Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1278

It doesn't mean that he will lose. LAN Xuanyu has LAN Xuanyu's advantages. His defense and recovery ability are enough to enable him to continue the battle. Although Ye Moyong's attack is strong, his sword technique is incomparable. But his biggest weakness is that he is suppressing cultivation.

Can he keep on fighting? After a long time, can he still maintain his current cultivation? This is not necessarily the case.

How did LAN Xuanyu win the dragon race? Facing Xu Yanmo and Qi Tianlong, he relies on his super defense and recovery ability to defend and counterattack.

At that time, he had to pretend that he was seriously hurt, but here, he didn't even need to pretend. What's more, he is now more resilient than he was then. The essence of Dragon Spirit absorbed from the dragon pillar is not absorbed by white.

Ye Moyong took a deep look at him, and gently waved the sword in his hand. The sword meaning was Zhan ran, and a strange scene appeared. The sword Qi discharged from LAN Xuanyu, like a living creature, was absorbed by his long sword.

"Brother, let's call it a day. Go on, if I want to win you, I can't control the state of repression. It's not worth it to me. How about a tie in this war? Let's call it a day. "

Seeing what he said, LAN Xuanyu took back the heaven saint's Halberd and bowed down. "The sword skill of elder martial brother is the only one I've ever seen in my life. In the future, I'll ask you again. "

Ye Moyong nodded his head and said with a smile, "if you are free, can we have a chat later, maybe it will be helpful for you."

Hearing this, LAN Xuanyu's heart moved and nodded without hesitation. "It's really good to get the advice from the elder martial brother."

As they said this, they fell on the lake at the same time and worshipped in the direction of the ship. Although only six people from each side went out to fight, this time the exchange was over.

LAN Xuanyu was finally defeated, but he was able to fight ye Moyong to such an extent that all the disciples in the court could accept him as the leader of Shrek's seven monsters.

After all, he is still young, not even twenty years old!

The head of the sea god Pavilion glanced over all the disciples present and said in a deep voice: "the contest is over. From today on, LAN Xuanyu and other seven people are worthy of the title of Shrek's seven monsters, which is confirmed. "

"Yes All the teachers and the disciples bowed to the boat at the same time.

LAN Xuanyu has now returned to the shore. Tang Wulin looks at him and smiles. But Gu Yuena is frowning slightly, "who taught you the trigger element thunder robbery? If you don't have a lot of physical strength increase, how can you bear it. How dangerous this practice is. How can you try it easily? "

"Cough, I found it myself." LAN Xuanyu said with a quick smile. You can't sell dad at this time!

Gu Yuena said angrily: "be careful in the future. If this ability is not well controlled, it will hurt you. However, your body seems to have changed a lot With her accomplishments, LAN Xuanyu can naturally feel some changes in his body in the battle. She does not know how much stronger than her memory, and even the realm is on a higher level.

Now Gu Yuena hasn't figured out how long she was in a coma, so it's not clear what LAN Xuanyu did during this time.

Today's haishenyuan blind date meeting is wonderful, especially the last few exchanges between the inner court disciples. Even those junior disciples in the inner courtyard have never seen the elder martial brother or elder martial sister. They have seen the whole picture today.

For example, when an honest young man left, he was a little nervous, and his resentment had already disappeared. Among the disciples in the inner court, he didn't even have a chance to make a move. Although he couldn't figure out why LAN Xuanyu grew up so fast, the fact is that they can't fake their strength. They just show their strong strength! Can you deny it?

The crowd dispersed, LAN Xuanyu and their side, but the atmosphere on the shore was somewhat subtle. Most of the eyes of the thirty-three days wings fell on Yuan en Huihui and Tang Yuge. The scene just now was breathtaking. There are only a few people who can really guess that Yuan en Huihui is acting.

Tang Yuge was taut and did not open his mouth. He did not go to see yuan en Hui Hui. Yuan en Huihui was like a child who had made a mistake. He lowered his head to gather around her and did not speak.

This is not the most embarrassing, the most embarrassing is a certain super God level strong person, at this moment, his eyes twinkle, from time to time to look at another super God level strong person on the other side, some feel at a loss.

"Well, let's all break up and go back to rest. We should be returning to dragon soon

Thirty three days after all the people dispersed, Qian Lei also patted yuan en Huihui's shoulder before he left. He laughed at him, and then ran away with the blue dream Qin.

Liu Feng's eyes are hard to see. He looks soft and goes with Xing Xuan.

Tang Yuge took a look at LAN Xuanyu, who showed her eight white teeth with a smile. Tang Yuge snorted coldly and left.This time do not need blue Xuanyu to remind, the original en Huihui immediately on the butt top of the butt with up.

Watching them all go, LAN Xuanyu looked at his parents and coughed, "Dad, mom, where are we going?"

Tang Wulin looked at him, and then at Gu Yuena. The corners of his mouth twitched for a moment, "or go back to the sea god pavilion?"

"Yes! It's right over there. I'm recovering. The consumption just now is quite large. Mom, let's go together At the same time, LAN Xuan Yu winked at Bai XiuXiu. They were all in common. They came to Gu Yuena and held her hand.

Gu Yuena looks at her son and Bai XiuXiu. Naturally, she is smiling, and she doesn't go to see Tang Wulin. The three people float up and fly to the direction of eternal sky city.

Tang Wulin is a little relieved. Let's go back first. However, his mood is really worried. Is it better to help Gu Yuena recover her memory, or how?

No matter how strong he is, he is at a loss. All his intelligence was gone in front of his feelings. Even he felt a little silly.

Liu Feng and Xing Xuan walk side by side, walking on the avenue beside the Haishen lake. They didn't go back to eternal sky city directly. It was the place where all the disciples in the inner courtyard and the powerful people of God level lived. It was not as comfortable as coming from the outer courtyard.

They walked side by side for a long time without speaking.

Finally, Xing Xuan raised her hand to touch Liu Feng and said, "you are really good! I've become Shrek seven before I know it. "

Liu Feng turned to look at her, looking at her shining eyes in the moonlight, can not help but some daze.

"What are you looking at?" Xing Xuan is slightly angry.

Liu Feng some awkwardly scratched his head, "you, you are really good-looking."

"Puff Chi" Xing Xuan was amused by his stupidity. "Do you think I look good now? What did you do earlier? "

"Ah?" Liu Feng was stunned.

"Well, well. It's up to you. I know you've been so busy practicing that you don't have time to focus on other things. I like the way you focus. If you can concentrate on cultivation, you will certainly be the kind of person with special concentration. That's why I like you Xing Xuan said in a natural manner. But when she said it, her pretty face was already red.

For her, this is the first time she has been with a boy. How can she not be nervous? But she knows that Liu Feng's character is introverted. If he doesn't take the initiative, he will always be like a wood. When can we improve our feelings! Today, with the help of the meeting of the God of the sea, we have made a big step forward. Naturally, we can't go back.