Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1276

History, this is history! He made human history. There has never been such a situation in the history of mankind.

Six soul rings, all orange and gold soul rings at the level of fierce beasts? This is simply an unimaginable scene, but it is just like that appeared on LAN Xuanyu.

What is the six ring road? Soul emperor! Six ring soul emperor.

However, who has seen the soul emperor with six fierce beast soul rings? Who has ever seen the breath released from a soul emperor at the level of Douluo?

Ye Moyong is also a little sluggish. The Orange gold in front of him seems to have dazzled his eyes.

When he told the sea god Pavilion master that he gave up the title of Shrek seven monsters, he was willing to do so in his heart. However, that doesn't mean that he doesn't think he is as good as his younger brother, who is more than ten years younger than himself. He doesn't think that after more than ten years, this younger student will certainly be able to surpass himself.

However, when he saw six orange and gold soul rings appeared on LAN Xuanyu, all his previous thoughts had begun to change.

Is this really the soul ring that should appear in the human world? Is it what human soul masters can do?

He even wanted to rub his eyes to see more clearly.

Most of the time, the truth is cruel. But this feeling, ye Mo Yong has not felt for many years.

Not only he, but also the disciples in the inner courtyard who had just met with LAN Xuanyu's friends, but also the elder martial sister Yu Yingxin and the red lotus witch Chen wuzhu. At this moment, how can the inner shock be incomparable?

Today, they have really come up with the strongest lineup, but the first five students still failed to compete against younger students and younger students. But it still doesn't affect their belief that they will win. Because ye Moyong, ye Moyong has not appeared, ye Moyong is their strongest.

Sword God ye Mo Yong! The word "sword God" is so elegant. This is also his title, sword God Douluo!

His sword, without too much description, is a sword, the simplest sword as a martial spirit. But it is his practice to the extreme.

At this moment, when everyone saw six orange and gold soul rings on LAN Xuanyu's body, the uncertainty in everyone's heart shocked them.

The college is not aimless. It's not a random decision! Six Orange gold soul rings. What about his future soul rings? Will it still be Orange gold?

If so, even the top talents in the history of the college can not be compared with such existence?

Even Tang San, the most powerful God King in history, did not have so many orange and gold soul rings before he became a God!

This is the first time that LAN Xuanyu, in front of all people, reveals the true meaning of his soul ring.

In the face of Ye Mo Yong's nine hundred thousand year old soul ring, he can't be cowardly. Moreover, he will not stay in the college all the time. He understood very well the significance of the sea god pavilion to carry out today's competition. If you want to be a real Shrek monster, you have to be recognized by all the strong people in the college. At this time, we can't hide our clumsiness. He wants to tell everyone with his own strength that he is really qualified to be the Shrek seven monsters, and to be awarded the title of 30000 years of glory for Shrek college.

The smile on Ye Moyong's face disappeared. He looked at LAN Xuanyu seriously and said again, "brother, please."

LAN Xuanyu's eyes narrowed slightly and stepped out of the room. The color light on his body instantly bloomed. Colorful halo covering, pieces of colorful scales instantly drill out, into protection. With a simple and unadorned fist, he went straight to Ye mo.

Ye Moyong gently picked up the long sword in his hand, and a little sword light flew out, just like a star, shooting in the direction of blue Xuan Yu.

LAN Xuanyu did not try to dodge. He grasped the Golden Dragon spear in his hand. The Golden Dragon spear was in his hand. When the Golden Dragon spear shook, the precise point of the spear was on that point.

There was a slight "poop" sound. The sword was broken, and dozens of rays of light burst out in an instant, falling to LAN Xuanyu's body. Every sword Qi is like an antelope hanging horn.

But LAN Xuanyu didn't dodge. For the scattered sword Qi, he seemed to have not seen it. His eyes were fixed, his right fist remained unchanged, and he continued to bombard Ye Mo bravely. Even let those swords fall on themselves.

"Puff, puff, puff..." In a series of "puff" sounds, those sword Qi slashed on blue Xuanyu's colorful scales, with bursts of color halo, but there was no trace left. And LAN Xuanyu's right fist has arrived at this time.

Ye Moyong stabbed his right sword like lightning, and the tip of the sword pointed to LAN Xuanyu's fist.

"Ding" a crisp sound. LAN Xuanyu's whole body was shocked. In an instant, he felt a vast and incomparable sword idea rushing into his body.

Ye Moyong is also stagnant, pausing in the air. Between the two, a surge of air surged, pushing each other back.

Such a fight, compared with the previous several battles, is simply too simple. But discerning people can see that their fight is the real collision between the strong.The first point that ye Moyong throws out the sword. The strongest attack power of the sword awn itself is before it breaks out, and the sword spirit will be much weaker after it breaks out. But weakness is also relative. However, LAN Xuanyu was able to carry such sword spirit with his own scales, which was enough to show how amazing his own defense power was.

The next collision between swords and fists is their first real collision. LAN Xuanyu obviously retreated a little more, and his scales were all shining up. He was dissolving the sword spirit and spirit of the sword which was close to Dao.

However, ye Moyong was not very happy. What was contained in that blow was the power to extinguish the thunder. At the moment when the terrifying explosive energy penetrated into his body, he was almost inspired to suppress his cultivation for many years without control, and broke out directly. How can this not let Ye Mo Yong be surprised? His efforts to control, even more difficult than LAN Xuanyu to resolve his sword.

He never thought that this primary school brother actually mastered the power of elemental thunder robbery.

Silver flash, the next moment, blue Xuanyu has been to Ye Moyong near. Another punch. It's the front, not the side, or blinking behind him.

Ye Moyong picked the sword lightly. This time, he did not choose to touch it. A strange scene appeared. In front of Ye Mo Yong's body, he is just the moment when the sword shakes, and nine sword flowers condense into shape.

The nine sword flowers are just like substance, blooming with dazzling brilliance. LAN Xuanyu hits with a fist, and the sword flowers shine and collect. The vertical and horizontal sword Qi burst out like a blowout, detonating the power of LAN Xuan Yu's fist.

"Boom -"

four colors of light exploded. In the fierce roar, hundreds of marks were instantly scratched on LAN Xuanyu's body, and each dragon scale seemed to be shaking slightly. But the explosive power of his fist makes Ye Moyong fly back in the shock.

From the visual point of view, it seems that he beat back Ye Mo Yong with one fist.

This scene immediately surprised the whole audience. Ye Mo Yong falls in the wind?

At this time, the Golden Dragon spear in LAN Xuanyu's left hand had already been stabbed out, and thousands of golden lights were splashed out. In an instant, the sky bloomed and thousands of people's opinions were united.

He had to slow down when he used the quench thunder twice in a row.

Ye Moyong long sword stabbed out, still simple and unadorned, but this time, his eyes have become different. At this moment, he really entered into the combat state, but also regarded LAN Xuanyu as an equal opponent.

The sword awn trembles, just like the stars, "ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!" In the clear crash sound, both sides do not know how many times in an instant collision.