Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1274

The sea god Pavilion master smiles and says: "this is also the result of your own efforts. I hope that from now on, you can keep the clouds open and see the moon bright, and continue to work hard. With the baptism of the seven colors of heaven and earth, your goal should be more ambitious in the future. "

"Yes." Chen wuzhu saluted again, then turned to Tang Yuge, who was still standing on the lake, bowed down and said, "thank you, Xuemei, for pointing out the way forward for me and giving me a chance to break through."

Tang Yuge quickly returned the salute, "you are welcome. I also learned a lot from my study with my sister. "

Chen wuzhu was obviously in a good mood at this time, and said with a smile: "Xuemei's talent is far better than me, and my future achievements must be above me. I hope you can communicate with heaven and earth as soon as possible to achieve divine level. I lost this competition. "

Tang Yuge said with a wry smile: "no, my sister has been merciful before. I should have lost. "

In terms of real strength, Tang Yuge is really strong. She can make Chen wuzhu deal with it with all her strength, which has fully demonstrated her accomplishments. However, compared with the half step God level Chen dance candle, she is still a lot worse. In comparison, Chen dance candle is more powerful.

"This one is a tie. Both sides will leave." The conclusion of the sea god Pavilion master came, and her words naturally will not be questioned.

It is hard to convince people that Tang Yuge won, but Chen wuzhu did not win, and she could not continue to compete with Tang Yuge after she became a God.

Tang Yuge retreats to the shore, and Chen wuzhu falls directly on the ship under the sign of the sea god Pavilion master. If you become a God in one step, everything will change.

All the inner court disciples' attention is on her at this time, which is their future goal! To achieve the throne is what each of them is looking forward to.

"Go on." Haishen Pavilion Master said with a smile that she was naturally in a good mood at this time. Although the purpose of this contest is different from what she had imagined before, there is still good news.

Blue Xuan Yu takes a deep breath, he knows, it's time for him. Until now, there are only two people left on both sides. LAN Mengqin is healing for everyone. According to the previous plan, it's time for him to appear.

The strength of the students in the inner courtyard is also beyond his medical treatment. Everyone can be said to be the top choice, especially the eldest martial sister Yu Yingxin and the red lotus witch Chen wuzhu, all of them are Tianjiao. He also witnessed Chen wuzhu's way of becoming a God. How could it be less shocking to them?

After the rapid promotion of tianlongxing, LAN Xuanyu and his colleagues were confident when they came back. The blood quenching method really helped them a lot. But now it seems that, compared with the colleges accumulated at the end of tens of thousands of years ago, it is far from enough to become a leader!

At this time, LAN Xuanyu's mentality has completely calmed down. He has put the victory or defeat behind him and put more emphasis on the competition itself. It is also an excellent experience for him to be able to compete with such powerful senior students.

During this period of time in tianlongxing, he was the biggest beneficiary of blood hardening. He made his blood more and more close to the real dragon god, and even had reached the next bottleneck transformation, and would face a breakthrough at any time. Once the blood burst that he had to face when breaking through, he could be said to have really awakened the Dragon God's blood. It is likely that there will be no gold and silver in the future. Only the blood of the Dragon God will be the same as that of the Dragon God before.

And in this period of time, he also summed up his various abilities, refined them constantly, tempered by the dragon race, and gradually integrated, and found the way forward. And then for him, the most important thing is to continue to hone themselves, continuous accumulation, accumulation, in order to make the breakthrough smooth.

LAN Xuanyu had a feeling that he had to accumulate more than before. He could meet this breakthrough successfully only if he had accumulated more than before.

Seeing LAN Xuanyu appear on the stage, all people's attention is transferred to the competition among Shrek's seven monsters.

People who have a good eye or know about the situation of the thirty three days wing know that LAN Xuanyu is the real core of the seven of them, and also the first wing of the thirty-three days wing.

But everyone thought that he would come out last, but he came out in the sixth. The rest is the Horcrux who is healing for his companions. However, this is also normal. There is a soul master in the team who is not good at fighting. This is also a common thing.

LAN Xuanyu came out here. Among the disciples in the inner courtyard, a thin man was about to rise up and fight. But a big hand fell on his shoulder and held him down.

"Boss." The little disciple in the inner courtyard was surprised to see the one holding his shoulder.

"I will. If I still need to consume to defeat him, what face will I have to fight for the title of Shrek's seven monsters? " This is the one who saved Yu Yingxin before.

The next moment, his body has gradually risen, from the inner court disciples stand out, came to LAN Xuanyu.

Seeing that this one came out, LAN Xuanyu's eyes were also a congealed, slightly bowing to each other."I'm Ye Moyong. I asked my younger brother for advice." The young man said with a smile that he was handsome and slender. Although there was a gap between his appearance and that of LAN Xuanyu, he had a kind of out of the world temperament. Suspended there, there is a natural sense of the unity of man and nature.

LAN Xuanyu heard Ye Moyong's three words, and his heart was also slightly shocked. He said respectfully, "Lan Xuanyu has seen the elder martial brother."

Yes, if yu Yingxin is the elder martial sister of the inner courtyard, this is Ye Moyong, the elder martial brother of Shrek college, who is known as the first person in the inner courtyard. It's also the true strongest competitor of the Shrek seven. Even for a long time, many people have regarded him as the leader of the new generation of Shrek seven monsters.

He was also the target of the red lotus fairy Chen wuzhu, who at that time challenged Yu Yingxin. Although after so many years, Yu Yingxin has always had a barrier, so they have not been together until today.

If it wasn't Ye Moyong, no one could let Yu Yingxin and Chen wuzhu fight in such a contest. But even ye Moyong didn't expect that the contest would be carried out to such an extent.

But with the red lotus fairy Chen wuzhu becoming a god step by step, ye Moyong and Yu Yingxin have a lot of stimulation. A lot of obsessions in my heart are also relieved in an instant. Ye Mo Yong at this time is different from ye Mo Yong the moment before. Just like LAN Xuanyu, he just regarded this competition as a contest.

He also wants to see how powerful the younger brother, who can become the first of the new generation of Shrek's seven monsters. Only by fighting for it in person can he really accept all this.

Facing LAN Xuanyu in front of him, ye Moyong can't help admiring him. In terms of his appearance, at least no one can match his words since he entered Shrek college.

For LAN Xuanyu, after today's exchange, ye Moyong has a full understanding. Both he and his partners are qualified for the title of Shrek seven monsters. They have reached such accomplishments at such an age that they can't reach.

"Xuanyu, please."

"Senior brother, please give me some advice."

Although they are the last two to play, but everyone can see that this game, will determine the final victory or defeat. Who wins, basically determines today's victory or defeat.