Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1285

"Then you wait for me." Tang Wulin hurried out with a tray.

Not long, he came in with a chair in one hand and a basin full of hot water in the other.

First put the chair there, pointed to guyuna, and then put the basin in front of her.

there is faint fragrance coming from the hot water. It is not what perfume is like, but a kind of aroma like food.

Gu Yuena fixed her eyes and saw that in the hot water, there were some small ball like things. She can't cook, so she can't see what it is.

"Did you put anything in the water?" She asked curiously.

Tang Wulin said, "yes! When boiling water, put some pepper. It has the function of activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals, which is good for the body. Try the water temperature Tang Wulin sits down in front of the basin.

Gu Yuena looked at him, then at the basin, and then carefully put her feet into the basin.

Suddenly, the feet are covered with warm water, a warm feeling rises from the center of the foot, and spreads rapidly to the whole body, which is indescribable comfortable. The light yellow hot water is steaming with a little heat. And in that heat hazy, she can vaguely see Tang Wulin's face.

Just now he said to her that he would give her a hot water bubble feet, so that his son can see, they are now in a good relationship.

At this moment, I don't know why, when the warm and comfortable feeling spread all over her body, Gu Yuena suddenly felt like crying. It was a feeling of being completely surrounded by happiness! Even for the first time in her life.

"Is the water temperature OK?" Tang Wulin raised his head and asked her.

"Well." Gu Yuena gently nodded her head, her eyes slightly reddened, and her eyes became softer.

Downstairs, LAN Xuanyu's father's voice sounded again in his mind, "come on."

Not long, Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena heard their son's footsteps. Gu Yuena pretty face suddenly more a touch of red, let her son see him to his feet, really good? Would you feel too close?

The sound of her son's footsteps has arrived at the door. Gu Yuena subconsciously looks at the door.

At this time, she only felt the water rippling at her feet. At the next moment, a pair of warm and powerful hands had already grasped the soles of her feet.

Gu Yuena was shocked. Subconsciously, she looked down and saw Tang Wulin with a bright smile. "My son is here."


"Mom and Dad..." LAN Xuanyu just walked to the door and saw the scene in front of him.

Gu Yuena is sitting on a stool with a blushing face. Tang Wulin sits cross legged on the ground in front of her. Gu Yuena's trousers are pulled up and her feet are soaked in hot water in the water basin. And sitting in front of her Tang Wulin, hands are in the water, gently rubbing her feet.

Blue Xuan Yu blinked, subconsciously thought, progress so fast? Dad, it's a little fierce!

"Cough, how about I come back later?" LAN Xuanyu subconsciously wants to run away.

"It's OK. Come in." Tang Wulin turns his head and smiles at him.

"Oh." LAN Xuanyu promised, some doubts walked in, he clearly saw that his father gave himself a wink, what does this mean?

But how clever he was, he immediately realized that his coming was effective, and he came in at the moment.

Gu Yuena stares at Tang Wulin in shame and wants to attack, but she thinks of his voice in her mind, "for her son, for her son."

Taking a deep breath, she managed to restrain the impulse to kick him in the face. Looking up at Tang Wulin, he said with a smile, "Xuan Yu, sit down first."

"Good!" LAN Xuanyu agreed and sat down with a futon.

He can't help but regret that he should have brought XiuXiu with him when he knew it was such a scene. He ate a mouthful of dog food! It's really

However, there was a strange feeling in his heart. The scene in front of me overlaps with that when my father was sitting on the throne in the meeting of the sea god pavilion not long ago. It's really a contrast and visual impact.

Although he had not seen how his father had been in the world of soul division in mainland China ten thousand years ago. However, he heard more about his father's legend.

Master of the sea god Pavilion of Shrek college, head of the Tang clan, Golden Dragon moon language, Tang Wulin, saved the great hero of mankind. What are you doing now? I'm washing my feet. Yes, I'm washing my feet. I'm washing my wife's feet. Not very skilled, but very serious, and full of smile.

Gu Yuena also looks at Tang Wulin in front of her. She is in a trance. There is heat in his palm, which keeps the water constant. The palm and the sole of one's feet rub against each other, and the warm current spreads all over the body. From the beginning of the maladjustment, gradually, her eyes have become gentle.

A man who is willing to wash his wife's feet in front of his son is really not something that everyone can do!

What's more, he is the first man in the world. But everything is so natural, not a bit reluctant. Although his action is not skilled, but he washed very seriously. The movement is gentle and moderate. There was no reluctance.Looking at his willing and happy appearance, Gu Yuena's heart became soft.

"Wulin, it's ok..." She said softly. It's very natural to call his name.

Tang Wu Lin raised his head and showed Yan a smile, "it's ready right away."

Sitting not far away, LAN Xuanyu blinked, and he couldn't help feeling a little trance.

He still clearly remembered the first time he saw Nana and uncle le.

The first time I saw Nana, she was as cold as an immortal. It was like no smoke and fire in the world. And in front of this like a girl blushing mother, is it really a person?

The first time I saw Uncle le was on the stage. He was the object of attention. He was a big star of the generation. He always had a gentle smile, but in his heart there was a kind of indifference. At this moment, with a smile on his face, as if he was holding a treasure to wash his feet, was he also a man?

A smile from the heart then appeared on LAN Xuanyu's face. What is happiness. There are many kinds of happiness. It is definitely a kind of real happiness to watch my father wash her feet for her.

Wash and wash, rub and rub. Gu Yuena is the first time to urge a time, and then did not say anything.

Tang Wulin's movements have gradually become adept.

After a long time, he did not know where to take a large clean white towel, put it on his lap, and then lifted Gu Yuena's foot from the water, put it on his knee, wrapped her foot with a soft towel, and dried her.

Carefully lower the trouser leg and set the foot aside. And then there's the other one.

Finish it all. Tang Wu Lin raised his head and said with a smile, "I'll wash you every day, OK?"

At this time, Gu Yuena's pretty face is already red, subconsciously "um".

Don't wait for her to really react, Tang Wulin has carried the foot washing water to go out.

Seeing his father go out to wash his feet, LAN Xuanyu suddenly feels that he should go. Can't stay any more, what will happen next is really unpredictable!

"Cough, mom, I'll go back first. XiuXiu is still waiting for me. I'll call you back tomorrow morning before we leave. You and Dad I'm going With that, he ran away quickly.

"You What are you running for? It's not what you think. " Gu Yuena was awake at this time. But LAN Xuanyu has run away.