Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1335

The interior space of Tianma manor is huge. They boarded a kind of ferry like existence. In front of them, there are horses with wings on their back, and they are moving fast in the interior of Tianma manor.

The manor has rolling hills, vegetation and scattered lakes.

Far away, a huge building appeared in their view. This building is presented as a circular structure, and its area is amazing.

After listening to Xu Yanmo, LAN Xuanyu realized that it was not his Tianma nationality who was responsible for pulling the ferry car, but the Pegasus, the vassal race of Tianma. The best of the Pegasus are likely to be promoted to Tianma. Therefore, they are also close relatives of the Pegasus. This ethnic group mainly serves the Tianma people.

Entering the circular building, there are tables on the wide lawn, but there are no chairs. There are all kinds of food and drink on the table.

This should be the link before the banquet. Now we have a rest, wait, have some snacks and drink. It's also a part of communication.

The two Dragon Knights can come this time, all of them are the upper dragon clan, all of them can incarnate in human form, and the Tianma clan, who is responsible for welcoming them, is also able to incarnate into human form.

Therefore, when LAN Xuanyu and their guests were brought into the reception before the banquet, they could not help feeling that they were back in the Douro Federation. Even in the Douro Federation, they did not attend a similar formal banquet.

"It should be a joint of communication and increase the communication between the young people of our two communities. The Tianma people will come back later. You must be the target of criticism. " Xu Yanmo said with a kind of schadenfreude.

Blue Xuan Yu glanced at him, Xu Yan Mo had already walked away with a smile. He has no idea about LAN now. It's really because he left a deep shadow in the battle with LAN Xuanyu. It's too hard. It's a killing way to fight! He couldn't imagine what his future would be like if he had such a wife. Moreover, Xu Yanmo is very proud of himself. He has now realized that the future blue, achievements will be above himself, which is not the partner he is willing to find.

Moreover, judging from LAN's character, he doesn't think that he is likely to be favored by "she". Therefore, at the beginning of the reception party, his schadenfreude was not aimed at LAN Xuanyu, but at those Tianma people. He would like to see how much dust these excellent young Tianma people will touch here in blue.

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu stood in front of a table and picked up a drink similar to juice. Bai XiuXiu glanced at LAN Xuanyu and said with a low smile: "there are many people of Tianma nationality watching us. Look at your more. You are indeed worthy of being a popular lover, Princess Jinlong. You will attract people's attention wherever you go. "

LAN Xuanyu looked at her angrily and took a sip of her drink. At this time, two Tianma youths nearby had already come towards them.

The two young men were tall and handsome. Speaking of it, the average level of Tianma nationality is obviously higher than that of dragon nationality.

Even the upper longzu did not all evolve from Tianma, and a large part of them evolved from other races during the period of dragon transformation. As a result, there is no guarantee of the appearance that has evolved into human form. Some of them are good-looking, others are ordinary, even ugly and vicious.

However, Tianma people are different. As early as the era of Tianma Gemini, Tianma people were known as the most beautiful race in the dragon horse system. The transformation into adult form is also the beauty of men and women. Come to these two, height and blue Xuanyu almost, one has a long light blue hair, eyes such as stars. The other one was a little burly, with short gray hair and a strong and upright character.

They also came to LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu with drinks in hand.

The young man with long blue hair said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Li Menglong of Tianma nationality."

The young man with short gray hair said with a smile: "from his name, you can see how much this guy envies your dragon people. Hello, I'm Deng Xutong of Tianma nationality. "

"Hello, blue." Blue Xuan Yu facial expression cold light says.

Bai XiuXiu smile, "I am show."

Li Menglong's eyes brightened and said with a smile: "although I have guessed it just now, I still feel like a thunderbolt when I hear your name! We all watched the broadcast of the dragon race. It was really wonderful. You are so good. "

Blue Xuan Yu glanced at him, "lucky."

Deng Xutong said: "the dragon rising competition is the highest level battle of the younger generation of tianlongxing. There is no fluke. But look at Miss Lan's breath, should not have broken through the divine level? But is it suppressing cultivation? "

Blue Xuan Yu glanced at him, but did not answer.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Li Menglong said in a hurry: "how can you ask that? Cultivation is the most private thing for everyone. Don't you think so, Miss Xiu. "

Bai XiuXiu said, "yes. I don't know how you arranged this time? "

Hearing her inquiry, both Li Menglong and Deng Xutong are happy. They always need to have a conversation topic, so that they can talk about it! Blue's appearance obviously has no intention to communicate with them, but the problem of show has given the opportunity.In fact, when LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu had just followed the two Dragon Knights, the young heroes of Tianma nationality had already noticed their existence.

The dragon race is not only an event of Dragon Star, but also one of the most important events for the whole dragon horse system. It is helpful for all ethnic groups to understand the situation of the Dragon nationality and the strength of the younger generation.

With the appearance of a black horse, LAN Xuanyu finally broke out the reputation of the Golden Dragon Princess without any fame, which really surprised many people. And won the final championship. The counter attack really left a deep impression on the audience.

The same is true of Tianma people. The reason why LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are asked to come here is the request made by Tianma Association in person. We hope to invite the new champions of dragon race "they" to come to exchange views.

The Tianma people have always relied on their high blood, and their race is only intermarriage. Only the upper dragon people who can transform themselves into adults can have the possibility of intermarriage with Tianma people. This is different from the dragon people. The dragon people can intermarry with any race, but it is difficult to say whether the offspring born can inherit the blood of the Dragon nationality, or how strong the blood is.

Li Menglong said: "we have worked hard to prepare for this exchange for a long time, mainly at two levels. One is the exchange of science and technology among different ethnic groups. This time, an important topic is to integrate resources and promote the development of interstellar science and technology in Longma galaxy. The other is the exchange between powerful people of all ethnic groups to enhance friendship. Of course, for us Tianma and you longzu, it is also a close communication to establish our leadership in all dragon horse system races. Relatively speaking, the exchange of powerful people of all ethnic groups has become a routine and will be held every time. But this time, the exchange of science and technology among all ethnic groups is the most important

Hearing this, LAN Xuanyu finally expressed his interest and asked, "how to promote the technological development of Longma Galaxy?"

Li Menglong looked at her and was immediately overjoyed. He said with a smile, "although this is still a secret at present, it will be put forward at the exchange meeting soon, so it is nothing to tell you now."

"Our galaxy theory resources are, at least, the best known galaxies. Otherwise, other galaxies won't covet us. It's just like those hateful human duels. However, although we have sufficient resources, we are obviously lagging behind in science and technology. Otherwise, with the strength of our two races, the human Union would have been completely destroyed. Therefore, in terms of science and technology, we should speed up the research progress. With the resources our galaxy has, it should not be difficult. "