Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1157

Hu Hongyu is ready to take the same tactics as a millstone. He uses his strength to slowly consume his opponent's dragon power, and wins the final victory by virtue of his own advantages in attribute and dragon power.

But he did not expect, blue Xuanyu in the beginning of the game, unexpectedly chose to take off, fly into the air. Instead of direct frontal attack, there is no exploratory attack.

What surprised him even more was that, under his gaze, LAN Xuanyu was already in the golden room. He shook his body and revealed the real "body" of the Golden Dragon King in the air.

In fact, the upper dragon clan prefers to fight in human form. For the powerful upper dragon clan, there is no big difference between human form and dragon form in attack and defense. However, human form is much more flexible because of its small body, which is more conducive to various battles. Only when you use some special combat methods, or if you have to release your innate abilities with noumenon, can you choose that.

LAN Xuanyu showed his noumenon as soon as he came up. What surprised Hu Hongyu was that he was more alert and confused. The multicolored light suddenly became more intense. And the next moment, the blue Xuanyu in the air has turned back, whistling with the strong wind, diving down, straight to him to launch the impact.

Although LAN Xuanyu was not the biggest dragon race in the competition, his huge body was more than 30 meters long. He fell from the sky with great speed and strength.

Where did Hu Hongyu know that for the human soul division, the combat effectiveness can almost double when the real body of the martial spirit is displayed. This is quite different from the dragon people. Therefore, the real state of the soul of blue Xuanyu, is the strongest.

It was because of Hu Hongyu's strength that the battle began. LAN Xuanyu unreservedly released his own martial spirit, just for quick victory.

Hu Hongyu's Dragon spear was pointed at the air, and his colorful light was blooming. It turned into a huge colorful light column and bombarded the air to meet LAN Xuanyu's huge body.

In his opinion, the dragon clan is so huge that it is impossible to dodge the attack of Kaiguang. He did not understand why LAN Xuanyu would change the cost body, but in his opinion, this is absolutely a failure! If you lose flexibility, you will become your target?

In the attack at the same time, his foot is already a piece of water light, with him to quickly slide to the side, avoid LAN Xuanyu's frontal attack.

But what surprised him happened. At the moment when his colorful light column just shot out from the Dragon gun, the giant golden dragon suddenly made a rolling action to the side. This action is very strange. The Golden Dragon's wings were folded on both sides of the body, and turned to the side for three times, reaching 1080 degrees. This one tumbled and went out for several tens of meters. Then the wings suddenly opened again, and the golden awns spewed from behind, which not only did not affect the speed of the dive, but also speeded up a little bit. And it was in the direction of his own glide.

The multicolored light column passed through the air for the first time, and it didn't fall on LAN Xuanyu. It was completely dodged. And the giant golden dragon is close at hand.

Shocked, Hu Hongyu quickly grasped the middle part of his dragon gun with both hands. The Dragon gun revolved in front of him, and the colorful light broke out again and turned into a huge colorful light shield. Stand in front of yourself.

He has full confidence in his own attributes. He is not afraid of his opponents. The only thing to guard against is the strong shock.

But he has learned from yesterday's blue Xuanyu's opponent that some situations, that kind of concussion attack means, blue Xuanyu also can't continue to use. After one use, it also takes time to recover.

Therefore, as long as you can block the opponent's concussion, there will be a chance to win.

However, what surprised him again happened. Seeing the huge golden dragon coming down from the sky, it is about to collide with the colorful light. All of a sudden, the Golden Dragon seems to have encountered some kind of gravity, suddenly changes direction in mid air and suddenly falls down. The huge body hit the ground directly.

"Well?" Hu Hongyu was stunned. However, the huge golden body had already bounced up, and it was suddenly picked up in the next moment. The speed was incomparable, and it went directly behind him and crossed the colorful light shield of his frontal defense.

A huge body more than 30 meters long! At this time, the flexible one is just like a civet cat. What Hu Hongyu can do is to turn around in an instant and let the color light bloom.

However, there is still no attack behind him, and even when he turns around, he doesn't see his opponent. LAN Xuanyu seems to be missing out of thin air. He doesn't appear behind him at all.

This is

"Ang -" a startling dragon song suddenly sounded above his head. The terrifying mental shock made Hu Hongyu stiff as if he were petrified. The multicolored light on the body obviously has a lax trend.

The other dragon people who watched the game saw the air skills that dazzled them.

When LAN Xuanyu leaped over Hu Hongyu's head and fell behind him, before waiting for the landing, his wings suddenly flapped and his body rushed up. Therefore, Hu Hongyu did not see the existence of LAN Xuanyu after turning around.At this time, LAN Xuanyu has reached the top of his head, directly facing him is a golden dragon roar.

The power of blood blooms in the roar of the golden dragon, the huge pressure from the sky and the pressure brought by the force of blood itself. Even if Hu Hongyu's blood is not weak, his own cultivation is still above the blue Xuan Yu, also has been greatly affected.

At the same time, the giant golden dragon has fallen out of thin air, and its body rotates, and the right wing violently pulls to Hu Hongyu's body.

This time, it was Hu Hongyu who could not avoid it. His body was in a state of rigidity.

But at this time, the group's favorite also shows his own details. The color light suddenly burst out, and the original human body instantly inflated, just like a colorful light ball suddenly propped up.

With a dull sound of "bang", Hu Hongyu's body was whipped out, but when he was in the air, he already showed his own color light five element dragon.

It can be clearly seen that large scales were broken under the attack of the Golden Dragon Wings, and the violent shock made his blood light burst out. However, he suddenly showed the noumenon, but avoided the key. He was whipped on the right shoulder and the Dragon Wing.

Naturally, mieshenzhen was not polite to inject, but this time LAN Xuanyu found that the color light on his opponent played an excellent defensive role. Based on the light element, the five elements biochemistry as a solid shield, completely in the state of stress reaction, blocked most of the destructive power of mieshenzhen. Although it is still in a mess, it has not been fatally hurt. It's just that the Dragon Wing on the right side has softened, so it's obviously very difficult to fly.

But in the next moment, Hu Hongyu is not half a pause, toward blue Xuanyu spray a colorful light.

This breath was an attack he launched without half a pause even though he was suffering from severe trauma.

The strongest point is often also the weakest point. When LAN Xuanyu launches the mieshen earthquake, it is also when he himself has to bear the side effects of mieshenzhen. As a spectator of the previous games and today's opponent. Hu Hongyu grasped this point very accurately.

He is a wild dragon, not attached to other families. Relying on snatching resources to make up for the lack of support behind the strength, the number of battles experienced is much more than ordinary dragon clan. He has rich practical experience.