Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1199

There was a light "poop" sound, no roar. However, under everyone's astonishment, LAN Xuanyu's fist actually directly penetrated Qi Tianlong's Dragon King's Dragon Armor on his back and directly bombarded him on his body.

Qi Tianlong's whole body was ablaze with fire. In the first moment, he had already realized something. In the moment of being bombarded, the Dragon King's Dragon Armor suddenly exploded and turned into countless terrible flames, which splashed everything around him.

If LAN Xuanyu is still in the shape of a dragon at this time, his huge body will definitely bear a great impact. But it's just a humanoid one, and the bearing area is much smaller.

The colorful light burst out, blocking the vast majority of the splashed Dragon King Dragon Armor fragments. And his fist, also mercilessly hit Qi Tianlong's vest.

The body flies upside down, wings flapping and ejection backward.

The next moment, Qi Tianlong's long sword has been cut back, and one minute later, he will be cut by the blade.

But in the next moment, a low roar suddenly exploded in the body of Qi Tian dragon. Four colors of electric light in his vest diffuse explosion, into a series of lights around. A huge blood hole burst directly from his back, and the stubbles and muscles of his spine could be clearly seen.

With a roar, Qi Tianlong's huge body quickly shrinks and changes back to its original human form. With a long knife in his hand, he supports the ground, so that he can not fall down. But everyone could see that he had been badly hurt by that blow.

Who could have thought that, in this peak match, the ones who finally took the upper hand and severely damaged the opponents would be LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu?

Even the Dragon Knights, no one is optimistic that "they" can win. Because Dragon Knights all know what kind of cultivation Qi Tianlong is.

As the first disciple of Tianlong, he has already been able to reach the divine level, but he has not, just in order to be able to win the championship in the dragon race!

Whether it's Bai XiuXiu's magic dance, the reversal of heaven and earth, or LAN Xuanyu's last shift of form and position, and confuse the real with the false. It can be described as supernatural skill. Turn the impossible into a possibility and hit Qi Tianlong hard.

Qi Tianlong's expression at this time can be described as a mixture of five flavors. He looks up at LAN Xuanyu, who flies back into the air again and joins Bai XiuXiu. The blood is constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, LAN Xuanyu is ready to explode into his body of mieshen thunder, is crazy rampant, destroying everything in his body.

If it is normal, even if it is ready to strike, it is impossible to hit Qi Tianlong so hard. But it was the attack that he launched just after he had suffered all his strength. The timing of his choice was just when he was most vulnerable.

Qi Tianlong knows that he lost. It is not lost in strength, but in the underestimate of the opponent, and there is no intention to calculate the situation. Whether it is LAN or XiuXiu, the ability used in today's war with him is never used before.

It was for this reason that he got the trick.

Teacher! Are skills really useless? But why do I lose in skills?

No, I can't lose. I am the dragon clan who will inherit the first place of Tianlong in the future. How can I lose this competition? If she loses, she will be her servant. And if so, what kind of face can you become a dragon knight? Become the master of the future dragon clan?

Thinking of this, Qi Tianlong's eyes lit up and burned around his body. The unstable flame was no longer the previous golden red. The flame turned blood red and turned into blood red flame in an instant, and his body had completely turned into a blood color.

"Blood dragon exploding body method?" The second seat sitting on the dragon power pillar said in surprise, and at the same time his eyes also looked at the head of Tianlong with a gloomy face beside him.

All the Dragon Knights present know what the blood dragon explosive body method means. This is the secret law of the dragon clan. Only the most powerful dragon clan has the chance to be taught, which is the last desperate method. With Qi Tianlong's strength, he was not qualified to learn the blood dragon explosion method. It is because he is the first disciple of Tianlong that he can learn in advance.

The blood dragon explosion method is extremely domineering. It can instantly burn its own blood vessels, not quench the body, but explode. Under this kind of crazy burning, it will not only increase the strength, but also suppress the injury temporarily. It can also temporarily protect all injuries with its own burning dragon blood, and restore the peak combat power. Although the time is short, it is the last desperate method. But once used, under the deficiency of blood supply, the strength is greatly damaged, and life is in danger.

"Do you want to stop it?" Zhong Zhichang asked in a low voice.

Tianlongshou shook his head in silence. He didn't expect that to happen. He encouraged his disciples in order to make Qi Tianlong ignite his fighting spirit. But I didn't expect, this one bet about, but put his disciples into such a situation.

Qi Tianlong thought of it, and he naturally thought of it. This time, Qi Tianlong can't afford to lose. If he loses and worships LAN Xuanyu as a slave, then his future in the dragon clan will be completely lost. Therefore, he can not lose, even if it is to pay a huge price, also can not lose.

The blood dragon explosion method is likely to be fatal to other dragon clans, but for Qi Tianlong, it is possible to recover in the future if he is properly recuperated. Instead of using the blood dragon explosion method, he has already lost. Even if he is the first emperor of Tianlong, he would not like his carefully cultivated disciples to be abandoned.Looking at the burst of blood light, LAN Xuanyu frowned and pulled Bai XiuXiu's hand. The two dragon forces exchanged and promoted each other, recovering the previous consumption.

At this time, Qi Tianlong's whole body blood light burst out, but the breath continued to climb. The broken spine behind, covered with blood light, seems to have been reconnected by the blood color.

He leapt out of a hole in the ground and raised his head to the sky with a deafening roar. In a flash, the blood color flame burst out, just like a sea of blood, to the sky blue Xuanyu and white XiuXiu cover.

"It's a fight between him and me. XiuXiu, believe me. " Leaving this sentence, blue Xuan Yu empty air step forward, the body's colorful light suddenly burns up, turns into colorful flame.

When the seven color flame ignited, his whole person has become a crystal clear seven colors, and even the blood color flame rising from below was suppressed in an instant.

"Ang -" burst out a loud and clear dragon chant. LAN Xuanyu boldly fell from the sky and went straight to Qi Tian Long, who was in the blood dragon explosion method.

Qi Tianlong burst into a drink. At this time, he had no love for "blue". Under the stimulation of blood boiling, he just wanted to defeat his opponent.

Two figures, almost instantaneous impact collision together, burst out deafening roar.

LAN Xuanyu uses fist, Qi Tianlong uses knife. This time, without any skills, it is a strong battle of hard bridge and hard horse.

"Bang -" Lan Xuanyu's body was directly split by a knife, and his whole body was full of blood. But the next moment, the bloody flame was extinguished by the colorful flame burning on his body. In an instant, he jumped at Qi Tianlong again without any hesitation.

Qi Tianlong has come after him. Two people collide again, blue Xuanyu body scales splash, but not let. Under the waves of the flames, the color of blood burst out. This time, Qi Tianlong is also a staggering backward.

LAN Xuanyu dashed out and plowed a ravine on the ground. But the next moment, he flew up again, as if he were crazy, and ran straight to Qi Tianlong.

Without skill, it is the hard bridge and the hard horse. In this scene, even those who were watching the battle were the dragon race gods, and they could not help holding their breath.

That's the blood dragon explosion method! Qi Tianlong in this state is only stronger than that in the previous heyday. But at this time, LAN Xuanyu did not just give up the previous smart way of fighting and chose to fight hard. Moreover, Bai XiuXiu was not even involved in the battle.