Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1172

The dragon race is a race with the highest blood. They naturally understand what this means.

Even in their dragon knight's honor, at this moment, the eyes can not help but become fanatical. They all know that if they can achieve this, their strength will be further improved.

"I think we can try it first." Huang Liangwei looks at the other three Dragon Knights with sharp eyes.

Long Chao Yang smiles indifferently, but Luo La turns away his lips.

Luo Yayuan frowned slightly and said, "when can you change this selfish problem. Do you think it can be concealed? If we don't report and try by ourselves, what do you think the first one will think, and you can bear the anger of the first one? "

Huang Liangwei's facial muscles twitched for a moment, and then he said, "that's what I said. Of course, I'm going to report to the first one. "

Luo Yayuan said: "continue to observe. Let's see when his absorption will last. Now it is certain that this energy has brought some essential changes to her. However, it is not clear how much this essential change can enhance her. The main thing is to see how much output there will be. "

Huang Liangwei said: "she will not absorb all this energy in the Shenglong stage, will she?"

Lola couldn't help it. "Shut your mouth. How big is the Shenglong platform? Even we can't shake the energy in the Dragon Rising platform. Do you think it's a little non divine dragon that can suck? Before you speak, use your brain, which is full of paste

"Lola, you want to fight, don't you?" Huang Liangwei roared angrily.

Luo La cold hum a, disdainful way: "depend on you? You can't As he spoke, he shook his index finger at Huang Liangwei.

"That's enough. All quiet. Just wait. " Luo Yayuan's eyes flashed, and his breath suddenly became dark. Such a change, Huang Liangwei and Luo La can not help but be one of the Lin. We have been Dragon Knights together for so many years. They understand that this is a sign of Luo Yayuan's anger.

The anger of a top five dragon knight is not easy to bear.

Although there are 18 Dragon Knights, the top five Dragon Knights are different from the 13 Dragon Knights in terms of overall strength.

The four Dragon Knights quieted down and looked at the blue Xuan Yu lying there absorbing.

Colorful scales from the chest, gradually spread to the whole body, and in the process of the scale spread, LAN Xuanyu's blood gradually disappeared, were absorbed back into the body by the colorful scales.

LAN Xuanyu's pale face gradually had some blood color, as if it had been replenished with blood.

Evolution? Blood is really evolution! Different from the pure power before, it is more mysterious and changeable.

I don't know how long it took, LAN Xuanyu's consciousness gradually revived. When his consciousness first appeared in the sea of spirit, he was surprised to find that there was a layer of colorful liquid on the surface of his spiritual sea. Not only that, the whole body seems to be full of strong and incomparable Dragon God blood.

You know, he has practiced for so many years, the Dragon God's blood vessels are presented in the blood whirlpool as a unit. At this moment, his body suddenly turned into seven colors, which really made him very uncomfortable!

"Master, don't move! Don't show any flaws. Four Dragon Knights are watching you outside The eager voice of the treasure hunter rang out.

"Po? What's wrong with me? Is it LAN Xuanyu asked in the sea of spirit.

The figure of the treasure hunting beast appeared and said excitedly, "you are right. Your blood makes the dragon pillar react and gives you the energy of Dragon God. That's the real power of the Lord. I didn't expect to store it in the ascending dragon pillar. Although it is only low-level, but the power of blood is right. I can feel that there is no end to your energy in the dragon pillar! There must be something you have left behind. However, only you can use the rising dragon pillar. There are four other guys around. I dare not go to investigate. But I believe that when you break through the divine level, you will be able to explore clearly what is inside. "

LAN Xuanyu felt the change of his body silently. He was overjoyed. His previous heavy injuries had all been repaired. The most important thing is that the blood of Dragon God is so surging and magnificent. Even now he can't even feel the blood of the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King. If so many dragon god blood energy quench his body, maybe he can complete the first comprehensive quenching? It's a huge gain.

"I know all about it. I'll wake up later. You help me hide my appearance. " LAN Xuanyu said.

"No problem. Don't worry."

Blue Xuanyu again carefully felt his body changes, which slowly "wake up" come over.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he suddenly felt the huge pressure around him.

The gray shield made his place feel a little dark. LAN Xuanyu blinked. His body was a little stiff, not because he had been lying for too long, but because the Dragon God's blood energy in his body was too abundant, which made his body a little swollen."Awake? How do you feel? " The voice of concern sounded.

LAN Xuanyu struggled to sit up from the ground. Sure enough, the four Dragon Knights are around her at this time. All eyes were burning at him, and everyone's eyes were so eager.

"Lord Roland. And your lords. " LAN Xuanyu hastened to salute.

He is really a little flustered! At the same time in the face of four super God level strong, do not panic that is not a normal person.

"It's OK, you have a wonderful adventure," Luo lanwen said. Calm down and tell us what you feel

"Yes." LAN Xuanyu sat down with his knees crossed. After a moment's silence, he opened his eyes again. His eyes were dazed and surprised, "color, what I see is color. what is wrong with me? Did you help me? Why has everything in my body become colored? "

The four Dragon Knights looked at each other, and Luo La coughed, "it's not us, it's you who have some luck. Your blood seems to activate the internal energy of the ascending dragon stage, thus washing your body. In a sense, it's blood evolution. "

Blue Xuan Yu Leng Leng Leng, "evolution? What kind of evolution? "

Luo Yayuan, the dark dragon knight, said in a deep voice: "evolve in a good direction. You should also know the origin of our dragon clan. It was born after the Dragon change period. It's also evolved from different races. The higher the blood purity, the higher the level, the more characteristics of dragon. Your own blood level is already very high. It should be your blood that triggers the internal energy of the ascending dragon platform, so that your blood vessel has a process similar to dragon transformation. Although this process does not take long, it will bring great benefits to your future strength improvement by making your blood level higher. As for why this is the case, it remains to be further studied. You go back first and appreciate your changes. When the dragon race is over, the League will give you some guidance. "

"Thank you, Lord dragon knight." LAN Xuanyu put on a blank look and saluted the four Dragon Knights.

The gray light fell and lifted the isolation from the outside world. LAN Xuanyu realized that it was already evening time, and his lethargy lasted for quite a long time. Today's dragon race has long been over, and all the other dragon races have left. Only Bai XiuXiu is anxiously waiting outside.

As soon as she saw him come out, Bai XiuXiu was overjoyed. Under the sign of LAN Xuanyu's eyes, she managed to control her mood.