Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1308

LAN Xuanyu sat down on his knees in situ. Blood was still dripping on his wrist. However, the colorful dragon entered the body, which made his blood breath become vigorous. Quietly, it is absorbed and swallowed by the blood whirlpool, and then stored in the dragon core.

This is the real dragon spirit energy! The Dragon God energy absorbed from the Dragon ascending platform made him practice and digest for a long time, which was of great benefit to his cultivation. This time I have the chance to absorb LAN Xuanyu, which will be polite. He was worried that he needed too much energy to use light to darken his body. If you don't have enough energy, you will slow down your training speed.

The gods of Dragon Knights scanned him one after another, and clearly felt that the dragon power was absorbed by his body, and then there was no rejection. The seven color scales on LAN Xuanyu's body also emerged. Under the background of the colorful halo, the more and more crystal clear.

Feeling the growth of his blood breath, the faces of the Dragon Knights also became wonderful. There is no doubt that LAN Xuanyu is successful. Although also lost a lot of blood, but at least there is harvest! Moreover, for LAN Xuanyu, the benefits of colorful dragon power are obviously greater, because his own cultivation is low. Absorbing so much good dragon power will naturally be more conducive to his cultivation and promotion.

Huang Liangwei, the knight of the Holy Light dragon, went to the head of Tianlong and said in a low voice: "first, can we not absorb the colorful dragon power?"

The head of Tianlong glanced at him and said, "this colorful dragon is full of spirituality. Who should be the blood to lead out, who will be absorbed. You can try it, too

Huang Liangwei's words are undoubtedly the voice of all the Dragon Knights. After all, no one is willing to try it himself!

The Dragon Knights will not be polite. Everyone draws a trace of colorful dragon power into his body, trying to digest and absorb it. But soon they found that they couldn't absorb it. After the colorful dragon power enters their body, it will directly repel their blood. If forced absorption, their own blood will appear violent agitation. Let them have to release the colorful dragon power again.

The face of the head of Tianlong is more and more ugly. They spent so much time here and lost so much blood, but they still couldn't find the way to activate the colorful dragon. On the contrary, a younger generation succeeded. What makes him feel bad?

"First, it may not be a bad thing. Perhaps it is because blue's blood is more advantaged, will have this kind of situation to appear. And her blood evolution must also take a long time. We do more observation, always check her evolution. At present, her strength is still relatively weak, not enough to really mobilize the energy in the ascending dragon platform. But from the point of view that the ascending dragon platform can swallow so much blood of us, it is indeed a marvelous treasure. In the future, if blue can break through to the divine level, it may be possible to activate its internal energy and no longer target individuals. At that time, it might be used by us? "

Tianlong first looked at him, and naturally understood that the ink dinosaur knight was talking for blue. That means to let the dragon clan help LAN Xuanyu become a God as soon as possible, and then look at the blood changes after he became a God. But he also had to admit that the situation described by Rola was possible.

Even with the cultivation of these super gods, they can not use their own cultivation to induce the internal energy of Shenglong platform. Maybe only the dragon people who can be recognized by it are possible.

It's not that the Dragon Knights have not tried to destroy the ascending dragon platform in the past, but when they tried, they found that it was very difficult to destroy it first. It can't be done in a day or two. What's more, what makes them more unbearable is that when they start to try to destroy the Shenglong platform, the whole dragon kingdom is unstable and seems to be broken at any time. This makes them have to give up the original idea.

The darkness on the face of the dragon head gradually dissipated, and the light way: "it can only be so. Unfortunately, we still failed to grasp this opportunity. Lanthanum, blue is what you found. Then you can continue to guide her to practice. At present, her blood level is really quite good. But you all know that the real talent of our dragon clan can only be seen from the moment when we become gods. When she breaks through, we'll do another experiment. "

The Dragon Knights nodded, which is the best way. In fact, some of LAN Xuanyu's worries are unnecessary. Although the dragon clan is extremely powerful, because the number of the dragon people is small, the most strict rule of the dragon clan is never to allow each other to kill each other. Unless a dragon clan has done something harmful to the whole ethnic group, even the dragon knight can not easily deal with the lower dragon clan. This is for the inheritance of the whole ethnic group.

Therefore, even if it is the first emperor of Tianlong, it is impossible to break up LAN Xuanyu and study it. What's more, it will not help the blood of the dragon people.

With these words, Tianlong's big sleeve waved and his body disappeared. It's just like walking away.

As soon as he left, the expressions of the Dragon Knights became more relaxed. Luo La took the initiative to go to the blue Xuan Yu side, his face also appeared a faint smile. There is no doubt that he is most happy to see LAN Xuanyu become powerful. This is a treasure.

At this time, the four color dragon power in the air is converging in the direction of blue Xuanyu, and is involved in the colorful dragon power, and then transformed into itself.The Dragon Knights also tried this process, but they still couldn't. The colorful dragon power is really very mysterious, but it can be digested and absorbed by LAN Xuanyu.

This time, for the Dragon Knights, it can be described as humiliating. The Dragon Knights did not say anything more and left in succession. Their loss of blood, it really needs a period of time to recover, so as not to affect their own longevity.

LAN Xuanyu felt the departure of the Dragon Knights, which was a great relief. But he did not too much to arouse the Dragon God energy in the Dragon climbing platform, just quietly absorbed the triggered out of these.

It was not until he had recovered from his meditation state that he had recovered from the stage of ascending dragon.

The wound on his wrist had already healed, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the black dinosaur knight standing beside him, smiling at himself.

"Lord Roland." LAN Xuanyu gets up quickly and salutes Luo La respectfully.

Luo La smiles slightly, wave a hand, "oneself person does not need so much courtesy. Even I didn't expect that your talent could reach this level. Very good. These colorful dragon power will help your blood greatly. Don't waste it. "

"Yes." LAN Xuanyu replied respectfully.

After pondering for a while, Luo Lanta asked, "do you feel anything about yourself? Especially when the blood drops to the Dragon climbing stage. "

When he asked this sentence, he asked it by voice.

LAN Xuanyu's heart moved, but also used the voice way to reply: "the feeling is not very clear, but it seems that there is a voice in the faint call me."

Luo La looks at him with some surprise, continues to transmit a voice way: "really?"

LAN Xuanyu hesitated and said, "I'm not sure, but I think it should be. It's just that I can't hear that sound very clearly. But I can be sure that it was after I heard the sound that the colorful dragon power appeared

Luo Lanta took a deep breath, nodded and said, "it means that it may recognize you. At least start to recognize you. As you know, this is something that has never happened since the appearance of youshenglongtai. Even we Dragon Knights have never activated its internal energy. It seems that it is really predestined with you