Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1143

Luo La, a black dinosaur knight, retorted to Huang Liangwei, the Holy Light Dragon Knight: "it is mediocre not to be envied. Can you do that when you took part in the dragon race? If you could, would you not do it? "

Huang Liangwei, the knight of the Holy Light dragon, has always been a strong character. He was really asked by Luo La. If it was him, would he not fight for it under the same circumstances? That's absolutely impossible. As long as the strength allows, he will even be more fierce than LAN Xuanyu.

Each victory is very important in the round robin phase. What's more, today there are two Dragon Knights sitting in the town, watching.

In the future, whether they can become Dragon Knights depends on the assessment. It is also very important to give the impression to the present Dragon Knights. After all, all 18 Dragon Knights will score them in the process of competition. It is necessary to obtain unanimous recognition in order to become a dragon knight. Therefore, in the round robin, the stronger the strength is, the harder the performance is. Without any reservation, try to defeat the opponent as fast as possible.

Just as LAN Xuanyu quickly defeated Lin Zexuan before, "her" combat strength left a deep impression on Huang Liangwei, a knight of the Holy Light dragon, who did not have a good impression on her, and changed her attitude slightly.

Today's round robin is five. Five games, full of play in the morning, before the curtain gradually came to an end.

There were many bloodstains left on the originally peaceful Shenglong platform, with the third theater having the most blood. The winner is naturally elated, and the loser is also rubbing his hands. After all, there are eight games ahead, and each of them has a chance.

"Well, that's all for today." Luo La, a black dinosaur knight, stands up from his dragon power pole. At the foot of the Dragon force column began to slowly shorten.

Around the other dragon race God level strong also one after another, each put up the dragon power column, followed the ink dinosaur knight, fell to the ground.

The huge silver light door opens again. Luo La looked at LAN Xuanyu, turned and went to the silver light door.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu has opened his eyes. With the disappearance of the dragon power column, the strong dragon spirit is also rapidly weakening.

In his and Bai XiuXiu's elixir fields, Longli liquid has been stored to the extent of almost overflowing.

They looked at each other with a smile and got up at the same time. Ignoring the strange eyes around them, they flew up and went back to their residence.

Huang Yuen Long hurried to keep up with him. He had good luck today. His opponent was not strong. He also won a victory. At this time, he was in a good mood. Even in the imagination, perhaps they can also enter the finals stage of the beautiful scene.

"Blue, you are really great today. Our tactics were a perfect success. Tomorrow XiuXiu will face Lin Zexuan. He must not be able to recover from such a heavy injury. If he is smart, he will definitely choose to admit defeat and have a rest day. Maybe houman may have another fight Huang Yuan Long said excitedly.

LAN Xuanyu said: "brother Huang, we have absorbed a lot of dragon Qi just now, and we are full of body. Close the door immediately after you go back. Please ask people not to disturb us. Until tomorrow before the start of the game

"No problem. Lord Luo La is quite satisfied with you today! I saw his eyes fall on you many times. And I'm in a good mood. " Huang Yuen Long naturally agreed. Now in his eyes, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are the future of the family. In the future, he will take over the position of patriarch. No matter from what angle to consider, now LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are family treasures.

Back to the residence, LAN Xuanyu first set up a blockade. Then with Bai XiuXiu, they quickly spread the space transmission and came to the partners' residence.

Seeing their arrival, everyone was pleased. LAN Xuanyu said: "there is no time to say more. There will be so much energy for you today that you will begin to receive it immediately. Then we have to go somewhere else. "

"Good." Naturally, no explanation was needed for their trust in him, and they sat down with their knees crossed.

LAN Xuanyu releases the treasure hunting beast. Under the stimulation of his blood, the dragon power liquid is immediately released.

The treasure hunting beast took a deep breath, and the faint color halo rose from its body. Under its guidance, the dragon power liquid turned into a light color light and fell on the people. This is obviously different from the previous transformation, which makes LAN Xuanyu look at it strangely.

"Master," explained the beast. Your energy intensity is too high this time. I think that although the effect is good, the absorption will be slower. I will directly convert these dragon power liquid into relatively thin spirit Qi for everyone to practice, and the effect will be better. Although it will be a little wasteful, but the promotion speed is the fastest. Anyway, aren't you able to absorb it tomorrow? You can also absorb some spirit of the spirit. This is good for your future breakthrough. The effect of repairing yourself is much better than that of dragon spirit. "

A listen to treasure hunt beast said it would be a bit wasteful, blue Xuan Yu mouth some smoke. When Bao says waste, it's not a waste. That's what happened when we were in eternal sky city. I'm afraid the sea god Pavilion owner who is distressed wants to kill himself. This time again.

However, Bao is right. There are still eight days left in the round robin. If you can absorb Longli liquid like today, then it will be a real waste if you don't consume all the Longli liquid absorbed on that day!"Good." LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu also sat down on their knees, absorbing the spirit of fairies with their partners.

This was the first time that they directly absorbed the spirit of the immortal, and felt different in a moment.

The spirit of the spirit is extremely pure, and it seems to be very soft when it enters the body. However, they soon find that the spirit of the spirit is not a pure energy, but any form of energy that can moisten their bodies. Both spiritual power, soul power and blood force are growing rapidly under the nourishment of the spirit spirit. More importantly, the essence of their own life seems to be changing imperceptibly.

You know, the spirit of fairies was once the exclusive possession of the divine world, which is almost impossible to see in the human world. Because of the special situation of treasure hunting animals, it is possible to transform natural materials and earth treasures into the spirit of immortals. It tried it when it was in senluoxing. It almost dried up the ice and fire there.

However, the nourishing effect of the spirit Qi on any creature can not be matched by any other energy. At this moment, blue Xuanyu they deeply feel the benefits.

The feeling of washing and moistening the whole body is really wonderful. In particular, they will have some hidden injuries that need to be repaired by themselves. At this time, with the nourishment of the spirit, these old wounds were almost wiped out in an instant. The whole person has a feeling of being sublimated.

However, this feeling process is a little short-lived.

When LAN Xuanyu felt that the storage of Longli liquid in his body was exhausted, he opened his eyes subconsciously.

He didn't notice the consumption rate of Longli liquid because it was too beautiful to bathe in the spirit. At this time, he found that it seemed that not much time had passed!

Looking for treasure, the beast's face was intoxicated with the breath of the last spirit, and its body not only became more condensed than before. And the whole body is emitting a light golden light.

"Po. Explain to me, I have so much Longli liquid, how can it be gone in 15 minutes? " LAN Xuanyu's icy voice wakes up the treasure hunting beast who is intoxicated.

The treasure hunter shivered and coughed, "master, you listen to me. Didn't I just say, it's a bit wasteful? At this level, it's not the same. "