Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1185

Bai XiuXiu even danced around LAN Xuan Yu. It looks like two people are dancing, but in fact, it's just a dance inspired by her.

Just when she started dancing, Duan Yizhou had already rushed to her. Two knives cut out, the silver light burst out.

Bai XiuXiu spins her body and comes to the front. Facing the twisted and illusory space emptiness, everything around her suddenly turns blue and purple in an instant.

The silver light almost vanishes in an instant. In the next moment, no matter Duan Yizhou or Zhou Tianyi, there is a kind of whirling sensation. It seems that there are countless Bai XiuXiu around.

"Bang --"

from the perspective of the spectators, when Duan Yizhou and Zhou Tianyi came to LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu. Silver light burst out, a fatal blow. But the next moment, all the ice, snow, the abyss, and the dark blue light and shadow that had just been released in the whole competition field all flowed into the dancing figure in a flash like a sea embracing hundreds of rivers. Then Duan Yizhou, dressed in armor, had already been bombarded and flew out.

The silver armor on Duan Yizhou's body is actually flowing down with dark blue liquid. Although the light around his body is still distorted, at the same time, there is also a blue and purple halo twisted together.

Bai XiuXiu is still dancing around LAN Xuanyu, as if everything had nothing to do with her. But all the dark elements and ice elements in the whole competition field are accompanied by her dance. In the process of rhythm, the scope of coverage is also larger and larger, and the air engine is more and more powerful.

As if intentionally or unintentionally, Bai XiuXiu gently waved her hand, and a torrent of blue and purple light swept out. Duan Yizhou's double knives were cut out in front of her, and countless silver light blades burst out. But it was extinguished in the huge undercurrent. He was bombarded out again, all the way to the edge of the competition platform, and collided on the protective cover.

On the surface of silver armor, there is a layer of blue and purple ice, and the ice is quietly melting, which is peeling off the silver layers on the armor.

What kind of ability is this?

In front of the scene, so that all participants have a kind of gaping feeling. Bai XiuXiu's dance is getting faster and faster. If you look at her carefully, you will feel deprived of her mind. It's like a huge vortex core, swallowing all the sight around, even everything.

Ice and darkness, in her dancing, no longer separate from each other. The terrifying energy makes heaven and earth seem to be engulfed and eroded.

Duan Yizhou and Zhou Tianyi have already understood that today's opponents will be very difficult to deal with. But what they value most is still the strength of Golden Dragon Princess Blue. What they fear most is being controlled by Bai XiuXiu and killed by blue Jue.

But until this moment, blue did not play at all. The strength of XiuXiu has been far more than that in the round robin.

Seeing this scene, even Xu Yanmo, the master of the light element and the existence of the bright dragon itself, looks extremely ugly. Could he resist the dark and stormy waves, even if he had to face them?

How powerful is this show? Or after catching the increase of blue, can we have such strength?

The waves beat the shore!

The blue and purple of the whole competition field, sometimes form a wave, sometimes layer upon layer. Every time Duan Yizhou tried his best to rush out, but all of them were photographed back by the stormy waves. He couldn't get close to half a minute. And he himself was more and more weak in the erosion of the stormy waves.

Bai XiuXiu's beautiful eyes are especially bright today. She has been dancing and defusing her opponent's attack again and again. However, her eyes are always just staring at LAN Xuanyu's eyes.

As the center of the whole dance, LAN Xuanyu's feeling is the most clear and sensitive. His mind has been fully accompanied by her dance. The eyes of the people are more and more beautiful, every rotation is so perfect moving. He even forgot that it was in the game. Feeling the graceful exhalation like LAN, feeling the dark ice storm all over the sky, he has been immersed in it.

The power of the Dragon God's blood is the most powerful backing for her. Guide her, will learn to play their own incisively and vividly.

All the soul skills, in this moment, have been fully integrated into the dance, into a part of the dance. Each time, Duan Yizhou and Zhou Tianyi are equal to each other, so they are suffering from the double attack of darkness and ice.

Their speed has become slower and slower, in the cold darkness without half a recession, their struggle is becoming more and more powerless.

"Ang -" the sad cry of the Dragon sounded, and they finally could not hold on and fell to the ground.

"At the end of the game, LAN and Huang XiuXiu won."

Bai XiuXiu rotated in situ for three weeks, and finally stopped in front of LAN Xuanyu. His hands were holding his hands, and his breath was obviously a little short. Beautiful face blush circulation, beautiful face cannot square thing.

The ninth soul skill is the magic dance.

This is the first time that she shows her ninth soul skill. With the support of the Dragon God's blood, in the dance just now, it is also her process of enlightenment. All of them are melted into one furnace in this dance of demons. I have learned a lot from my practice recently.LAN Xuanyu looks at her with appreciation in her eyes. This is a victory for Bai XiuXiu.

In the war zone, there was no sound. All the contestants, including Qi Tianlong, became dignified.

Blue's strength is known to all of them. It also has its own evaluation. However, who did not expect that in this final stage, in the face of the same set dragon opponent, XiuXiu suddenly showed incomparable strength. It gave them a feeling that they were no weaker than blue.

Although it was under the support of blue that they played such a level, but after all, blue did not participate in the war. And XiuXiu just showed the overall strength, has been very close to the level of Xu Yanmo. This is still in the absence of Dragon Armor and weapons.

Bai XiuXiu's face was slightly flushed. It was the first time for her to break out with all her strength and exert her strongest ability.

At the beginning, she simply released her soul skills, but later, gradually, she has fully integrated into that wonderful feeling.

LAN Xuanyu's blood power from the Dragon God stimulates her own blood and soul power, and stimulates the origin of the abyss ice demon dragon after her fusion with the demon queen. All of them are integrated in the process of the demon dance and the natural mechanism, and produce the process of sublimation.

This is clearly a process of quantitative change and qualitative change. The strong opponent, the support of the Dragon God's blood, the hard training in these days, the strength of the dragon, the marrow of the dragon, and the nourishment of the blood of the Dragon God. All of the things in this dance completely melt into one, let her complete a qualitative leap.

For the vast majority of soul masters, such an opportunity is a life-long experience, but Bai XiuXiu completed it under the age of 20 with the help of LAN Xuanyu. Also found their own way, the real road. It paved the way for her future impact.

At the moment when the magic dance was completed, she only felt that her mind was clear and everything around her became clear. In the spiritual world, in the mind, all present their own thinking between the existence.

She can even feel the flow of dragon Qi contained in every texture on the ground of Shenglong platform, and feel all the vividness of the outside world.

At this moment, her spiritual power finally entered the realm of spiritual realm.

LAN Xuanyu holds Bai XiuXiu's hand and pauses for a long time in the same place. Until Bai XiuXiu's eyes recover, he takes her hand out of the competition field. There was a glow of joy on both faces.