Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1202

Bai XiuXiu's face changed slightly and said, "can they?"

LAN Xuanyu said: "I dare not make a conclusion, but the big probability should not be. The Dragon God is a king of gods. When he was in the divine world, he used his own power to shake up several human gods. Although he was defeated in the end, his strength can be said to be the highest in the divine world. The supernatural artifact he created may have supported the existence of the Dragon kingdom. Where is it so easy to break? If it is destroyed by force, I'm afraid it can only be done by the power of the king. Although these Dragon Knights are strong, they can not have the level of God King

"As Uncle Le once said to me, he can't destroy the heaven holy halberd. If you want to break the surface of the rising dragon pillar, maybe it's possible for the heaven saint to crack the halberd, but I also need to grow to the level of super God. Of course, where can I destroy a supernatural artifact that recognizes me. So, I guess the Dragon Knights will probably do nothing. "

Bai XiuXiu was relieved and said, "that's good. The Dragon climbing platform is here. Sooner or later it will be yours. Don't be absorbed by those Dragon Knights. They are strong enough. If I'm promoted again, I'm worried that they'll attack our union. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded slightly, and suddenly his face changed slightly. He said, "hurry up, tell Huang Yuanlong to prepare the Dragon chariot. Let's go at once. Go back to Fenglong city. Just say I'm awake. "

"Back to Fenglong city? Now? You're not well. What are you doing in such a hurry? " Bai XiuXiu was surprised.

Blue Xuan Yu way: "too late to explain, on the way to tell you, you let him go to prepare."

"Good." For LAN Xuanyu's judgment, Bai XiuXiu naturally has absolute trust. At the moment, she doesn't dare to neglect her and immediately goes to tell Huang Yuanlong.

Although Huang Yuanlong didn't understand what the situation was, LAN is now a generation of longkui, which is the existence that all dragon people look forward to. Then he quickly transferred to the Dragon chariot, let Bai XiuXiu and LAN Xuanyu go to the Dragon chariot first, and he followed. He quickly left Shenglong city and returned to Fenglong city.

The Dragon chariot is on the road, and LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are alone in one of the rooms. Feeling more and more far away from Shenglong City, LAN Xuanyu's expression just relaxed a few minutes.

Bai XiuXiu asked in a voice, "can we speak now? Why leave suddenly

Blue Xuan Yu said: "in order to avoid the edge. Today, I defeated Qi Tianlong and won the bet. That's a bet made in front of all the senior officials of the dragon clan. When I won, I slapped the head of Tianlong in the face. He was full of self-confidence, and his disciples would win, which would stimulate Qi Tianlong to agree. I didn't expect to lose. Qi Tianlong can have such cultivation, of course, he spent a lot of effort to cultivate, and the talent is good. Can the mood of Tianlong first seat be good? You can tell from his reaction at that time that he was very angry at that time. It's just that it's hard to attack because of other Dragon Knights. I have to be longkui. "

"After that, they should have done something about shenglongtai. If you can get something, you can naturally make him feel better. But as I told you before, it's very unlikely that they'll get anything. So, in this case, do you think about how angry the first dragon will be? Under the fury, there must be anger, we are likely to be the object of anger. We immediately away, return to Fenglong City, he can not find us and the Royal people, anger will go to other places. In a short time, we'd better stay away from the edge. The next period of time to scoop out light and nourish the dark. No more exposure. "

Bai XiuXiu understood this and hesitated: "he is the first dragon in the sky. The dragon and horse system can be regarded as the first person. Is his gas so narrow?"

LAN Xuanyu said: "you know what you see. From his behavior of aligning with Tianlong, you can see that his nature is cold and thin. What's more, he can become the first person in the dragon horse system by virtue of strength, not virtue. We don't have to expose ourselves to him and gamble on it. Just avoid it. Luo La, a black dinosaur knight, supports us. I believe he doesn't dare to do too much. This dragon race I come to the fore, must be valued by the dragon people. For a while, someone will think of us. Just take advantage of this opportunity to do more convergence. Moreover, my Longli hall is the best one to be built in Fenglong city. We can get practical benefits. With this dragon power Hall, the future will be immeasurable for you, me, and our partners. "

Bai XiuXiu said, "what about going to the Dragon kingdom? Are you going yet? "

LAN Xuanyu said without hesitation: "don't go for the moment. After I go back, I will ask Huang Daoqi to write to the league leaders that I am too injured and need a long time to recuperate. When the injury is good, report to the league, and then request to go to the Dragon kingdom

Bai XiuXiu said with a smile, "now you are not in a hurry."

LAN Xuanyu smiles and says, "everything is changing. I am eager to go to the Dragon Kingdom, hoping to get the benefits left by the Dragon God from the Dragon kingdom. It seems that most of the benefits of the dragon rising are left behind. Now I have been able to get dragon power from the dragon pillar. I just need to find the opportunity to get it in the future. The Dragon kingdom is naturally not so anxious to go. What's more, with longkui, we have a high-level dragon power hall specially built for me, which is enough for us to practice. It doesn't matter whether we go to the Dragon kingdom or not. You don't have to be careful with the Dragon Knights in the Dragon kingdom. "Bai XiuXiu suddenly said, "it's because of me. You promised to let me go with you, but you were afraid that it would be dangerous to go to the Dragon Kingdom, so you chose not to go for the time being? "

Blue Xuan Yu low smile way: "Yo Yo, our show is not silly white sweet."

"Who do you think is silly white sweet?" In Bai XiuXiu's eyes, "murderous spirit" overflows everywhere.

"I'm wrong, ma'am. Give me a break." LAN Xuanyu immediately pretended to be pathetic.

Looking at his appearance, "look at your virtue, do you still look like a Golden Dragon Princess? What if you lose? Really married Qi Tianlong? Hey, hey, hey. "

LAN Xuanyu's face was stiff, "so you say I can lose? Since I didn't intend to go to the Dragon Kingdom, what I thought at first was that if I lost, I would lose. It's just that Longli hall is a little reluctant. But this guy has to push me. If you want to marry me, I won't kill him. "

Seeing his gnashing teeth, Bai XiuXiu couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a long time, Bai XiuXiu said, "in a word, Qi Tianlong is quite pitiful. After being given up by the first emperor of Tianlong, it is estimated that the possibility of surviving after fighting with the method which is obviously the source of burning is not very good, right? What a pity. He is really powerful. I've never seen such an extreme mastery of fire. Even your elemental stripping doesn't work for him. "

LAN Xuanyu shook his head and said, "I don't think he will die. Can be so valued by Tianlong first, and its own strength is so strong. He has a deep foundation. Although he overdrawn by a large margin, I don't think he will run out of oil and the lamp will run out. But I'm afraid it will be very difficult to restore cultivation. Only if there is another qualitative change in blood. The first emperor of Tianlong has given up on him. This may be small and small. "

The Dragon chariot flies back all the way. At the request of LAN Xuanyu, everything is simple. Sorry, he returns to fenglongcheng residence. When they came back, Huang dodge had already returned, even one step ahead of them.

What is cunning? That's it. He is also afraid of being angry by the Dragon leader! In his opinion, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu must have won the championship. Even if Tianlong is the first to be angry, it is not good to directly target "them". But as the Lord of Fenglong City, it's hard to say! It's better to go first.