Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1139

His physical endurance is far from being comparable to that of a fighter.

Speed? Under the support of pure strength, his speed can be as well, very! Come on!

Through the enemy's besieged area, LAN Xuanyu raised his head and sent out a loud and clear dragon chant. The huge golden light and shadow burst into bloom. Golden Dragon roar!

This move blue Xuanyu used in the previous battle, also used in the dragon. Lin Zexuan naturally knows.

However, it is one thing to know, and another to face it.

In a flash, Lin Zexuan only felt his blood as if solidified, and the twisted space around his body was suddenly broken. Showing the noumenon, the body is also stiff in an instant.

His tenacious fighting will and powerful fighting skills seem to have become useless at the moment when his blood is suppressed.

This is LAN Xuanyu's advantage against the strong dragon clan. The suppression of blood can often make the other party unable to give full play to its real strength. In particular, the opponent he is facing is still the middle dragon race, and the blood gap is even greater.

And in the other side's body stagnation, the moment that appears, blue Xuanyu has come back.

The Golden Dragon Wings fluttered. There was a strong roar in the air, and then, he was like a golden meteor, almost in front of each other in an instant.

Lin Zexuan's stiffness is just a moment, but when he recovers, LAN Xuan Yu is already close in front of him.

But his combat experience is really rich, even in such circumstances, he also made a quick response. The surrounding space twisted again, making his figure unreal. At the same time, wings flapping, a smart turn, in a small range to make their own move the most simple and fastest.

The 20 meter long body twisted and dodged, while the right wing of the Dragon suddenly swung upward. However, due to the weight of the body, there is no Dragon Wing to maintain natural descent. Clever defense, evasion, counterattack.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was really different from his previous rivals.

LAN Xuanyu came from here. He didn't dodge. The body almost instantly completed a bending. A bend that completely violates the principle of mechanics.

If we carefully analyze LAN Xuanyu's movements, it is when he rushes to Lin Zexuan, his wings suddenly stand up and snap forward, which makes his originally fierce forward speed stop suddenly. My body has completely withstood the impact. Then the body rotates and the Dragon Wings sweep.

The golden scales on his body suddenly became bright. On the sweeping wings of the dragon, the scales reflected the light like a mirror.

"Bang --"

the two Dragon Wings collided fiercely. The last situation Lin Zexuan wants to face is still emerging. The collision of power!

In a flash, Lin Zexuan only felt a slight shock from his right wing. Yes, there seems to be only a slight shock. But the next moment, from the scale began, the shock quickly amplified, straight to the body. Through the place, scales, bones, meridians, flesh and blood, inch inch fragmentation.

LAN Xuanyu's body, which was quenched by the dragon power and quenched by the quenched thunder, was so terrible. Besides, the ability of Jinba is more important. Instantly completed the process of unloading, borrowing and fighting. It's equivalent to uniting with the strength of one's own and the other's. The other side of the attack.

That shock, he is constantly using the quench God ray to quench his own understanding.

It can't be used easily to avoid being seen. So, in the dragon race, he will inevitably encounter a strong opponent, and how to face it?

After repeated attempts, LAN Xuanyu has developed another way to use it. It's even more terrifying than the original thunder.

It's similar to palm thunder. The power of annihilating God ray is contained in his blood. It's like when you quench your body with the quench God ray. In this case, LAN Xuanyu attacks in the place where it has been tempered. The thunder will explode inside him.

The terrifying power of divine thunder will instantly enhance the refining effect to the extreme, thus producing a strong explosive force. This explosion can transmit the power to kill the thunder, but it has no attribute characteristics. It's just pure explosive power. That is to say, LAN Xuanyu is equal to the power of his own terror, plus the explosive force of killing God thunder.

This way of fighting, for normal creatures, is no different from suicide. You blow yourself up first and then others.

But LAN Xuanyu's body strength is not the same! His body is strong enough to withstand the destruction of the thunder. Because that's how you practice all the time. Although it will also be affected, the restoration of dragon Qi will come immediately. As long as there is enough dragon Qi to repair, he can fight in this way.

Is there little dragon spirit? Dantian just made a pile of liquid it.

Today, this is LAN Xuanyu's first attempt after developing this fighting method, which was used on Lin Zexuan, the unfortunate dragon.

The effect is better than expected. LAN Xuanyu's Dragon wings are violently shaken up, and he is also a little uncomfortable. Then he clearly saw that the Dragon Wings of the other side, starting from the position where they collided with themselves, were rapidly becoming soft. Yes, it softened. It's like internal dissolution. And quickly spread to each other's body.And at this time, Lin Zexuan showed that he can enter the round robin strong quality. He had almost no hesitation as he fell. The left front paw caught the root of his right Dragon Wing like lightning, and then tried his best to tear it.

"Si La" a harsh sound, blood light burst out, spray out. He actually pulled his right wing down.

At the same time, quickly release the claws. Let the dragon's wings fall.

But even so, there was still a trace of that terrible shock transmitted to him. A strange scene appeared, and the blood gushing out suddenly vibrated in the air and turned into blood ripples, like a wave shaking in the air.

The wound became bigger in an instant, and there were some broken bones in it.

In the hum, Lin Zexuan has fallen to the ground in an instant.

LAN Xuanyu sent out this blow, but it was not good. He barely controlled the trembling Dragon Wings, maintained his body and barely controlled his balance.

It's a little too fierce! Fierce himself can't continue to attack. This thing still can't be used easily! It has to be adjusted again.

He didn't make any effort just now. LAN Xuanyu supports Huang Yuen Long's plan. That is to say, after XiuXiu will be faced with the opponent disabled.

However, I didn't expect that the silence killing God thunder exploded in the body, and then the shock was so terrible. Even his body in the Golden Dragon King state has some difficulties. The Golden Dragon King's blood was violently shaken, and a large amount of dragon Qi penetrated into it. The whirlpool of blood whirlpool whirled violently, which gradually calmed down the shock.

After such an all-out strike, it took nearly ten seconds for LAN Xuanyu's right wing to recover completely. The flight returned to nature.

However, there is no need for another. If it wasn't for Lin Zexuan, it was quick enough. Just this time, he is likely to die.

His family knows his own affairs, and LAN Xuanyu knows how hard he is. However, the spectators can not see so many details! Even the dragon knight can only see that he used a special attack method to control his power. We can't see what the source of this shock is, only if it is exerted by pure force.

In the eyes of those dragon races, this battle can only be described in one word, that is fast!