Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1149

LAN Xuanyu's eyes turned and did not pay attention to him. As the third from the bottom opponent in this competition, there is not much to pay attention to, just play.

After the dragon race had arrived in Qi, the silver light door opened again, and powerful figures came out. The dragon column rises and the Dragon Spirit rushes forward. The benefits from the gods are coming again.

When all of these ordinary deity level dragon clan appeared, a strong and familiar figure came out of the silver light door, and it was the black dinosaur Knight Rola.

The arrival of Luo La made the whole audience bow down, and all the Dragon families on the dragon power column also got up to salute him.

A huge dragon power column rose from the sky, pushing Luo lanthanum's body into the air above 50 meters. His eyes flow, directly fell on LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu bowed deeply in the direction of Luo La, a black dinosaur knight.

At this time, a figure came out of the silver door. All the dragon people got up again.

Dragon Knight? Another Dragon Knight?

Surrounded by blue light, the Dragon Knight looks very young, young and handsome, and his face is always full of sunshine flavor smile. This can be said to be the most serious Dragon Knight LAN Xuanyu has ever seen.

He just waved to the crowd at random, and then in the position of Luo La slightly back, the green light rose under his feet. The dragon power column pushed his body, and soon climbed to the height of the black dinosaur knight, but slightly lower.

Luo La turns to look at him, two people look at each other a smile, nodded to each other. It can be seen that their relationship is quite harmonious.

Bai XiuXiu was a little surprised and whispered in LAN Xuanyu's ear: "I don't know which Dragon Knight it is, but it's not as high as the ink dinosaur knight?"

Without waiting for LAN Xuanyu to open his mouth, Lin Zexuan, a shadow dragon not far from them, gave the answer.

"Proud dragon knight."

Proud Dragon Knight? The Lord of Aotian city. It is a rare existence of dragon knight and city Lord. Among the 18 Dragon Knights, they are relatively young. Of course, it's not as small as it looks. Most importantly, he is Xu Yanmo's teacher. Xu Yanmo is the seeded player of LAN Xuanyu's group.

The dragon power column under Aotian dragon knight is blue and blue, which is lighter than that of Luo La, the black dinosaur knight. It can be seen that he deliberately lags behind Luo La to show his respect for him. But in fact, this is still in the ranking of the black dinosaur Knight Rola.

Of all the 18 Dragon Knights, it ranked sixth.

Luo La's qualification is older than him, and long Chaoyang, the proud Dragon Knight, has also received the favor of Luo La. Therefore, when he has Luo La, he will always be modest.

Two clear eyes in the next moment also fell on blue Xuanyu, suddenly make blue Xuanyu feel pressure. The eyes look at the nose and the nose at the mouth, and no longer look up. There is no doubt that he is being noticed by the proud dragon knight.

Don't ask LAN Xuan Yu can guess, it must be Xu Yanmo back, to his teacher reported about their own situation. Today, he even provoked the proud Dragon Knight out. To observe yourself?

Xu Yan Mo had already bowed deeply to the direction of Ao Tian Long knight and saluted the teacher.

Long Chaoyang also smiles and waves to him.

Dragon Chaoyang, the proud Dragon Knight, has no offspring or even a partner. It is rare among many Dragon Knights. Xu Yanmo has always been regarded as his son. He has a close relationship, so there is no need to say much about it.

The two Dragon Knights' dragon power column releases a strong and incomparable dragon spirit. It was even better than the first day. But today, Luo La did not help LAN Xuanyu guide. A guide is a reward. Too much guidance is contrary to his lofty status as a dragon knight.

LAN Xuanyu at this time a "quiet" appearance, but in fact is trying to absorb the Dragon Spirit in the air, condense Jackie Chan's strength liquid and store it. Such a good opportunity is rare! If the Dragon Knights come to watch every day, it's the best.

"Before the start of the third round of the dragon race, something has been announced." A god level dragon clan who looks like a middle-aged man floats down from the dragon power column.

The dragon power column is very high, 20 meters away. He is a real God level strong man.

The young generation of the dragon race, who participated in the competition, stood up and respectfully faced the speaker.

The real God of the Dragon nationality turned his eyes to the direction of the third theater and said in a deep voice: "in yesterday's competition, shaoxiu, which belongs to the third theater, died in the battle. After the judgment of the trial group. During the battle with shaoxiu, LAN fought back with all his strength under the threat of his life, resulting in his death. We hereby report to the whole clan and criticize once. Give serious warning. If there are repeated offenses, they will be eliminated from the dragon competition and punished by fenglongcheng. At the same time, I also remind you that in the process of competition, you are all facing your own people, friendship first, competition second. No more casualties. "

Criticism once, serious warning! It sounds fierce, but in fact, there is no actual punishment. That is to say, yesterday's blue attack on shaoxiu was so exposed that it did not affect LAN Xuanyu's next game.After listening to the announcement of the real God of the dragon race, the dragon race on the stage of dragon race suddenly had some disturbance. There was a lot of discussion.

As we all know, it is unlikely to punish a superior dragon for the sake of a middle dragon. I didn't expect it would be so easy. In particular, most of the contestants in the third theater were very ugly. Only Xu Yanmo still looks as usual. Occasionally, when my eyes fall on LAN Xuanyu, I feel more excited. Strong opponents are the source of his excitement and what he really wants to face.

LAN Xuanyu bowed to the real God of the dragon clan and said nothing. In fact, there is no need to say much.

People with a clear eye can see why Luo La, the black dinosaur knight, came here today. There's this town. Even the proud dragon knight who ranked higher than him didn't say anything. They all took the initiative to accompany them. Who dare to say anything? The dignity of the Dragon Knight cannot be violated.

"Let's start the game." The sound of Luo La floats down from the high dragon power column.

The real God of the dragon clan turned around and bowed in the direction of him and the proud Dragon Knight long Chaoyang, and said, "yes."

"The round robin, the third round, the first theater, Teng Xiaopeng, against Yao Yicheng. World War II, Lin Tengyue, vs. Lin Jingchen. Zone 3, blue, vs. Zhou Yicheng. The fourth theater... "

The third theater, LAN Xuanyu is still the first to appear. Compared with the first two rounds, this time he has become the object of attention. Almost in an instant, everyone's eyes fell on him at the first time. It has become the focus of attention.

LAN Xuanyu walked slowly towards the battlefield of the third theater. Compared with the previous two days, he had some changes. The speed of moving forward is obviously slower than that of the previous two days, at least when walking. However, it was in this process that his breath began to climb.

The deep sound of dragon chant circled her body, and you could clearly see the faint golden dragon shaped light and shadow rising around his body. The most terrifying thing is that the fierce spirit rises with her every step. Under his feet, the golden halo was blooming, and the fierce breath was just like a terrifying beast that was about to come out of his body.

When he walked into the field, he slowly turned back to face Zhou Yicheng, who was covered with silver scales, and also followed him behind him, some of whom came trembling. His eyes were red with blood. Blood red, full of evil smell.