Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1169

Xu Yanmo is in a trance. What kind of opponent is he facing?

The next moment, he saw that the figure on the ground, which had lost the ability to fly, was slowly suspended. Those crazy eyes were staring at him. With the burning of the flame on his body, he flew faster and faster. He was active, like a moth to a fire, and ran straight to Xu Yan.

In this moment, Xu Yanmo's heart seemed to be ignited, and all the reason completely disappeared. If you want to die, you can die!

Xu Yanmo is absolutely calm among the dragon people. But even if it is the existence of calm, in front of such an atmosphere, the inner flame has not been ignited.

Although he could not hear the cheering outside, he could feel that everyone's attention was not on the winner.

The pride of his heart makes his own blood boil. No matter how fast it was invading the body, it ignited the brilliant golden light again.

Two wings have been broken, and he has four wings to fly. With a bright and dazzling golden luster, fierce and down, with the shrill sound of dragon chant, with indomitable domineering, to meet the defiant flying to their own golden figure.

On the pole of dragon power, Luo La, a black dinosaur knight, has stood up. He can accept that blue loses the game, but he absolutely can't accept blue dying in this competition.

Not only he, but also the other three Dragon Knights. They can see that Lan's performance in World War I today has ignited the fire in the hearts of all the young generation. As long as she can grow up, this is the existence that can become the spiritual leader of the dragon clan in the future!

This is the real need of the Dragon inheritance, or even successors. How rare is such a talent?

The Dragon riders are ready to fight to end the fight.

However, at this time, the expressions of the four Dragon Knights were stiff at first, and then became strange in the next moment.

The knight is still standing in the third column of battle.

Luo La in the next moment of consternation, a flash, has been blocked in the Aotian dragon knight dragon Chaoyang body.

"Poof --"

in the third theater, when the two bright figures collide again, there is no previous Jingtian roar. One of

's figures suddenly broke up like a bubble. Yes, it was broken. Into a faint halo, dissipated in the air.

Xu Yanmo's all-out attack fell into the air completely. The huge light element energy turned into a huge shock wave, which rushed to the distance and directly bombarded on the protective cover.

Xu Yanmo, who had been ready for the impact, spurted out his blood with a single breath of blood. The feeling of using the wrong force made him feel like a ball that had let out his breath, and then he fell into the most empty state.

At this time, a cold female voice sounded in his ear.

"Golden dragon, town prison kill..."

the dazzling golden light burst out, and countless golden lights and shadows fell on Xu Yanmo in the most empty state. The figure, which had already changed back to human form, burned with golden flame and burst into dazzling brilliance.

Xu Yan Mogao's body is directly pressed from the sky and smashed on the ground with the remaining four wings at the same time. Under the surging of countless golden lights, all lights are extinguished.

On the whole climbing stage, it became silent. All eyes, all condense on the figure.

Yes, at this moment, there is only one figure standing in the third theater.

Although "she" at this time bent over, in the big mouth, big mouth of hemoptysis. Although the flame of life in "she" gradually weakened. But she was still standing. And the only one standing on the battlefield.

At the foot of "she", once powerful opponent was pressed on the ground and rubbed. It's completely unconscious. But "she" did not kill, did not destroy the opponent in the situation that can kill each other.

"Announce the result!" Bai XiuXiu almost screamed and rushed to the third theater.

At this time, the referee woke up and announced in a loud voice, "blue, win!"

Yes, I won. LAN Xuanyu won. In the near impossible, he won the game.

All forbearance is to prepare for the last blow.

From the very beginning of the collision between the two sides, he knew that there was a huge gap between his accomplishments and Xu Yanmo, who was already close to the extreme Douluo level. Therefore, he has been in the layout, at the cost of his own heavy damage in the layout, waiting for the final opportunity.

He did not hesitate to use mieshenzhen, again and again to resist the attacks of the other side, again and again by the other party's trauma, all these are true.

In fact, although he could not use the power of the Silver Dragon King, the power belonging to the Silver Dragon King was also supplemented to the Golden Dragon King in the transformation of blood whirlpool.

What Xu Yan Mo Wei Yi doesn't know is that LAN Xuanyu is stronger than he imagined in terms of fighting ability. Even in the end, LAN Xuanyu is still not seriously injured.The last blood burning, LAN Xuanyu even calculated the other party's mentality. He believed that at that time, no matter what kind of opponent, it was impossible to think that he would still have a shot in the air.

And that's when he did it.

Treasure hunter, at the last moment, to help him realize. A huge figure of golden dragon was illusory, and the tragic scene was turned out.

In fact, the real blue Xuanyu noumenon has become a human form, hidden in the corner. Waiting for Xu Yanmo to vent all his attack power on the phantom and give him a fatal blow.

Golden grain blue silver grass, the sixth soul skill, Jinlong town prison kill!

This is the soul skill inherited from the Golden Dragon King, and it is also a powerful soul skill inherited from the Tang dance Lin in the Golden Dragon moon language. In the final battle, it gave the opponent a fatal attack. If LAN Xuanyu didn't give up, he might have killed Xu Yan.

But he knows he can't do that. There is Aotian dragon knight on the scene, if he really killed Xu Yanmo, I'm afraid he himself will be difficult to get out of this piece of ascending dragon platform.

He won. He won after all. For the first time, he defeated a super Douro level opponent. Or wearing Dragon Armor, with a strong body of the dragon family bright dragon.

At that moment, his own blood became active.

With the referee's announcement of the victory or defeat of the game, LAN Xuanyu could no longer control his body. He directly sat down on the ground and fell beside Xu Yanmo.

In this moment, his consciousness has been blurred, he just felt a familiar voice calling himself. Everything seems to be getting lost. But the corner of his mouth, but unconsciously outlined a faint smile.

However, no one noticed that the blood on the ground was quietly decreasing. From the top of the Shenglong platform damaged gap into the flow, quietly disappeared.

The four Dragon Knights are already standing on their own dragon power pillars. Although they didn't come to the scene in person, they could clearly feel their profound accomplishments. The two young talents of the Dragon nationality who fought with each other were only heavy casualties and were still alive.

Luo La has made way for the road and turned to look at long Chaoyang.

Long Chaoyang is also looking at him. The next moment, long Chaoyang suddenly smiles, reaches out his hand to Luo Lanta, compares his thumb, and then hits each other with both hands and claps.

Luo La ha ha ha a smile, also clapped up the palm.

"Pa Pa Pa, pa pa pa..."

Applause rang out from the four dragon pillars at the top. Then, the applause spread downward and spread to the senior members of the dragon clan. Finally, the whole audience applauded. Cheers, whistles, one after another.