Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1295

Under the guidance of the guided warships, LAN Xuanyu was surprised to find that their 33rd day wing warships were not guided back to the third dragon warship, but went directly to the mother ship of the seventh fleet.

With the opening of the entrance of the huge Mothership's belly, the 33rd day wing warship slowly enters. Under the traction of the guided warship, it enters the area where the warship is moored, and slowly stops.

Yan Xinghe was also on the mothership. LAN Xuanyu saw him at the first time when he stepped off the warship.

"Why are you on the Mothership? What is our situation? Don't you have to go back to dragon three? " LAN Xuanyu asked Yan Xinghe curiously.

Yanxing River: "let your brothers go down and have a rest first. You get in the car with me Said, he pulled blue Xuan Yu on his car. Other people naturally have corresponding personnel to guide.

The door is closed and everything outside is closed.

"You won't be able to serve under me. No way. That's what it means. You are too secretive now. The less people know, the better. Although you still have the name of deputy commander-in-chief of the third dragon warship, you only want to report to the commander. All the information and information about you has been completely blocked before. I'll be your contact, and the commander will be your reporter. "

LAN Xuanyu said: "I'm more and more spy oriented now."

Yan Xinghe said seriously: "this is also for your safety. We can't guarantee that there will be agents for the dragon horse system anywhere. Although you are a big lady in Dragon Star, your appearance is too good to be recognized. What's more, in our seventh fleet, you can't do anything unless it threatens your safety. Not only you, but Bai XiuXiu's security level is the same as you. When you get back, explain it to her. "

"Yes." LAN Xuanyu agreed.

Yan Xing River: "this time you still want to take you thirty-three day wings all people together lurk in?"

LAN Xuanyu nodded and said, "yes, with the promotion of my identity in the dragon clan. Now, I have more authority than before. So I also need some reliable people to help me carry out the task secretly

Yan Xinghe hesitated for a while and then said, "is it possible to bring more people in?"

Blue Xuan Yu one Leng, "what meaning?"

Yan Xinghe took a deep look at him and said, "after that, bailing general should also tell you about this. I'm going to give you a breath first. You should understand the importance of what you are doing now. The Federation is not worried about you, but the voices within the Federation are not consistent. It has been suggested that you should be supervised. So... "

LAN Xuanyu instantly understood that he didn't get angry because of this. From the common sense, this is a very normal situation. It's easy to have problems without regulation.

"Mandatory?" Blue Xuan Yu asks Yan Xinghe.

Yan Xinghe nodded and said, "yes. From a good place, it's good for you to accumulate credit in the future with such personnel. They can prove your credit. The disadvantages are also obvious. I think you will be constrained in any way. You have to be careful with this

Of course, it is impossible for another person to say these words with LAN Xuanyu, but Yan Xinghe is different. Because of the relationship between him and Shrek college, this will remind LAN Xuanyu in private.

LAN Xuanyu and he looked at each other and said, "since it is compulsory, I can't disagree. But it can't be them, it can only be him. At most, there can only be one person with me. Moreover, I must obey my orders and commands. Otherwise, if he interferes with my actions, I have the right to enforce military law against him. "

Yan Xinghe frowned slightly, "I'm afraid that's enough. You can talk to the commander directly later. In the military, the commander is qualified to decide something. "

"Good." LAN Xuanyu's face calmly agreed.

Yan Xinghe took a deep look at him. He couldn't help but look high at LAN Xuanyu. Originally, he thought that LAN Xuanyu, who was proposed to be supervised, would lose his temper. After all, he has made great contributions to the union, and the credit is solid. Whether it's the longyuanjing incident or the precious information obtained from this sneak in. It's all the same. If we send one more person to go with him, we will be exposed to more risks, let alone restrict his actions.

However, the interests within the Federation are also complex, and many things are not his decision. Now that the federal demands have come down, it must be the result of compromise. It depends on how LAN Xuanyu responds.

The railcars carried them all the way to the seventh fleet headquarters, or Mothership headquarters.

Two people get out of the car, Yan Xinghe in front, blue Xuanyu in the back, together into the general headquarters.

The headquarters seems a little lonely, blue Xuan Yu is actually a person did not see. Until inside the commander's office, blue Xuan Yu met Bai Ling general.

"Commander!" LAN Xuanyu stood at attention and saluted.

White Ling big general smile, way: "come back good, sit down."

Looking at blue Xuanyu, a handsome and introverted man in military uniform, Bai Ling nodded in secret. It's really a top talent trained by Shrek college! No matter in appearance or ability, at his age, no one can surpass him.LAN Xuanyu and Yan Xinghe both sat down in front of Bailing general.

Bai Ling said with a smile, "here are all my own people. I'll talk about the business first. First of all, on behalf of the Federation, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and heartfelt respect for your contribution. Every contribution you make to the Union will be recorded in the credit book. "

"Thanks for the federal recognition." LAN Xuanyu said calmly.

It's just a verbal compliment, no substance?

Sure enough, general bailing went on: "the Federation has contacted Tangmen and will provide enough divine level metal. Please Tangmen to make divine level mecha for you and your companions. A total of 33 sets. "

As soon as this speech comes out, LAN Xuanyu's eyes suddenly brighten. Divine metal? This is not measured by value. Because they are so scarce, there are very few divine forgers in the whole Federation.

What can divine metal do? The four character battle armor is made of divine metal. With the current forging level of LAN Xuanyu, none of them can create divine metal.

If it is used to make armour, his requirements will certainly be higher. He needs to melt forging level of divine metal, and a variety of metals are combined together to complete the divine forging.

The God level metal mentioned in the Federation should be relatively common God level metal, that is, the one that will be baptized by elemental thunder, and it must be a single metal. But even so, it's a divine metal!

The so-called divine level mecha is not all made of divine metal. As long as a part of the core material is made of divine metal and has the power far beyond the black level mecha, it can be said to be a divine level mecha. And the God level mecha made of all divine metal is extremely precious. Value cannot be measured.

The Federation was so generous that it took out the divine metal needed by 33 sets of mecha. It was astronomical!

Seeing LAN Xuanyu's eyes shining, Bai Ling said with a smile: "one is because of your outstanding achievements, which have accumulated enough. There is also a further enhancement of your strength to ensure your safety. Of course, it is not totally unconditional. "

"What conditions?" LAN Xuanyu asked curiously.

Bai Ling gave him a deep look and said, "the condition is that if you break away from the military system in the future, then this set of mecha will be returned to the military. Of course, Tangmen has the right to change the mecha into metal again to ensure that its technology will not leak out. "