first wave of the strongest branch spray, he finally came back in time.

In the distance, the shape of the ice sky beam, which is transformed into an electric light, flickers rapidly in the woods. Hiding from a branch, although embarrassed, but just avoided.

LAN Xuanyu grasped the two men's rapid retreat, and he could see clearly that a thick branch passed through his chest, but his foot was still not slow.

That's 50% of the pain! This guy is really a tough guy.

At this time, the huge body of the ten thousand year old tree demon was finally completely broken and turned into a powerful white light. Part of it is injected into the nearest ice roof beam, and the other part is flying in their direction.

Blue Xuanyu, frozen Qianqiu, Qian Lei and Liu Feng were bathed in white light at the same time, and they immediately felt the hot spread in the body. But LAN Xuanyu was bleeding from the nose and mouth at this time, and his whole body strength seemed to be drained by his chest pain.