Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1302

By the time they woke up from practice, it was two days later. LAN Xuanyu's efficiency is good. The first meridians are finally quenched. The follow-up needs to be continuously consolidated to make it fully adapt to the light, dark and divine thunder.

Bai XiuXiu's breath was also slightly improved, and she was in high spirits.

"Almost?" Bai XiuXiu asked LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu nodded, put on the communication device of Tianlong star, and dialed Huang Yuanlong's number. Clear throat, with the help of the treasure hunt beast changed into that cold female voice.

"Blue?" The communication was quickly connected, and on the other side came Huang Yuen Long's surprise voice, "how are you doing? How's the recovery? "

Blue Xuan Yu way: "basically already recovered, thank you for your concern."

Huang Yuen Long said, "that would be great. You do not know, these days my father and I are very anxious! Fortunately, you are strong enough. So the heavy injury recovered so quickly. Is the recovery complete? "

Blue Xuan Yu way: "should be no problem."

Huang Yuen Long said with a smile, "that's great. So I'm coming? Is it convenient? "

"Good." LAN Xuanyu agreed.

After hanging up the communication, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu got up, washed and changed their clothes. This opened the door that had been closed for a long time.

Inform Liang Pu and let the servant enter the room for cleaning and cleaning.

Huang Yuen Long came very quickly, less than a quarter of an hour, he had arrived at their residence. At the sight of the radiant blue and XiuXiu, he was overjoyed. He stepped forward quickly, looked up and down at them, and said with a smile: "great. Blue, you really deserve to be the Golden Dragon Princess! You don't know, among our dragon people, there are rumors that you are seriously injured and will not be cured. Just like Qi Tianlong, now it's miserable and missing. I heard that the first one has given up on him. "

"Give him up? What do you mean LAN Xuanyu asked with some doubts.

Huang Yuanlang said: "the injury is too heavy, Qi Tianlong is said to be very difficult to recover. And this time lost to you, let the first extremely dissatisfied. It is said that he has been removed. As for where he went, what is now unknown. It should be miserable. No city dares to take him in at the risk of offending the first. "

LAN Xuanyu frowned slightly and thought in his heart that the dragon head was naturally cool and thin.

Huang Yuen Long then said, "it's great that you recover. There are just a few important things to tell you. "

Blue Xuan Yu way: "what matter?"

Huang Yuanlang said: "the first is the order of the first officer. If you recover from the injury, let you go to shenglongtai. I want to ask you something. "

"Well? Are you still going to shenglongtai? " LAN Xuanyu's heart is awe inspiring. What's the situation that Tianlong first asked himself to go to shenglongtai?

Huang Yuan Long nodded and said, "yes, it was announced from above. What's more, I hope you can work in our dragon clan and Tianlong alliance. "

Blue Xuan Yu Leng for a moment, "post? What do you mean

Huang Yuanlang said: "this is simple. In fact, it is just a post. After all, after the dragon race, your strength has been widely recognized, and your position is also inevitable for you. "

LAN Xuanyu said, "brother Huang. Then tell me something about our Tianlong alliance. And what's going on in our dragon clan? "

Huang Yuan Long said with a smile: "this is simple. The structure of our Tianlong alliance is very simple. It is a general direction of multi-ethnic governance with dragon as the core. Of course, in fact, the main control is our dragon clan. It's just because we have a small number of dragon people, so we still have a lot of things to deal with. So other races are primarily responsible for these things. Specifically, it is divided into several parts from top to bottom. "

"The highest level part is called the two sessions of the alliance. One is the alliance led by the first Tianlong club. There are only 18 members. You should have guessed that they are our 18 Dragon Knights. The dragon club is the supreme ruling class of our Dragon Star. Have the absolute right to speak. This is the same as the Pegasus in the Pegasus alliance. "

"In addition to the Dragon Society, there are also clan leaders' associations. The patriarchal association is composed of the heads of the major ethnic groups or the elders and representatives of the races. They are responsible for the day-to-day management of the whole planet. The clan leaders' Association is relatively large, consisting of more than 100 important members. The president of the clan association is also the first. Then there are twelve City lords, and then the heads and representatives of the major ethnic groups. Of course, there are some of the best in our dragon clan. For example, the reserve Dragon Knight will first enter the clan leader to conduct some administrative studies. "

"The leader of Tianlong association makes overall decision, and the leader of clan leader makes daily decision. But on the whole, they are all controlled by our dragon people. Besides the two sessions of the alliance, it is also divided into several parts, including the Alliance Army, the twelve main cities, the commercial alliance, and so on. The Alliance Army is directly responsible to the Dragon Society, and the other parts are responsible to the clan leader Association. Thus it constitutes the whole management system of our Tianlong star. "

Listening to Huang Yuanlong's story, LAN Xuanyu's first feeling is that the stratum of Tianlong star is really very clear! No matter where they are, the dragon people occupy an absolute dominant position. Of course, this is also inseparable from the strength of the Dragon nationality itself. Many supernatural strong people make it impossible for other races to resist at all. Even those who have their own planet.LAN Xuanyu said, "what if it's the whole galaxy?"

Huang Yuanlang said: "the administrative composition of our Dragon Star is actually a miniature version of the whole galaxy. Or it's almost the same. The system of Tianma star is similar to ours. It is also composed of the Tianma society and the clan leader Association. The clan leaders on both sides are called Tianlong and Tianma. The two patriarchs will add up to be the patriarchal Association of the entire Longma system. Every three years a conference is held to discuss the whole galaxy. The patriarchal Council has no power to directly mobilize the army. The armies of all ethnic groups belong to their own. But when the war is coming, the patriarchal clan will be in the middle of the operation, with the army of the dragon club and the Tianma club as the core to form a coalition force. Foreign operations. "

This system is really not very good! Lan Xuanyu secretly make complaints about his mind. There is no doubt that such a system is not very beneficial to the development of the whole Longma galaxy. In fact, the biggest problem faced by longzu and Tianma people is the scarcity of their ethnic groups. That's why they couldn't unify the whole system.

If we want to unify the whole system, we need constant war and occupation. Occupation needs manpower!

Although tianlongxing and Tianma are powerful, they are like clouds. But if you spread it out to all the planets, it would be too few. In case of being broken down one by one, there is a risk of extermination. Other races are not without strong ones. It's just not as powerful as they are.

Therefore, it is also a last resort to gather all forces on Tianlong and Tianma to form a deterrent to the whole galaxy. And it is relatively effective.

However, this has also resulted in the inability of the entire galaxy's military to conduct unified scheduling and resource allocation problems. Science and technology are all in their own way, and they study their own according to their own preferences. So it is chaotic and redundant.

After listening to Huang Yuanlong's account of the system composition of the Longma galaxy, LAN Xuanyu can understand why the technology of Longma Galaxy lags behind so much despite its abundant resources.

"What position do you want me to play in the dragon clan? How can we divide the dragon clan LAN Xuanyu asked curiously.