Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1166

At the same time, LAN Xuanyu also felt that the problem of dragon a began to appear on himself. Although the mountain Dragon King and the divine dragon armor on his body are very good, after all, the nature of the mountain Dragon King does not completely agree with him. The Dragon Armor on the opponent's body is obviously made from the keel of the light holy dragon, and the attribute completely matches. He also suffered in this respect.

The war between the two sides is on the verge of breaking out. Even the dragon people who are absorbing the Dragon Spirit have already opened their eyes to watch the game.

LAN Xuanyu was born in this competition, which made a lot of attention on her. Now we all want to see how far she can go.

This battle will determine whether she is qualified to compete for the final championship.

"Please!" Xu Yanmo slowly raised the spear in his hand. As a man, he was very gentlemanly and gave the first attack to LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu didn't polite to him. In his eyes, the golden light bloomed. A little bit of his left foot on the ground made him fly up. The passionate sound of dragon singing comes from the blood. The blazing breath of blood burst out with madness and ferocity without reservation.

Xu Yanmo only felt that his heart sank and his blood circulation was obviously affected. The aura of light around the body fluctuates a little. He understood that this was the reason why his blood was oppressed by the other party.

Good guy, with their own bright dragon blood, even some of them can't carry each other's blood? What is the blue blood? What kind of strength can the dragon clan have such a strong blood!

Although in the heart praises, but his movement is not slow at all. Toe on the ground lightly, is also to rise in the air. Behind him, the blazing breath of light burst out, faintly, three pairs of light wings spread behind him.

Yes, although he is a dragon, he has three pairs of wings. When the three pairs of light wings opened, with Shenglong platform as the center, all the light elements within a few kilometers around him flew towards him in a crazy way, except for the direction of the God level dragon clan strongman.

In a flash, his whole body suddenly in the light of the elements of light, as bright as a small sun.

The glare of the strong light completely enveloped Xu Yanmo's body, making it impossible to see his body shape. The next moment, the strong light had turned into a sharp arrow shape, and ran straight to LAN Xuanyu and ran into it.

Rich to the essence of the general elements of light in the air, incandescent light has gradually become the general luster of gold.

Blue Xuan Yu body in the air, in the face of such a powerful attack, he did not have any intention to dodge.

Facing Xu Yanmo and facing Hu Hongyu is totally different. Different levels of opponents. If he tries to dodge, LAN Xuanyu can feel that even the chance of counterattack will be lost when the momentum drops. Xu Yanmo is more powerful than he imagined.

Therefore, instead of dodging, the speed of his forward attack increased again. His body is full of gold, and his body and gun are united. The blood force and soul power in the body are completely integrated into one another, turning into the purest power, just like a golden meteor, bumping into each other.

"Boom -" like a big bang like a star collision, burst out in the third theater. That dazzling light, will shine in the entire theater of fine.

The dazzling luster makes it impossible for everyone to see the situation in the field at the first time. Only the powerful people in the distance can judge by divine perception.

Luo La, a black dinosaur knight, frowned at the first time. Huang Liangwei, the knight of the Holy Light dragon, said with a smile: "it seems that the wild is still wild after all."

Aotian Dragon Knight long Chaoyang didn't say anything, just silently focused on the battlefield.

The light faded away, and the two sides had separated to both sides.

At this time, Xu Yanmo is still in the air, but the incandescent light around his body is unstable. And LAN Xuanyu is on the ground, in front of him has a deep gully, nearly half of his body fell into the ground. The surrounding ground is also melting.

You know, this is Shenglong platform, which is extremely hard! Although only the rock on the surface of Shenglong platform is broken, it is not the internal body. But to be able to break through the surface, which has been filled with dragon Qi, I don't know how many years of nourishment of the rock, also requires extremely terrible and huge power!

LAN Xuanyu's Mountain Dragon King and Shenlongjia have obviously appeared several cracks. "She" looks a little pale, long hair slightly disordered, in the hands of the Dragon gun inserted on the ground, seems to be used to stabilize their own body.

Everyone can see that Xu Yanmo has the upper hand in this all-out collision. And it looks like the absolute winner. I can't see if LAN Xuanyu is injured, but he must have suffered a loss.

But Xu Yanmo also failed to pursue in the first time. He slowly and deeply inhaled, and the element of light continued to add to himself. It's not that he doesn't want to pursue, but the terrible shock brought about by mieshenzhen. He also needs time to resolve it. Once the shock of the force into the body, he can not resist the destructive breath of terror.

Therefore, although he looked intact, he had to stop before the power of mieshenzhen.Layers of light elements continue to bloom in a dazzling halo, taking away the destructive power of mieshenzhen. Xu Yanmo's face is flushed, and the Dragon gun in his hand points to the blue Pavilion on the ground again.

Through this collision, he has tried out, in absolute strength, he is quite dominant. LAN Xuanyu's strength is not so strong, but relying on his own blood force, strength, as well as that unique concussion hair stuffy, can burst out so strong attack power.

In fact, when LAN Xuanyu defeated Hu Hongyu yesterday, Xu Yanmo had a certain judgment on his strength. Compared with herself, "she" is still one level worse.

The difference in strength can not be offset by appearance.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu has come out of the half melted and half broken ground. The light of the mountain Dragon King and the Dragon Armor on his body was obviously dim.

The deep sound of the Dragon chant rings around his body, and the golden color lights up again.

"Ang -" sends out a loud and clear dragon song to Xu Yanmo in the air. The strong fighting spirit can be clearly felt by every Dragon Clan on the scene even outside the war zone.

Although the blow just suffered a loss, but it did not affect the morale of "she"!

Such spirit alone has made many young dragon people feel ashamed. If they were to face such a powerful Xu Yanmo, could they still maintain such fighting will?

Qi Tianlong nodded silently. Zhang liangruixiao, beside him, said with a low smile: "boss, it seems that the blue is still tender! Aren't you going to save the beauty with a hero? "

Qi Tianlong glanced at him and said, "compared with her, you are far from good. Not only did her fighting will not be reduced but also improved. This war is not over yet. Even if Xu Yanmo can defeat her, it is impossible not to pay the price. And don't forget, before, LAN was a wild dragon. Even the Dragon Power quench body is into Fenglong city after the start of training. Ten years later, I'm afraid no one else will be her opponent in the next dragon race. At that time, I, Xu Yanmo and Tang lengxuan had been promoted to God level. As for who will go further in the future, it is hard to say. "

Zhang Liang ruixiao was surprised and said, "can she compare with you?"

Qi Tianlong nodded slightly, "even more potential. Just before they collided, didn't you notice that Xu Yanmo's light element was affected in the sound of "she"? This means that Xu Yanmo is suppressed by her blood and breath. You also know Xu Yan's blood. And the level of blood means the potential of our dragon clan. "