Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1259

At this moment, one-on-one to the elder martial sister, Bai XiuXiu has fully demonstrated her own strength. In the eyes of many disciples in the inner court, the scene of fighting back Yu Yingxin made them feel that for the first time, LAN Xuanyu was entitled to the title of Shrek seven monsters.

Qian Lei's Bi Meng army summoned, Liu Feng's sacrifice white dragon meteor plus Dragon King sting, and then Bai XiuXiu showed comprehensive and powerful strength. It all proves how strong their overall strength is. There is also one of the strongest blue Xuanyu has not shot it. With such strength, what can't be the Shrek seven monsters of this generation? Most importantly, they are the youngest of all the colleges in the inner Academy! Young and strong means great potential.

Many disciples in the inner courtyard have already frowned at this time. Although they can't feel the subordinate system that Yu Yingxin is bearing at this time, they can also vaguely understand that Bai XiuXiu's strength is not simple. Even if the eldest martial sister is in full strength, I'm afraid the two are definitely fighting.

Naturally, the battle will not be stopped by anyone's thoughts. Bai XiuXiu won the upper hand with one strike, but Bai XiuXiu did not stop at all. Under the impetus of the ice tide, Bai XiuXiu immediately chased Yu Yingxin. The ice spear trembled in his hand, and thousands of spears darted out and went straight to Yu Yingxin's body. The spears coming from all directions gathered inward, producing a strong binding force. It is LAN Xuanyu's criticism.

He also taught Bai XiuXiu this kind of gun skill. Both of them use guns. Bai XiuXiu is even earlier than him. He learns very fast and has basically mastered it. At this time, under the push of the ice tide, death and withering are covered from all directions.

Yu Yingxin is not flustered. The sun ring and the moon ring collide with each other. Suddenly, the brilliant light burst out, which is the concentric circle of the sun and the moon.

Her sun and moon concentric circles of gold and white two-color columns of light mixed, but also accompanied by rings of light ring outward expansion.

The instant collision between the two sides makes the whole air vibrate violently. The explosive force of space gives people an unimaginable strong pressure. A large area around has been turned into dust, even the lake of Poseidon.

At this time, there was a touch of gold between heaven and earth. The silent expansion of gold turned into a huge mask to cover the whole battlefield.

All the shock waves will vanish and disappear quietly when they collide on the golden mask, even the light doesn't ripple.

Standing on the shore, Gu Yuena finally hugged her and, for the first time, took the initiative to look at the man beside her.

Tang Wulin's hands are behind him, and his eyes are burning at the surface of the Poseidon lake. Maybe he feels the gaze from his side, and then he turns to look at her.

Gu Yuena "hum", don't go over. Tang Wulin is smiling.

He is now completely calm down, as long as he can be by her side. As long as you are with her, the big deal is to chase her again. I owe her too much at that time, and I will spend all my time in the future to make up for it. She has already given birth to her son, and she is not totally indifferent to her own ah! This can be felt from the first time they met, when both sides still lost their memory.

The golden shield blocks the terrible destructive power of both sides. Bai XiuXiu's body enters the air, and her pretty face is slightly pale. The ice demon Dragon Armor on the body sends out a light halo, digesting the circle of bound light on the body. Death and decay also cooperate with corrosion.

On the other side, the damage of the four character armour on the elder martial sister was obviously more serious. Although the divine metal used in the four character dagger has a very strong self-healing ability, this self-healing also takes time and cannot be completed in an instant.

There was blood oozing from the wound, but there was a smile on her face. This little younger martial sister has brought her a lot of surprises! The breath of her blood burst out when she broke out was really powerful and suppressed her own blood. Let oneself soul power aspect superiority cannot display completely. And her own defense, whether it is the bearing capacity, or the ability to defuse control, are extremely strong. The concentric circles of the sun and the moon failed to break through her defense even under the condition of full hand.

This is the real strength, I didn't expect that she should be so difficult to deal with. Yu Yingxin is absolutely sure that this is the most talented soul master she has ever seen. Although she is not fully aware of the other party's blood, but this talent is absolutely the highest level of real dragon spirit can have it.

The seventh soul ring lights up quietly, and the sun ring and the moon ring also become shining. The four character armour on the body suddenly shines, dispersing the dead and withered residues on it, and recovering the previous damage with amazing speed.

At this moment, the elder martial sister Yu Yingxin seems to have recovered to the peak state, her eyes become bright. The golden and white light instantly brightens everything in the golden mask.

In the field of four character battle armor, the sun and the moon shine together.

This is the real strength of elder martial sister.

Shore, at this time Liu Feng has come to life, looking at the scene of fighting on the lake can not help frowning. He knew that if yu Yingxin had used this field of sun and moon in front of him, he would have been hard to escape. As for whether Yu Yingxin can be hurt is unknown. It seems that their own outbreak is not strong enough!But this can not let him down, in fact, nothing can make Liu Feng discouraged. He has now fully found his way forward, that is, the sudden outbreak of attack and killing. He firmly believed that when he became a blood quenched body, he would continue to improve his cultivation. When she can achieve the same level of cultivation as the elder martial sister, she will be unable to resist her own attack. With their current resources in the Dragon Star, it will not take too long to upgrade to that level.

In the face of the other party's sun and moon fields, Bai XiuXiu is not flustered, her toes in the air light, the whole person has been dancing. The ninth Soul Ring on the body is shining. The magic dance, the magic dance!

Circles of black halo began to ripple out of her body, where the black halo went, the sun and moon just lit up would be dimmed. Bai XiuXiu, dancing in the air, is like a fairy coming. No, it may be more appropriate to describe her as a witch now.

But the dance she shows is not a enchanting witch, but a holy one. Strong breath flashed in the air, and every time the air fluctuated, it would emit a huge energy breath. The black halo bloomed in circles. Continuous accumulation, burst and promotion.

No more waiting. Yu Yingxin, the eldest martial sister, started to move at the first time. Her feet were shining and her figure floated out. The sun ring and the moon ring were thrown out at the same time. The sun and the moon shine together, and heaven and earth are concentric.

Two huge beams of light shot out of the two rings at the same time. Strangely, the two beams became smaller and smaller after they were ejected, and finally they looked like two huge light cones. The tips of the golden and white light cones gathered together and turned into a hazy light of chaos, quietly and without any grand momentum, and went straight to Bai XiuXiu.

Bai XiuXiu changed her pretty face a little, and started with the ice devil dragon gun. The next moment, there is a huge vortex behind her, drawing her body into the vortex. The circle of black halo brought up by the demon dance instantly concentrated and covered.

However, where the chaotic light passed by, all the darkness was stirred up one after another, which could only turn into halo and linger around, but could not dissolve it.

The sun and the moon shine together, the light of dawn!